123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350 |
- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ## @package leobject API to access lodel datas
- #
- # This package contains abstract classes leobject.leclass.LeClass , leobject.letype.LeType, leobject.leobject._LeObject.
- # Those abstract classes are designed to be mother classes of dynamically generated classes ( see leobject.lefactory.LeFactory )
- ## @package leobject.leobject
- # @brief Abstract class designed to be implemented by LeObject
- #
- # @note LeObject will be generated by leobject.lefactory.LeFactory
- import re
- import leobject
- import EditorialModel
- from EditorialModel.types import EmType
- REL_SUP = 0
- REL_SUB = 1
- ## @brief Main class to handle objects defined by the types of an Editorial Model
- class _LeObject(object):
- ## @brief The editorial model
- _model = None
- ## @brief The datasource
- _datasource = None
- ## @brief maps em uid with LeType or LeClass keys are uid values are LeObject childs classes
- _me_uid = dict()
- _query_re = None
- _query_operators = ['=', '<=', '>=', '!=', '<', '>', ' in ', ' not in ']
- ## @brief Instantiate with a Model and a DataSource
- # @param **kwargs dict : datas usefull to instanciate a _LeObject
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError("Abstract constructor")
- ## @brief Given a ME uid return the corresponding LeClass or LeType class
- # @return a LeType or LeClass child class
- # @throw KeyError if no corresponding child classes
- @classmethod
- def uid2leobj(cls, uid):
- uid = int(uid)
- if uid not in cls._me_uid:
- raise KeyError("No LeType or LeClass child classes with uid '%d'"%uid)
- return cls._me_uid[uid]
- ## @brief Creates new entries in the datasource
- # @param datas list : A list a dict with fieldname as key
- # @param cls
- # @return a list of inserted lodel_id
- # @see leobject.datasources.dummy.DummyDatasource.insert(), leobject.letype.LeType.insert()
- @classmethod
- def insert(cls, letype, datas):
- if isinstance(datas, dict):
- datas = [datas]
- if cls == _LeObject:
- raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
- letype,leclass = cls._prepare_targets(letype)
- if letype is None:
- raise ValueError("letype argument cannot be None")
- for data in datas:
- letype.check_datas_or_raise(data, complete = True)
- return cls._datasource.insert(letype, leclass, datas)
- ## @brief Delete LeObjects given filters
- # @param cls
- # @param letype LeType|str : LeType child class or name
- # @param leclass LeClass|str : LeClass child class or name
- # @param filters list : list of filters (see @ref leobject_filters)
- # @return bool
- @classmethod
- def delete(cls, letype, filters):
- letype, leclass = cls._prepare_targets(letype)
- filters,relationnal_filters = leobject.leobject._LeObject._prepare_filters(filters, letype, leclass)
- return cls._datasource.delete(letype, leclass, filters, relationnal_filters)
- ## @brief Update LeObjects given filters and datas
- # @param cls
- # @param letype LeType|str : LeType child class or name
- # @param filters list : list of filters (see @ref leobject_filters)
- @classmethod
- def update(cls, letype, filters, datas):
- letype, leclass = cls._prepare_targets(letype)
- filters,relationnal_filters = leobject.leobject._LeObject._prepare_filters(filters, letype, leclass)
- if letype is None:
- raise ValueError("Argument letype cannot be None")
- letype.check_datas_or_raise(datas, False)
- return cls._datasource.update(letype, leclass, filters, relationnal_filters, datas)
- ## @brief make a search to retrieve a collection of LeObject
- # @param query_filters list : list of string of query filters (or tuple (FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE) ) see @ref leobject_filters
- # @param field_list list|None : list of string representing fields see @ref leobject_filters
- # @param typename str : The name of the LeType we want
- # @param classname str : The name of the LeClass we want
- # @param cls
- # @return responses ({string:*}): a list of dict with field:value
- @classmethod
- def get(cls, query_filters, field_list = None, typename = None, classname = None):
- letype,leclass = cls._prepare_targets(typename, classname)
- #Checking field_list
- if field_list is None or len(field_list) == 0:
- #default field_list
- if not (letype is None):
- field_list = letype._fields
- elif not (leclass is None):
- field_list = leclass._fieldtypes.keys()
- else:
- field_list = list(EditorialModel.classtypes.common_fields.keys())
- #Fetching LeType
- if letype is None:
- if 'type_id' not in field_list:
- field_list.append('type_id')
- field_list = cls._prepare_field_list(field_list, letype, leclass)
- #preparing filters
- filters, relationnal_filters = cls._prepare_filters(query_filters, letype, leclass)
- #Fetching datas from datasource
- datas = cls._datasource.get(leclass, letype, field_list, filters, relationnal_filters)
- #Instanciating corresponding LeType child classes with datas
- result = list()
- for leobj_datas in datas:
- letype = self.uid2leobj(datas['type_id']) if letype is None else letype
- result.append(letype(datas))
- return result
- @classmethod
- def _prepare_field_list(cls, field_list, letype, leclass):
