123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886 |
- object# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import re
- import warnings
- import copy
- import functools
- from bson.son import SON
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import pymongo
- from pymongo.errors import BulkWriteError
- from lodel.context import LodelContext
- LodelContext.expose_modules(globals(), {
- 'lodel.logger': 'logger',
- 'lodel.leapi.leobject': ['CLASS_ID_FIELDNAME'],
- 'lodel.leapi.datahandlers.base_classes': ['Reference', 'MultipleRef'],
- 'lodel.exceptions': ['LodelException', 'LodelFatalError'],
- 'lodel.plugin.datasource_plugin': ['AbstractDatasource']})
- from . import utils
- from .exceptions import *
- from .utils import object_collection_name, collection_name, \
- MONGODB_SORT_OPERATORS_MAP, connection_string, mongo_fieldname
- ##@brief Datasource class
- #@ingroup plugin_mongodb_datasource
- class MongoDbDatasource(AbstractDatasource):
- ##@brief Stores existing connections
- #
- #The key of this dict is a hash of the connection string + ro parameter.
- #The value is a dict with 2 keys :
- # - conn_count : the number of instanciated datasource that use this
- #connection
- # - db : the pymongo database object instance
- _connections = dict()
- ##@brief Mapping from lodel2 operators to mongodb operator
- lodel2mongo_op_map = {
- '=':'$eq', '<=':'$lte', '>=':'$gte', '!=':'$ne', '<':'$lt',
- '>':'$gt', 'in':'$in', 'not in':'$nin' }
- ##@brief List of mongodb operators that expect re as value
- mongo_op_re = ['$in', '$nin']
- wildcard_re = re.compile('[^\\\\]\*')
- ##@brief instanciates a database object given a connection name
- #@param host str : hostname or IP
- #@param port int : mongodb listening port
- #@param db_name str
- #@param username str
- #@param password str
- #@param read_only bool : If True the Datasource is for read only, else the
- #Datasource is write only !
- def __init__(self, host, port, db_name, username, password, read_only = False):
- ##@brief Connections infos that can be kept securly
- self.__db_infos = {'host': host, 'port': port, 'db_name': db_name}
- ##@brief Is the instance read only ? (if not it's write only)
- self.__read_only = bool(read_only)
- ##@brief Uniq ID for mongodb connection
- self.__conn_hash= None
- ##@brief Stores the database cursor
- self.database = self.__connect(
- username, password, db_name, self.__read_only)
- ##@brief Destructor that attempt to close connection to DB
- #
- #Decrease the conn_count of associated MongoDbDatasource::_connections
- #item. If it reach 0 close the connection to the db
- #@see MongoDbDatasource::__connect()
- def __del__(self):
- self._connections[self.__conn_hash]['conn_count'] -= 1
- if self._connections[self.__conn_hash]['conn_count'] <= 0:
- self._connections[self.__conn_hash]['db'].close()
- del(self._connections[self.__conn_hash])
- logger.info("Closing connection to database")
- ##@brief Provide a new uniq numeric ID
- #@param emcomp LeObject subclass (not instance) : To know on wich things we
- #have to be uniq
- #@warning multiple UID broken by this method
- #@return an integer
- def new_numeric_id(self, emcomp):
- target = emcomp.uid_source()
- tuid = target._uid[0] # Multiple UID broken here
- results = self.select(
- target, field_list = [tuid], filters = [],
- order=[(tuid, 'DESC')], limit = 1)
- if len(results) == 0:
- return 1
- return results[0][tuid]+1
- ##@brief returns a selection of documents from the datasource
- #@param target Emclass
- #@param field_list list
- #@param filters list : List of filters
- #@param relational_filters list : List of relational filters
- #@param order list : List of column to order. ex: order =
- #[('title', 'ASC'),]
- #@param group list : List of tupple representing the column used as
- #"group by" fields. ex: group = [('title', 'ASC'),]
- #@param limit int : Number of records to be returned
- #@param offset int: used with limit to choose the start record
- #@return list
- #@todo Implement group for abstract LeObject childs
- def select(self, target, field_list, filters = None,
- relational_filters=None, order=None, group=None, limit=None,
- offset=0):
- if target.is_abstract():
- #Reccursiv calls for abstract LeObject child
