+---------+ | SndPipe | +---------+ Send STDIN to sound card using SDL. Dependencies : ============== - SDL2, but SDL1 support should be implemented in the future. - make - gcc - python3 (for 8bit synth test) Build instructions : ==================== make * Debug build : --------------- DEBUG=1 make * Specify SDL version : ----------------------- SDL=1 make #or SDL=2 make Getting some help : =================== ./sndpipe -h Generating sounds : =================== * White noise : --------------- ./sndpipe < /dev/urandom * Sinwaves : ------------ python3 examples/sin.py | ./sndpipe python3 examples/sin.py -B16 -S | ./sndpipe -B16 -S python3 examples/sin.py -B32 -S | ./sndpipe -B32