123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117 |
- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import logging, logging.handlers
- import os.path
- from lodel.settings import Settings
- # Variables & constants definitions
- default_format = '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s %(_pathname)s:%(_lineno)s:%(_funcName)s() : %(message)s'
- simple_format = '%(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s : %(message)s'
- logging.addLevelName(SECURITY_LOGLEVEL, 'SECURITY')
- handlers = dict() # Handlers list (generated from settings)
- # Fetching default root logger
- logger = logging.getLogger()
- # Setting options from Lodel.settings.Settings.logging
- def __init_from_settings():
- # capture warning disabled, because the custom format raises error (unable
- # to give the _ preffixed arguments to logger resulting into a KeyError
- # exception )
- #logging.captureWarnings(True) # Log warnings
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- for name in Settings.logging._fields:
- add_handler(name, getattr(Settings.logging, name))
- ##@brief Add an handler, identified by a name, to a given logger
- #
- # logging_opt is a dict with logger option. Allowed keys are :
- # - filename : take a filepath as value and cause the use of a logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
- # - level : the minimum logging level for a logger, takes values [ 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'SECURITY', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL' ]
- # - format : DONT USE THIS OPTION (or if you use it be sure to includes %(_pathname)s %(_lineno)s %(_funcName)s format variables in format string
- # - context : boolean, if True include the context (module:lineno:function_name) in the log format
- # @todo Move the logging_opt documentation somewhere related with settings
- #
- # @param name str : The handler name
- # @param logging_opt dict : dict containing options ( see above )
- def add_handler(name, logging_opt):
- logger = logging.getLogger()
- if name in handlers:
- raise KeyError("A handler named '%s' allready exists")
- logging_opt = logging_opt._asdict()
- if 'filename' in logging_opt and logging_opt['filename'] is not None:
- maxBytes = (1024 * 10) if 'maxbytes' not in logging_opt else logging_opt['maxbytes']
- backupCount = 10 if 'backupcount' not in logging_opt else logging_opt['backupcount']
- handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
- logging_opt['filename'],
- maxBytes = maxBytes,
- backupCount = backupCount,
- encoding = 'utf-8')
- else:
- handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- if 'level' in logging_opt:
- handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, logging_opt['level'].upper()))
- if 'format' in logging_opt:
- formatter = logging.Formatter(logging_opt['format'])
- else:
- if 'context' in logging_opt and not logging_opt['context']:
- formatter = logging.Formatter(simple_format)
- else:
- formatter = logging.Formatter(default_format)
- handler.setFormatter(formatter)
- handlers[name] = handler
- logger.addHandler(handler)
- ##@brief Remove an handler generated from configuration (runtime logger configuration)
- # @param name str : handler name
- def remove_handler(name):
- if name in handlers:
- logger.removeHandler(handlers[name])
- # else: can we do anything ?
- ##@brief Utility function that disable unconditionnaly handlers that implies console output
- # @note In fact, this function disables handlers generated from settings wich are instances of logging.StreamHandler
- def remove_console_handlers():
- for name, handler in handlers.items():
- if isinstance(handler, logging.StreamHandler):
- remove_handler(name)
- # Utility functions
- ##@brief Generic logging function
- # @param lvl int : Log severity
- # @param msg str : log message
- # @param *args : additional positionnal arguments
- # @param **kwargs : additional named arguments
- def log(lvl, msg, *args, **kwargs):
- caller = logger.findCaller() # Opti warning : small overhead
- extra = {
- '_pathname': os.path.relpath(
- caller[0],
- start=Settings.lib_path
- ), # os.path.relpath add another small overhead
- '_lineno': caller[1],
- '_funcName': caller[2],
- }
- logger.log(lvl, msg, extra = extra, *args, **kwargs)
- def debug(msg, *args, **kwargs): log(logging.DEBUG, msg, *args, **kwargs)
- def info(msg, *args, **kwargs): log(logging.INFO, msg, *args, **kwargs)
- def warning(msg, *args, **kwargs): log(logging.WARNING, msg, *args, **kwargs)
- def security(msg, *args, **kwargs): log(SECURITY_LOGLEVEL, msg, *args, **kwargs)
- def error(msg, *args, **kwargs): log(logging.ERROR, msg, *args, **kwargs)
- def critical(msg, *args, **kwargs): log(logging.CRITICAL, msg, *args, **kwargs)
- # Initialisation triggering
- if len(handlers) == 0:
- __init_from_settings()