- results = self.__act_on_abstract(target, filters,
- relational_filters, self.select, field_list = field_list,
- order = order, group = group, limit = limit)
- #Here we may implement the group
- #If sorted query we have to sort again
- if order is not None:
- key_fun = functools.cmp_to_key(
- self.__generate_lambda_cmp_order(order))
- results = sorted(results, key=key_fun)
- #If limit given apply limit again
- if offset > len(results):
- results = list()
- else:
- if limit is not None:
- if limit + offset > len(results):
- limit = len(results)-offset-1
- results = results[offset:offset+limit]
- return results
- # Default behavior
- if filters is None:
- filters = list()
- if relational_filters is None:
- relational_filters = list()
- collection_name = object_collection_name(target)
- collection = self.database[collection_name]
- query_filters = self.__process_filters(
- target, filters, relational_filters)
- query_result_ordering = None
- if order is not None:
- query_result_ordering = utils.parse_query_order(order)
- if group is None:
- if field_list is None:
- field_list = dict()
- else:
- f_list=dict()
- for fl in field_list:
- f_list[fl] = 1
- field_list = f_list
- field_list['_id'] = 0
- cursor = collection.find(
- spec = query_filters,
- fields=field_list,
- skip=offset,
- limit=limit if limit != None else 0,
- sort=query_result_ordering)
- else:
- pipeline = list()
- unwinding_list = list()
- grouping_dict = OrderedDict()
- sorting_list = list()
- for group_param in group:
- field_name = group_param[0]
- field_sort_option = group_param[1]
- sort_option = MONGODB_SORT_OPERATORS_MAP[field_sort_option]
- unwinding_list.append({'$unwind': '$%s' % field_name})
- grouping_dict[field_name] = '$%s' % field_name
- sorting_list.append((field_name, sort_option))
- sorting_list.extends(query_result_ordering)
- pipeline.append({'$match': query_filters})
- if field_list is not None:
- pipeline.append({
- '$project': SON([{field_name: 1}
- for field_name in field_list])})
- pipeline.extend(unwinding_list)
- pipeline.append({'$group': grouping_dict})
- pipeline.extend({'$sort': SON(sorting_list)})
- if offset > 0:
- pipeline.append({'$skip': offset})
- if limit is not None:
- pipeline.append({'$limit': limit})
- results = list()
- for document in cursor:
- results.append(document)
- return results
- ##@brief Deletes records according to given filters
- #@param target Emclass : class of the record to delete
- #@param filters list : List of filters
- #@param relational_filters list : List of relational filters
- #@return int : number of deleted records
- def delete(self, target, filters, relational_filters):
- if target.is_abstract():
- logger.debug("Delete called on %s filtered by (%s,%s). Target is \
- abstract, preparing reccursiv calls" % (target, filters, relational_filters))
- #Deletion with abstract LeObject as target (reccursiv calls)
- return self.__act_on_abstract(target, filters,
- relational_filters, self.delete)
- logger.debug("Delete called on %s filtered by (%s,%s)." % (
- target, filters, relational_filters))
- #Non abstract beahavior
- mongo_filters = self.__process_filters(
- target, filters, relational_filters)
- #Updating backref before deletion
- self.__update_backref_filtered(target, filters, relational_filters,
- None)
- res = self.__collection(target).remove(mongo_filters)
- return res['n']
- ##@brief updates records according to given filters
- #@param target Emclass : class of the object to insert
- #@param filters list : List of filters
- #@param relational_filters list : List of relational filters
- #@param upd_datas dict : datas to update (new values)
- #@return int : Number of updated records
- def update(self, target, filters, relational_filters, upd_datas):
- self._data_cast(upd_datas)
- #fetching current datas state
- mongo_filters = self.__process_filters(
- target, filters, relational_filters)
- old_datas_l = self.__collection(target).find(
- mongo_filters)
- old_datas_l = list(old_datas_l)
- #Running update
- res = self.__update_no_backref(target, filters, relational_filters,
- upd_datas)
- #updating backref
- self.__update_backref_filtered(target, filters, relational_filters,
- upd_datas, old_datas_l)
- return res
- ##@brief Designed to be called by backref update in order to avoid
