A comment to explain how inet_send works with the EMSGSIZE case.
I almost made a very complicated and unneeded change instead of just leaving it as it is because I didn't think of this. So I want this to be here so everyone can understand how this works.
Removed unneccesary variable, Okay sorry, I know I am not giving that much information, But this is really just compilation fixes which I am using git for so I can send them to my testing machine.
I have done a LOT of work! I have changed the whole paradigm of the ntk console client and console bindings! I have changed it from peer to peer to server-client because there was no point doing it the other way, And that way was hard and I didn't really know what I was doing. I followed some IBM examples, And didn't try to extrapolate.
I have done a little bit of work trying to resolve some compilation errors, However, I cannot check if there are any compilation errors now because my root partition is full, again. My compiler needs to do something with /tmp so I can only see a portion of the error logs, All of which are warnings up until the no space error.
I will do some more testing and debugging on my other machine, Help is appreciated, Enjoy!
Wow! That was a lot of work! But, Netsukuku now has (or should have) a functioni
ng console with the bindings in ntkd to receive, process, and respond to command
s! Now, I just need to test stuff, And figure out how to deal with server_opt be
cause that is a type and not just a struct. Anyway, Enjoy!
Ugh! This console "should" work, But it doesn't! I tested the same thing and was able to get it to work in another file! Something about these functions and what ever is causing a segmentation fault! fgets is not setting request, Even though it does in my test file! Anyway, I'll keep working on this, However, I have been working on this for a while, I would appreciate any help anyone would like to give! Thank you for reading!
I've removed some stuff that wasn't really needed, Like that second thread, And I've added more uptime information, Along with some other stuff. This still produces a segmentation fault, Though, So, I will need to keep working/get help on and with this. Anyway, Thank you for reading!
Wow! I've done A LOT of work on the netsukuku console recently! I still haven't set up any way for ntkd to receive the commands, Or done much of anything in netsukuku itself recently except change some stuff in the exclude function to prevent possible errors if an interface had the same name up until the end of the one specified. I.E if it had tunl012, It wouldn't work because it had tunl0 in the beginning. Now, It will read from the entire length of the variable, And if it doesn't match it entirely, Then it is okay.
Anyway! The netsukuku console is almost ready! I just keep getting this weird issue around fgets() not working at all in console(). It causes the program to spam the > symbol. It functions in main()! However, After that, It has a segmentation fault. I've been trying everything I can think of, One thing made it not do a segmentation fault, However! The fgets() inside of console() still didn't work, So, It just spammed endlessly. Anyone who can, Please help! I've been working on this for a while! :/
The Netsukuku console has been mostly fixed, I've made A LOT of changes! However, I keep getting a weird segmentation fault about iogetline.c not being found or something. I can't find it on my system, Apparently it's part of some version of glibc. However, apt-file search didn't bring up any results when I searched for it, And glibc is installed already. Anyway, Any help would be appreciated! Thank you for reading!
The Netsukuku Console *should* work now! However! I have not set up anything inside of netsukuku to actually read and respond to these commands, So, It is useless currently. Please feel free to edit this or provide suggestions about things I may be doing wrong! I've never done IPC before! Thank you for reading! ^_^
I've been working on a console for netsukuku! As the exclude argument almost definitely works now, I can work on other things. I, Also, Will need a console for further testing of netsukuku, And of the exclude argument. If any of you can help, Or test, I would very much appreciate it if you were to do so! Thank you for reading. :)
Okay, There are some compilation errors, And, While the check_interfaces function will work, It will only work if the interface lists are already populated. Which, Doesn't seem to happen until after the argument section of netsukuku. I guess we will have to, Either, Call those functions somehow (In a way that won't cause them to be called twice, And, Thus, Create duplicates.), Or, Use the exclude_interfaces function. However, That function is probably sub-par, I don't know how well it will really work with the rest of netsukuku.
Much more work and testing is required, I will just comment this code out for now, I am going to look into the feasibility of porting netsukuku to windows.
I added a lot of stuff! I fully set up exclude_interface to ignore inactive interfaces, and optarg, Along with a small list of other interfaces. I did some bug fixing, And looked into how netsukuku sets it's interfaces by default, And added some stuff to deal with that too.
I, Also, Figured out that, The entire exclude_interface function is probably unnecessary, And can be fully replaced with just check_excluded, Which would be much simpler, Easier, And elegant. Along with the fact that, It will probably just work.
Added the beginnings of a function to check if a second exclude argument is excluding something that was already added into netsukuku's interface list, And removes it.
Oh, My, GOD! You may think I was just doing afk the past week or so, But, You'd be wrong, So, So, SO wrong. I've spent almost every day working as hard as I can on this commit here. It should work perfectly now, It should properly exclude interfaces, And, It should automatically exclude inactive ones. More testing is needed, Especially testing of running the -e argument multiple times, I.E -e eth0 -e wlan0. Anyway, Thank you for reading, And for downloading.
Here is a vagrant file I have been testing with, You will have to use vde_switch in order to run netsukuku without being disconnected from ssh. Also, I've done some work on the exclude argument, I'm testing some goto stuff right now, I'm primarily pushing this for testing purposes across multiple devices.
I had to go to the official arch linux website and read through the package list to help someone, I, Also, Had to read on an arch linux wiki for the pacman command.
Everything should now be okay, Just, Don't leave any interfaces disabled. We still need to figure out how to handle excluding multiple interfaces, And for ignoring disabled ones.