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- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from EditorialModel.components import EmComponent
- class EmFieldGroup(EmComponent):
- """ Represents groups of EmField
- EmClass fields representation is organised with EmFieldGroup
- @see EmField
- """
- def __init__(id_or_name):
- """ Instanciate an EmFieldGroupe with data fetched from db
- @param id_or_name str|int: Identify the EmFieldGroup by name or by global_id
- @throw TypeError
- @see component::EmComponent::__init__()
- """
- super(EmFieldGroup, self).__init__()
- pass
- @staticmethod
- def create(name, em_class, ml_repr = None, ml_help = None, icon = None):
- """ Create a new EmType and instanciate it
- @todo Change the icon param type
- @todo em_class == None => Error ?
- @todo change staticmethod to classmethod ?
- @param name str: The name of the new Type
- @param em_class EmClass: The new EmFieldGroup will belong to this class
- @param ml_repr MlString|None: Multilingual representation of the type
- @param ml_help MlString|None: Multilingual help for the type
- @param The string|None: filename of the icon
- @return An EmFieldGroup instance
- @see EmComponent::__init__()
- """
- pass
- def fields():
- """ Get the list of associated fields
- @return A list of EmField
- """
- pass
- def field():
- """ ???
- @todo : find what this function is for
- """
- pass