- #infinite updates between back references
- #@see update()
- def __update_no_backref(self, target, filters, relational_filters,
- upd_datas):
- logger.debug("Update called on %s filtered by (%s,%s) with datas \
- %s" % (target, filters, relational_filters, upd_datas))
- if target.is_abstract():
- #Update using abstract LeObject as target (reccursiv calls)
- return self.__act_on_abstract(target, filters,
- relational_filters, self.update, upd_datas = upd_datas)
- #Non abstract beahavior
- mongo_filters = self.__process_filters(
- target, filters, relational_filters)
- self._data_cast(upd_datas)
- mongo_arg = {'$set': upd_datas }
- res = self.__collection(target).update(mongo_filters, mongo_arg)
- return res['n']
- ## @brief Inserts a record in a given collection
- # @param target Emclass : class of the object to insert
- # @param new_datas dict : datas to insert
- # @return the inserted uid
- def insert(self, target, new_datas):
- self._data_cast(new_datas)
- logger.debug("Insert called on %s with datas : %s"% (
- target, new_datas))
- uidname = target.uid_fieldname()[0] #MULTIPLE UID BROKEN HERE
- if uidname not in new_datas:
- raise MongoDataSourceError("Missing UID data will inserting a new \
- %s" % target.__class__)
- res = self.__collection(target).insert(new_datas)
- self.__update_backref(target, new_datas[uidname], None, new_datas)
- return str(res)
- ## @brief Inserts a list of records in a given collection
- # @param target Emclass : class of the objects inserted
- # @param datas_list list : list of dict
- # @return list : list of the inserted records' ids
- def insert_multi(self, target, datas_list):
- for datas in datas_list:
- self._data_cast(datas)
- res = self.__collection(target).insert_many(datas_list)
- for new_datas in datas_list:
- self.__update_backref(target, None, new_datas)
- target.make_consistency(datas=new_datas)
- return list(res.inserted_ids)
- ##@brief Update backref giving an action
- #@param target leObject child class
- #@param filters
- #@param relational_filters,
- #@param new_datas None | dict : optional new datas if None mean we are deleting
- #@param old_datas_l None | list : if None fetch old datas from db (usefull
- #when modifications are made on instance before updating backrefs)
- #@return nothing (for the moment
- def __update_backref_filtered(self, target,
- filters, relational_filters, new_datas = None, old_datas_l = None):
- #Getting all the UID of the object that will be deleted in order
- #to update back_references
- if old_datas_l is None:
- mongo_filters = self.__process_filters(
- target, filters, relational_filters)
- old_datas_l = self.__collection(target).find(
- mongo_filters)
- old_datas_l = list(old_datas_l)
- uidname = target.uid_fieldname()[0] #MULTIPLE UID BROKEN HERE
- for old_datas in old_datas_l:
- self.__update_backref(
- target, old_datas[uidname], old_datas, new_datas)
- ##@brief Update back references of an object
- #@ingroup plugin_mongodb_bref_op
- #
- #old_datas and new_datas arguments are set to None to indicate
- #insertion or deletion. Calls examples :
- #@par LeObject insert __update backref call
- #<pre>
- #Insert(datas):
- # self.make_insert(datas)
- # self.__update_backref(self.__class__, None, datas)
- #</pre>
- #@par LeObject delete __update backref call
- #Delete()
- # old_datas = self.datas()
- # self.make_delete()
- # self.__update_backref(self.__class__, old_datas, None)
- #@par LeObject update __update_backref call
- #<pre>
- #Update(new_datas):
- # old_datas = self.datas()
- # self.make_udpdate(new_datas)
- # self.__update_backref(self.__class__, old_datas, new_datas)
- #</pre>
- #
- #@param target LeObject child classa
- #@param tuid mixed : The target UID (the value that will be inserted in
- #back references)
- #@param old_datas dict : datas state before update
- #@param new_datas dict : datas state after the update process
- #retun None
- def __update_backref(self, target, tuid, old_datas, new_datas):
- #upd_dict is the dict that will allow to run updates in an optimized
- #way (or try to help doing it)
- #
- #It's struct looks like :
- # { LeoCLASS : {
- # UID1: (
- # { fname1 : value, fname2: value }),
- # UID2 (LeoINSTANCE, {fname...}),
- # },
- # LeoClass2: {...