- cls._check_fields(letype, leclass, [f for f in field_list if not cls._field_is_relational(f)])
- for i, field in enumerate(field_list):
- if cls._field_is_relational(field):
- field_list[i] = cls._prepare_relational_field(field)
- return field_list
- ## @brief Preparing letype and leclass arguments
- #
- # This function will do multiple things :
- # - Convert string to LeType or LeClass child instances
- # - If both letype and leclass given, check that letype inherit from leclass
- # - If only a letype is given, fetch the parent leclass
- # @note If we give only a leclass as argument returned letype will be None
- # @note Its possible to give letype=None and leclass=None. In this case the method will return tuple(None,None)
- # @param letype LeType|str|None : LeType child instant or its name
- # @param leclass LeClass|str|None : LeClass child instant or its name
- # @return a tuple with 2 python classes (LeTypeChild, LeClassChild)
- @staticmethod
- def _prepare_targets(letype = None , leclass = None):
- if not(leclass is None):
- if isinstance(leclass, str):
- leclass = leobject.lefactory.LeFactory.leobj_from_name(leclass)
- if not isinstance(leclass, type) or not (leobject.leclass.LeClass in leclass.__bases__) or leclass.__class__ == leobject.leclass.LeClass:
- raise ValueError("None | str | LeType child class excpected, but got : '%s' %s"%(leclass,type(leclass)))
- if not(letype is None):
- if isinstance(letype, str):
- letype = leobject.lefactory.LeFactory.leobj_from_name(letype)
- if not isinstance(letype, type) or not leobject.letype.LeType in letype.__bases__ or letype.__class__ == leobject.letype.LeType:
- raise ValueError("None | str | LeType child class excpected, but got : %s"%type(letype))
- if leclass is None:
- leclass = letype._leclass
- elif leclass != letype._leclass:
- raise ValueError("LeType child class %s does'nt inherite from LeClass %s"%(letype.__name__, leclass.__name__))
- return (letype, leclass)
- ## @brief Check if a fieldname is valid
- # @param letype LeType|None : The concerned type (or None)
- # @param leclass LeClass|None : The concerned class (or None)
- # @param fields list : List of string representing fields
- # @throw LeObjectQueryError if their is some problems
- # @throw AttributeError if letype is not from the leclass class
- # @todo Delete the checks of letype and leclass and ensure that this method is called with letype and leclass arguments from _prepare_targets()
- #
- # @see @ref leobject_filters
- @staticmethod
- def _check_fields(letype, leclass, fields):
- #Checking that fields in the query_filters are correct
- if letype is None and leclass is None:
- #Only fields from the object table are allowed
- for field in fields:
- if field not in EditorialModel.classtypes.common_fields.keys():
- raise LeObjectQueryError("Not typename and no classname given, but the field %s is not in the common_fields list"%field)
- else:
- if letype is None:
- field_l = leclass._fieldtypes.keys()
- else:
- if not (leclass is None):
- if letype._leclass != leclass:
- raise AttributeError("The EmType %s is not a specialisation of the EmClass %s"%(typename, classname))
- field_l = letype._fields
- #Checks that fields are in this type
- for field in fields:
- if field not in field_l:
- raise LeObjectQueryError("No field named '%s' in '%s'"%(field, letype.__name__))
- pass
- ## @brief Prepare filters for datasource
- #
- # This method divide filters in two categories :
- # - filters : standart FIELDNAME OP VALUE filter
- # - relationnal_filters : filter on object relation RELATION_NATURE OP VALUE
- #
- # Both categories of filters are represented in the same way, a tuple with 3 elements (NAME|NAT , OP, VALUE )
- #
- # @warning This method assume that letype and leclass are returned from _LeObject._prepare_targets() method
- # @param filters_l list : This list can contain str "FIELDNAME OP VALUE" and tuples (FIELDNAME, OP, VALUE)
- # @param letype LeType|None : needed to check filters
- # @param leclass LeClass|None : needed to check filters
- #
- # @see @ref datasource_side
- @staticmethod
- def _prepare_filters(filters_l, letype = None, leclass = None):
- filters = list()
- for fil in filters_l:
- if len(fil) == 3 and not isinstance(fil, str):
- filters.append(tuple(fil))
- else:
- filters.append(_LeObject._split_filter(fil))
- #Checking relational filters (for the moment fields like superior.NATURE)
- relational_filters = [ (_LeObject._prepare_relational_field(field), operator, value) for field, operator, value in filters if _LeObject._field_is_relational(field)]
- filters = [f for f in filters if not _LeObject._field_is_relational(f[0])]
- #Checking the rest of the fields
- _LeObject._check_fields(letype, leclass, [ f[0] for f in filters ])
- return (filters, relational_filters)
- ## @brief Check if a field is relational or not
- # @param field str : the field to test
- # @return True if the field is relational else False
- @staticmethod
- def _field_is_relational(field):
- return field.startswith('superior.') or field.startswith('subordinate')
- ## @brief Check that a relational field is valid
- # @param field str : a relational field
- # @return a nature
- @staticmethod
- def _prepare_relational_field(field):
- spl = field.split('.')
