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Yann Weber 7eb5d794b9 Bugfix of for huge instances count vor 8 Jahren
debian Updated README and debian package dependencies vor 8 Jahren
doc/img Add autyhentication/session flowcharts vor 8 Jahren
examples em_test bugfix vor 8 Jahren
globconf.d Add a new sttings validator + use it vor 8 Jahren
lodel multisite server optimisation vor 8 Jahren
lodelsites Bugfixe in deployment via autotools vor 8 Jahren
m4 Add a forgotten (not mandatory file) vor 8 Jahren
progs Add a slim option to modify instance's logger vor 8 Jahren
scripts Bugfix of for huge instances count vor 8 Jahren
tests Changes & bugfix in lodel.plugin.plugins vor 8 Jahren
.gitignore Bugfixes in autotools chain and in debian packages vor 8 Jahren
AUTHORS Configure autotools for distributing lodel2 vor 8 Jahren
COPYING Configure autotools for distributing lodel2 vor 8 Jahren
ChangeLog Configure autotools for distributing lodel2 vor 8 Jahren
Doxyfile Doxygen documentation update vor 8 Jahren
INSTALL Configure autotools for distributing lodel2 vor 8 Jahren Bugfixes in create_instance and in all runtest process vor 8 Jahren
NEWS Configure autotools for distributing lodel2 vor 8 Jahren
README Updated the README with a slim --set-logger option example vor 8 Jahren Configure autotools for distributing lodel2 vor 8 Jahren Moved plugins folder in lodel/ vor 8 Jahren em_test bugfix vor 8 Jahren
requirements.txt Updated the requirements file vor 8 Jahren Uncomment rm in runtest vor 8 Jahren


Dependencies :

lodel2 components :
core :
python3 python3-lxml

build dependencies :
autoconf automake make

webui plugin :
python3-jinja2 python3-werkzeug uwsgi-plugin-python3

mongodb_datasource plugin :

lodel2 utils :
mass_deploy dependencies :
pwgen wamerican mongodb-clients

Build & install :

./ #generate the configure, refresh the files
#--prefix=/usr is mandatory on debian because of a python3.4.2 bug
./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --prefix=/usr
#build lodel2 (actually substitute paths script and files)
#Install lodel2 on system
make install
#Uninstall lodel2
make uninstall

Creating debian package :

make deb

Other make targets :

Doxygen documentation generation :
make doxygen

Run unit tests :

make check
make unittest

Cleaning to stop being annoyed when running git status :

make gitclean

Lodel2 instance management utilities :
NOTE: You have to run in root to use this below
SLIM : Simple Lodel Instance Manager

- create a new instance named foo :
slim -n foo -c

- list instances :
slim -l

- list instances with details :
slim -lv[v[v]]

- list instances with output formated for bash processing :
slim -l -b [-v[v[v]]

- run make all for instance foo :
slim -n foo -m

- run make for all existing instances :
slim --all -m

- start an instance in forground
slim -n foo --start -f

- start all instances :
slim -a --start

- generate a nginx conf for all instances :
slim -a --nginx-conf

- set logger to warning level and log in file :
slim -a -s --set-logger test:WARNING:/var/log/lodel2/%l.%s.log

- get some help for more options & actions :
slim -h :
Use for easy mass deployment of instances with webui & uwsgi
the script at $prefix/share/lodel2/scripts/

Usage :
#with N the number of instances to deploy N

Notes :

- configuration can be found in /etc/lodel2/mass_deploy.cfg
to indicate mongodb admin credentials

- mass deploy create instances directories
in /tmp/lodel2_instances

Mass deployments tricks & tips:

Mass deployment on fresh install :

#Install nginx & mongodb
apt-get install nginx mongodb-server mongodb-clients
#choose your credential
export mongoadmin="admin"; export mongopass="pass";
#Disable auth to be able to connect to mongodb
sed -ie 's/^#noauth = /noauth = /' /etc/mongodb.conf
#Add an admin user to mongodb
echo -e "use admin\ndb.addUser('$mongoadmin', '$mongopass')\nexit\n"|mongo
#Reactivate auth
sed -i -e 's/^noauth = /#noauth =/' -e 's/^#auth = /auth =/' /etc/mongodb.conf
#Test connection
echo "exit" | mongo --quiet -u $mongoadmin -p $mongopass admin && echo "Connection ok" || echo "connection fails"
#Indicate mongodb credentials to mass_deploy
echo -e "MONGODB_ADMIN_USER='$mongoadmin'\nMONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD='$mongopass'\n" >> /etc/lodel2/mass_deploy.cfg
#Deploying 50 instances
#Running mass_deploy
/usr/share/lodel2/scripts/mass_deploy $NINSTANCE

# for standalone instructions see bellow

#Updating nginx conf (delete /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default if exists)
slim --nginx-conf -a > /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lodel2
/etc/init.d/nginx reload
#Start all instances and check if they managed to start
slim --start -a && sleep 2 && slim -l


#Configure nginx & restart it
export lodel2_install_dir="/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages";
export my_ip=$(hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1)
echo -e "server {\n\tlisten 80 default_server;\n\tlisten [::]:80 default_server;\n\tlocation / {\n\t\tproxy_pass http://$my_ip:1337/;\n\t}\n\t\n\tlocation /static/ {\n\t\talias $lodel2_install_dir/lodel/plugins/webui/templates/;\n\t}\n\t\n}\n" > /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
/etc/init.d/nginx restart
#Build dyncode for instances
slim -a -m
#Copy the multisite loader in lodel instances root folder
cp /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lodel/plugins/multisite/ /tmp/lodel2_instances/
cd /tmp/lodel2_instances/
#Start the server
#Now you can access to the app in HTTP via nginx throught port 80
#or directly via the python server throught the port 1337

Cleaning mongodb + instances :

slim --purge && /usr/share/lodel2/scripts/mass_deploy purgedb ; slim -l

Debuging an instance in foreground (if it didn't manage to start) :

slim --start -f -n INSTANCE_NAME

Instance operations :

- Two utils are available for instances operations :
* Make for op without parameters
* for op with parameters

- Makefile available target :
# Leapi dynamic code creation ( in in lodel2
#instance root dir)
make dyncode

# Call migration handlers to tell them to init all needed
#databases. (note : this target has dyncode as dependencie)
make init_db
make list_hooks # List all the hooks registered

- : see -h

# Following informations can be obsolete #

Dynamic code generation :
python3 scripts/ examples/em_test.pickle

Instance creation :
Use the script in scripts/

Usage : scripts/ instance_name instance_dir [lodel_libdir]

Instance loader uppdate :
If the install/ is updated you can update instance's using
scripts/ -u INSTANCE_PATH