- #
- upd_dict = {}
- for fname, fdh in target.reference_handlers().items():
- oldd = old_datas is not None and fname in old_datas and \
- (not hasattr(fdh, 'default') or old_datas[fname] != fdh.default) \
- and not old_datas[fname] is None
- newd = new_datas is not None and fname in new_datas and \
- (not hasattr(fdh, 'default') or new_datas[fname] != fdh.default) \
- and not new_datas[fname] is None
- if (oldd and newd and old_datas[fname] == new_datas[fname])\
- or not(oldd or newd):
- #No changes or not concerned
- continue
- bref_cls = fdh.back_reference[0]
- bref_fname = fdh.back_reference[1]
- if not fdh.is_singlereference():
- #fdh is a multiple ref. So the update preparation will be
- #divided into two loops :
- #- one loop for deleting old datas
- #- one loop for inserting updated datas
- #
- #Preparing the list of values to delete or to add
- if newd and oldd:
- old_values = old_datas[fname]
- new_values = new_datas[fname]
- to_del = [ val
- for val in old_values
- if val not in new_values]
- to_add = [ val
- for val in new_values
- if val not in old_values]
- elif oldd and not newd:
- to_del = old_datas[fname]
- to_add = []
- elif not oldd and newd:
- to_del = []
- to_add = new_datas[fname]
- #Calling __back_ref_upd_one_value() with good arguments
- for vtype, vlist in [('old',to_del), ('new', to_add)]:
- for value in vlist:
- #fetching backref infos
- bref_infos = self.__bref_get_check(
- bref_cls, value, bref_fname)
- #preparing the upd_dict
- upd_dict = self.__update_backref_upd_dict_prepare(
- upd_dict, bref_infos, bref_fname, value)
- #preparing updated bref_infos
- bref_cls, bref_leo, bref_dh, bref_value = bref_infos
- bref_infos = (bref_cls, bref_leo, bref_dh,
- upd_dict[bref_cls][value][1][bref_fname])
- vdict = {vtype: value}
- #fetch and store updated value
- new_bref_val = self.__back_ref_upd_one_value(
- fname, fdh, tuid, bref_infos, **vdict)
- upd_dict[bref_cls][value][1][bref_fname] = new_bref_val
- else:
- #fdh is a single ref so the process is simpler, we do not have
- #to loop and we may do an update in only one
- #__back_ref_upd_one_value() call by giving both old and new
- #value
- vdict = {}
- if oldd:
- vdict['old'] = old_datas[fname]
- uid_val = vdict['old']
- if newd:
- vdict['new'] = new_datas[fname]
- if not oldd:
- uid_val = vdict['new']
- #Fetching back ref infos
- bref_infos = self.__bref_get_check(
- bref_cls, uid_val, bref_fname)
- #prepare the upd_dict
- upd_dict = self.__update_backref_upd_dict_prepare(
- upd_dict, bref_infos, bref_fname, uid_val)
- #forging update bref_infos
- bref_cls, bref_leo, bref_dh, bref_value = bref_infos
- bref_infos = (bref_cls, bref_leo, bref_dh,
- upd_dict[bref_cls][uid_val][1][bref_fname])
- #fetche and store updated value
- new_bref_val = self.__back_ref_upd_one_value(
- fname, fdh, tuid, bref_infos, **vdict)
- upd_dict[bref_cls][uid_val][1][bref_fname] = new_bref_val
- #Now we've got our upd_dict ready.
