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- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from lodel.plugin import LodelHook, CustomMethod
- @LodelHook('leapi_get_post')
- @LodelHook('leapi_update_pre')
- @LodelHook('leapi_update_post')
- @LodelHook('leapi_delete_pre')
- @LodelHook('leapi_delete_post')
- @LodelHook('leapi_insert_pre')
- @LodelHook('leapi_insert_post')
- def dummy_callback(hook_name, caller, payload):
- if Lodel.settings.Settings.debug:
- print("\tHook %s\tcaller %s with %s" % (hook_name, caller, payload))
- return payload
- @CustomMethod('Object', 'dummy_method')
- def dummy_instance_method(self):
- print("Hello world !\
- I'm a custom method on an instance of class %s" % self.__class__)
- @CustomMethod('Object', 'dummy_class_method', CustomMethod.CLASS_METHOD)
- def dummy_instance_method(self):
- print("Hello world !\
- I'm a custom method on class %s" % self.__class__)
- @LodelHook('lodel2_loader_main')
- def foofun(hname, caller, payload):
- from lodel import dyncode
- print("Hello world ! I read dyncode from lodel.dyncode : ",
- dyncode.dynclasses)