rpnifs fast IFS using RPN notation : ==================================== Provides : ---------- - C library for parameterized RPN expression JIT compilation and evaluation - C library for handling IFS (composed of JIT RPN expressions) - C library for RPN expression random mutation - Python bindings : pyrpn Python module (pyrpn.so) More details on Python module by running : make && python3 -c "import pyrpn; help(pyrpn)" More details on C API see Doxygen documentation. Dependencies : -------------- - gcc - nasm - ld - python3 - python3 headers Documentation : - doxygen - git Compilation : ------------- make Doxygen documentation : ----------------------- make doc www-browser doc/html/index.html Running self tests and benchmark : ---------------------------------- make checks Debugging : ----------- make clean DEBUG=1 make DEBUG=1 make check