- #running the updates
- for bref_cls, uid_dict in upd_dict.items():
- for uidval, (leo, datas) in uid_dict.items():
- self.__update_no_backref(
- leo.__class__, [(leo.uid_fieldname()[0], '=', uidval)],
- [], datas)
- ##@brief Utility function designed to handle the upd_dict of
- #__update_backref()
- #
- #Basically checks if a key exists at some level, if not create it with
- #the good default value (in most case dict())
- #@param upd_dict dict : in & out args modified by reference
- #@param bref_infos tuple : as returned by __bref_get_check()
- #@param bref_fname str : name of the field in referenced class
- #@param uid_val mixed : the UID of the referenced object
- #@return the updated version of upd_dict
- @staticmethod
- def __update_backref_upd_dict_prepare(upd_dict,bref_infos, bref_fname,
- uid_val):
- bref_cls, bref_leo, bref_dh, bref_value = bref_infos
- if bref_cls not in upd_dict:
- upd_dict[bref_cls] = {}
- if uid_val not in upd_dict[bref_cls]:
- upd_dict[bref_cls][uid_val] = (bref_leo, {})
- if bref_fname not in upd_dict[bref_cls][uid_val]:
- upd_dict[bref_cls][uid_val][1][bref_fname] = bref_value
- return upd_dict
- ##@brief Prepare a one value back reference update
- #@param fname str : the source Reference field name
- #@param fdh DataHandler : the source Reference DataHandler
- #@param tuid mixed : the uid of the Leo that make reference to the backref
- #@param bref_infos tuple : as returned by __bref_get_check() method
- #@param old mixed : (optional **values) the old value
- #@param new mixed : (optional **values) the new value
- #@return the new back reference field value
- def __back_ref_upd_one_value(self, fname, fdh, tuid, bref_infos, **values):
- bref_cls, bref_leo, bref_dh, bref_val = bref_infos
- oldd = 'old' in values
- newdd = 'new' in values
- if bref_val is None:
- bref_val = bref_dh.empty()
- if not bref_dh.is_singlereference():
- if oldd and newdd:
- if tuid not in bref_val:
- raise MongoDbConsistencyError("The value we want to \
- delete in this back reference update was not found in the back referenced \
- object : %s. Value was : '%s'" % (bref_leo, tuid))
- return bref_val
- elif oldd and not newdd:
- #deletion
- old_value = values['old']
- if tuid not in bref_val:
- raise MongoDbConsistencyError("The value we want to \
- delete in this back reference update was not found in the back referenced \
- object : %s. Value was : '%s'" % (bref_leo, tuid))
- if isinstance(bref_val, tuple):
- bref_val = set(bref_val)
- if isinstance(bref_val, set):
- bref_val -= set([tuid])
- else:
- del(bref_val[bref_val.index(tuid)])
- elif not oldd and newdd:
- if tuid in bref_val:
- raise MongoDbConsistencyError("The value we want to \
- add in this back reference update was found in the back referenced \
- object : %s. Value was : '%s'" % (bref_leo, tuid))
- if isinstance(bref_val, tuple):
- bref_val = set(bref_val)
- if isinstance(bref_val, set):
- bref_val |= set([tuid])
- else:
- bref_val.append(tuid)
- else:
- #Single value backref
- if oldd and newdd:
- if bref_val != tuid:
- raise MongoDbConsistencyError("The backreference doesn't \
- have expected value. Expected was %s but found %s in %s" % (
- tuid, bref_val, bref_leo))
- return bref_val
- elif oldd and not newdd:
- #deletion
- if not hasattr(bref_dh, "default"):
- raise MongoDbConsistencyError("Unable to delete a \
- value for a back reference update. The concerned field don't have a default \
- value : in %s field %s" % (bref_leo,fname))
- bref_val = getattr(bref_dh, "default")
- elif not oldd and newdd:
- bref_val = tuid
- return bref_val
- ##@brief Fetch back reference informations
- #@warning thank's to __update_backref_act() this method is useless
- #@param bref_cls LeObject child class : __back_reference[0]
- #@param uidv mixed : UID value (the content of the reference field)
- #@param bref_fname str : the name of the back_reference field
- #@return tuple(bref_class, bref_LeObect_instance, bref_datahandler,
- #bref_value)
- #@throw MongoDbConsistencyError when LeObject instance not found given
- #uidv
- #@throw LodelFatalError if the back reference field is not a Reference
- #subclass (major failure)
- def __bref_get_check(self, bref_cls, uidv, bref_fname):
- bref_leo = bref_cls.get_from_uid(uidv)