- if len(spl) != 2:
- raise LeObjectQueryError("The relationalfield '%s' is not valid"%field)
- nature = spl[-1]
- if nature not in EditorialModel.classtypes.EmNature.getall():
- raise LeObjectQueryError("'%s' is not a valid nature in the field %s"%(nature, field))
- if spl[0] == 'superior':
- return (REL_SUP, nature)
- elif spl[0] == 'subordinate':
- return (REL_SUB, nature)
- else:
- raise LeObjectQueryError("Invalid preffix for relationnal field : '%s'"%spl[0])
- ## @brief Check and split a query filter
- # @note The query_filter format is "FIELD OPERATOR VALUE"
- # @param query_filter str : A query_filter string
- # @param cls
- # @return a tuple (FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE)
- @classmethod
- def _split_filter(cls, query_filter):
- if cls._query_re is None:
- cls._compile_query_re()
- matches = cls._query_re.match(query_filter)
- if not matches:
- raise ValueError("The query_filter '%s' seems to be invalid"%query_filter)
- result = (matches.group('field'), re.sub(r'\s', ' ', matches.group('operator'), count=0), matches.group('value').strip())
- for r in result:
- if len(r) == 0:
- raise ValueError("The query_filter '%s' seems to be invalid"%query_filter)
- return result
- ## @brief Compile the regex for query_filter processing
- # @note Set _LeObject._query_re
- @classmethod
- def _compile_query_re(cls):
- op_re_piece = '(?P<operator>(%s)'%cls._query_operators[0].replace(' ', '\s')
- for operator in cls._query_operators[1:]:
- op_re_piece += '|(%s)'%operator.replace(' ', '\s')
- op_re_piece += ')'
- cls._query_re = re.compile('^\s*(?P<field>(((superior)|(subordinate))\.)?[a-z_][a-z0-9\-_]*)\s*'+op_re_piece+'\s*(?P<value>[^<>=!].*)\s*$', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
- pass
- class LeObjectError(Exception):
- pass
- class LeObjectQueryError(LeObjectError):
- pass
- ## @page leobject_filters LeObject query filters
- # The LeObject API provide methods that accept filters allowing the user
- # to query the database and fetch LodelEditorialObjects.
- #
- # The LeObject API translate those filters for the datasource.
- #
- # @section api_user_side API user side filters
- # Filters are string expressing a condition. The string composition
- # is as follow : "<FIELD> <OPERATOR> <VALUE>"
- # @subsection fpart FIELD
- # @subsubsection standart fields
- # Standart fields, represents a value of the LeObject for example "title", "lodel_id" etc.
- # @subsubsection rfields relationnal fields
- # relationnal fields, represents a relation with the object hierarchy. Those fields are composed as follow :
- #
- # - Relation can takes two values : superiors or subordinates
- # - Nature is a relation nature ( see EditorialModel.classtypes )
- # Examples : "superiors.parent", "subordinates.translation" etc.
- # @note The field_list arguement of leobject.leobject._LeObject.get() use the same syntax than the FIELD filter part
- # @subsection oppart OPERATOR
- # The OPERATOR part of a filter is a comparison operator. There is
- # - standart comparison operators : = , <, > , <=, >=, !=
- # - list operators : 'in' and 'not in'
- # The list of allowed operators is sotred at leobject.leobject._LeObject._query_operators .
- # @subsection valpart VALUE
- # The VALUE part of a filter is... just a value...
- #
- # @section datasource_side Datasource side filters
- # As said above the API "translate" filters before forwarding them to the datasource.
- #
- # The translation process transform filters in tuple composed of 3 elements
- # ( @ref fpart , @ref oppart , @ref valpart ). Each element is a string.
- #
- # There is a special case for @ref rfields : the field element is a tuple composed with two elements
- # ( RELATION, NATURE ) where NATURE is a string ( see EditorialModel.classtypes ) and RELATION is one of
- # the defined constant :
- #
- # - leobject.leobject.REL_SUB for "subordinates"
- # - leobject.leobject.REL_SUP for "superiors"
- #
- # @note The filters translation process also check if given field are valids compared to the concerned letype and/or the leclass