- if bref_leo is None:
- raise MongoDbConsistencyError("Unable to get the object we make \
- reference to : %s with uid = %s" % (bref_cls, repr(uidv)))
- bref_dh = bref_leo.data_handler(bref_fname)
- if not bref_dh.is_reference():
- raise LodelFatalError("Found a back reference field that \
- is not a reference : '%s' field '%s'" % (bref_leo, bref_fname))
- bref_val = bref_leo.data(bref_fname)
- return (bref_leo.__class__, bref_leo, bref_dh, bref_val)
- ##@brief Act on abstract LeObject child
- #
- #This method is designed to be called by insert, select and delete method
- #when they encounter an abtract class
- #@param target LeObject child class
- #@param filters
- #@param relational_filters
- #@param act function : the caller method
- #@param **kwargs other arguments
- #@return sum of results (if it's an array it will result in a concat)
- #@todo optimization implementing a cache for __bref_get_check()
- def __act_on_abstract(self,
- target, filters, relational_filters, act, **kwargs):
- logger.debug("Abstract %s, running reccursiv select \
- on non abstract childs" % act.__name__)
- result = list() if act == self.select else 0
- if not target.is_abstract():
- target_childs = [target]
- else:
- target_childs = [tc for tc in target.child_classes()
- if not tc.is_abstract()]
- for target_child in target_childs:
- logger.debug(
- "Abstract %s on %s" % (act.__name__, target_child.__name__))
- #Add target_child to filter
- new_filters = copy.copy(filters)
- for i in range(len(filters)):
- fname, op, val = filters[i]
- if fname == CLASS_ID_FIELDNAME:
- logger.warning("Dirty drop of filter : '%s %s %s'" % (
- fname, op, val))
- del(new_filters[i])
- new_filters.append(
- collection_name(target_child.__name__)))
- result += act(
- target = target_child,
- filters = new_filters,
- relational_filters = relational_filters,
- **kwargs)
- return result
- ##@brief Connect to database
- #@note this method avoid opening two times the same connection using
- #MongoDbDatasource::_connections static attribute
- #@param username str
- #@param password str
- #@param ro bool : If True the Datasource is for read only, else the
- def __connect(self, username, password, db_name, ro):
- conn_string = connection_string(
- username = username, password = password,
- host = self.__db_infos['host'],
- port = self.__db_infos['port'],
- db_name = db_name,
- ro = ro)
- self.__conn_hash = conn_h = hash(conn_string)
- if conn_h in self._connections:
- self._connections[conn_h]['conn_count'] += 1
- return self._connections[conn_h]['db'][self.__db_infos['db_name']]
- else:
- logger.info("Opening a new connection to database")
- self._connections[conn_h] = {
- 'conn_count': 1,
- 'db': utils.connect(conn_string)}
- return self._connections[conn_h]['db'][self.__db_infos['db_name']]
- ##@brief Return a pymongo collection given a LeObject child class
- #@param leobject LeObject child class (no instance)
- #return a pymongo.collection instance
- def __collection(self, leobject):
- return self.database[object_collection_name(leobject)]
- ##@brief Perform subqueries implies by relational filters and append the
- # result to existing filters
- #
- #The processing is divided in multiple steps :
- # - determine (for each relational field of the target) every collection
- #that are involved
- # - generate subqueries for relational_filters that concerns a different
- #collection than target collection
- #filters
- # - execute subqueries
- # - transform subqueries results in filters
- # - merge subqueries generated filters with existing filters
- #
- #@param target LeObject subclass (no instance) : Target class
- #@param filters list : List of tuple(FIELDNAME, OP, VALUE)
- #@param relational_filters : same composition thant filters except that
- # FIELD is represented by a tuple(FIELDNAME, {CLASS1:RFIELD1,
- #@return a list of pymongo filters ( dict {FIELD:{OPERATOR:VALUE}} )
- def __process_filters(self,target, filters, relational_filters):
- # Simple filters lodel2 -> pymongo converting
- res = self.__filters2mongo(filters, target)
- rfilters = self.__prepare_relational_filters(target, relational_filters)
- #Now that everything is well organized, begin to forge subquerie
- #filters
- self.__subqueries_from_relational_filters(target, rfilters)
- # Executing subqueries, creating filters from result, and injecting
- # them in original filters of the query
- if len(rfilters) > 0:
- logger.debug("Begining subquery execution")
- for fname in rfilters:
- if fname not in res:
- res[fname] = dict()
- subq_results = set()
- for leobject, sq_filters in rfilters[fname].items():
- uid_fname = mongo_fieldname(leobject._uid)
- log_msg = "Subquery running on collection {coll} with filters \
- '{filters}'"
- logger.debug(log_msg.format(
- coll=object_collection_name(leobject),
- filters=sq_filters))
- cursor = self.__collection(leobject).find(
- filter=sq_filters,
- projection=uid_fname)
- subq_results |= set(doc[uid_fname] for doc in cursor)
- #generating new filter from result
- if '$in' in res[fname]:
- #WARNING we allready have a IN on this field, doing dedup
- #from result
- deduped = set(res[fname]['$in']) & subq_results
- if len(deduped) == 0:
- del(res[fname]['$in'])
- else:
- res[fname]['$in'] = list(deduped)
- else:
- res[fname]['$in'] = list(subq_results)
- if len(rfilters) > 0:
- logger.debug("End of subquery execution")
- return res
- ##@brief Generate subqueries from rfilters tree
- #
- #Returned struct organization :
- # - 1st level keys : relational field name of target
- # - 2nd level keys : referenced leobject
- # - 3th level values : pymongo filters (dict)
- #
- #@note The only caller of this method is __process_filters
- #@warning No return value, the rfilters arguement is modified by
- #reference
- #
- #@param target LeObject subclass (no instance) : Target class
- #@param rfilters dict : A struct as returned by
- #MongoDbDatasource.__prepare_relational_filters()
- #@return None, the rfilters argument is modified by reference
- @classmethod
- def __subqueries_from_relational_filters(cls, target, rfilters):
- for fname in rfilters:
- for leobject in rfilters[fname]:
- for rfield in rfilters[fname][leobject]:
- #This way of doing is not optimized but allows to trigger
- #warnings in some case (2 different values for a same op
- #on a same field on a same collection)
- mongofilters = cls.__op_value_listconv(
- rfilters[fname][leobject][rfield], target.field(fname))
- rfilters[fname][leobject][rfield] = mongofilters
- ##@brief Generate a tree from relational_filters
- #
- #The generated struct is a dict with :
- # - 1st level keys : relational field name of target
- # - 2nd level keys : referenced leobject
- # - 3th level keys : referenced field in referenced class
- # - 4th level values : list of tuple(op, value)
- #
- #@note The only caller of this method is __process_filters
- #@warning An assertion is done : if two leobject are stored in the same
- #collection they share the same uid
- #
- #@param target LeObject subclass (no instance) : Target class
- #@param relational_filters : same composition thant filters except that
- #@return a struct as described above
- @classmethod
- def __prepare_relational_filters(cls, target, relational_filters):
- # We are going to regroup relationnal filters by reference field
- # then by collection
- rfilters = dict()
- if relational_filters is None:
- relational_filters = []
- for (fname, rfields), op, value in relational_filters:
- if fname not in rfilters:
- rfilters[fname] = dict()
- rfilters[fname] = dict()
- # Stores the representative leobject for associated to a collection
- # name
- leo_collname = dict()
- # WARNING ! Here we assert that all leobject that are stored
- # in a same collection are identified by the same field
- for leobject, rfield in rfields.items():
- #here we are filling a dict with leobject as index but
- #we are doing a UNIQ on collection name
- cur_collname = object_collection_name(leobject)
- if cur_collname not in leo_collname:
- leo_collname[cur_collname] = leobject
- rfilters[fname][leobject] = dict()
- #Fecthing the collection's representative leobject
- repr_leo = leo_collname[cur_collname]
- if rfield not in rfilters[fname][repr_leo]:
- rfilters[fname][repr_leo][rfield] = list()
- rfilters[fname][repr_leo][rfield].append((op, value))
- return rfilters
- ##@brief Convert lodel2 filters to pymongo conditions
- #@param filters list : list of lodel filters
- #@return dict representing pymongo conditions
- @classmethod
- def __filters2mongo(cls, filters, target):
- res = dict()
- eq_fieldname = [] #Stores field with equal comparison OP
- for fieldname, op, value in filters:
- oop = op
- ovalue = value
- op, value = cls.__op_value_conv(op, value, target.field(fieldname))
- if op == '=':
- eq_fieldname.append(fieldname)
- if fieldname in res:
- logger.warning("Dropping previous condition. Overwritten \
- by an equality filter")
- res[fieldname] = value
- continue
- if fieldname in eq_fieldname:
- logger.warning("Dropping condition : '%s %s %s'" % (
- fieldname, op, value))
- continue
- if fieldname not in res:
- res[fieldname] = dict()
- if op in res[fieldname]:
- logger.warning("Dropping condition : '%s %s %s'" % (
- fieldname, op, value))
- else:
- if op not in cls.lodel2mongo_op_map:
- raise ValueError("Invalid operator : '%s'" % op)
- new_op = cls.lodel2mongo_op_map[op]
- res[fieldname][new_op] = value
- return res
- ##@brief Convert lodel2 operator and value to pymongo struct
- #
- #Convertion is done using MongoDbDatasource::lodel2mongo_op_map
- #@param op str : take value in LeFilteredQuery::_query_operators
- #@param value mixed : the value
- #@return a tuple(mongo_op, mongo_value)
- @classmethod
- def __op_value_conv(cls, op, value, dhdl):
- if op not in cls.lodel2mongo_op_map:
- msg = "Invalid operator '%s' found" % op
- raise MongoDbDataSourceError(msg)
- mongop = cls.lodel2mongo_op_map[op]
- mongoval = value
- #Converting lodel2 wildcarded string into a case insensitive
- #mongodb re
- if mongop in cls.mongo_op_re:
- if value.startswith('(') and value.endswith(')'):
- if (dhdl.cast_type is not None):
- mongoval = [ dhdl.cast_type(item) for item in mongoval[1:-1].split(',') ]
- else:
- mongoval = [ item for item in mongoval[1:-1].split(',') ]
- elif mongop == 'like':
- #unescaping \
- mongoval = value.replace('\\\\','\\')
- if not mongoval.startswith('*'):
- mongoval = '^'+mongoval
- #For the end of the string it's harder to detect escaped *
- if not (mongoval[-1] == '*' and mongoval[-2] != '\\'):
- mongoval += '$'
- #Replacing every other unescaped wildcard char
- mongoval = cls.wildcard_re.sub('.*', mongoval)
- mongoval = {'$regex': mongoval, '$options': 'i'}
- return (op, mongoval)
- ##@brief Convert a list of tuple(OP, VALUE) into a pymongo filter dict
- #@return a dict with mongo op as key and value as value...
- @classmethod
- def __op_value_listconv(cls, op_value_list, dhdl):
- result = dict()
- for op, value in op_value_list:
- mongop, mongoval = cls.__op_value_conv(op, value, dhdl)
- if mongop in result:
- warnings.warn("Duplicated value given for a single \
- field/operator couple in a query. We will keep only the first one")
- else:
- result[mongop] = mongoval
- return result
- ##@brief Generate a comparison function for post reccursion sorting in
- #select
- #@return a lambda function that take 2 dict as arguement
- @classmethod
- def __generate_lambda_cmp_order(cls, order):
- if len(order) == 0:
- return lambda a,b: 0
- glco = cls.__generate_lambda_cmp_order
- fname, cmpdir = order[0]
- order = order[1:]
- return lambda a,b: glco(order)(a,b) if a[fname] == b[fname] else (\
- 1 if (a[fname]>b[fname] if cmpdir == 'ASC' else a[fname]<b[fname])\
- else -1)
- ##@brief Correct some datas before giving them to pymongo
- #
- #For example sets has to be casted to lise
- #@param datas
- #@return datas
- @classmethod
- def _data_cast(cls, datas):
- for dname in datas:
- if isinstance(datas[dname], set):
- #pymongo raises :
- #bson.errors.InvalidDocument: Cannot encode object: {...}
- #with sets
- datas[dname] = list(datas[dname])
- return datas
- ##@brief Tool to check if a record with unique id uid is set in the target_class representation
- #@param target_class : class to check in
- #@param uid : a unique id in target_class
- #@returns true if a record with unique id uid exists in the target_class representation, false if not
- def is_exist(self, target_class, uid):
- # retrouver la table qui correspond à target_class
- # vérifier qu'il existe, ou pas, un enregistrement contenant uid
- result = self.select(self, target_class, [target_class.uid_fieldname], filters = [(target_class.uid_fieldname, '=', uid)])
- return len(result) == 1