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configure.ac 2.8KB

  1. AC_INIT([lodel], [0.1], [contact@openedition.org])
  3. AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile \
  4. lodel/buildconf.py \
  5. lodel/Makefile \
  6. lodel/auth/Makefile \
  7. lodel/editorial_model/Makefile \
  8. lodel/editorial_model/translator/Makefile \
  9. lodel/leapi/Makefile \
  10. lodel/leapi/datahandlers/Makefile \
  11. lodel/plugin/Makefile \
  12. lodel/settings/Makefile \
  13. lodel/utils/Makefile \
  14. progs/Makefile \
  15. progs/slim/Makefile \
  16. plugins/Makefile \
  17. ])
  18. ###
  19. #Kind of dangerous mix between default aclocal's macro and pyconfigure macros...
  20. #
  21. #pyconfigure macros are prefixed by PC_
  22. ###
  23. m4_include([m4/python.m4]) # Patched version of aclocal python.m4 file
  24. m4_include([m4/python_pyconfigure.m4]) #Renamed because we use a patched version of aclocal python.m4 file
  25. m4_define(python_min_ver, 3.4.2)
  26. AM_PATH_PYTHON([3.4.2]) #init aclocal's default python support
  27. PC_INIT([3.4.2], [3.5]) #init pyconfigure aclocal's macro
  28. PC_PYTHON_VERIFY_VERSION([>=], python_min_ver, ,
  29. [AC_MSG_ERROR(Python interpreter too old)])
  30. AC_ARG_VAR([SITEPACKAGES], [If installed in /usr or /System* specify the name of the site directory (default value "site-packages"])
  31. PC_PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE([lxml], ,
  32. AC_MSG_ERROR([Module lxml not found but mandatory for lodel2]))
  33. #Webui deps
  34. AC_SUBST([WEBUI], 'True')
  35. PC_PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE_VERSION([jinja2], [2.7.3], [], ,
  36. AC_MSG_WARN([Module jinja2 not found but mandatory for default web interface])
  37. AC_SUBST([WEBUI], 'False'))
  38. PC_PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE_VERSION([werkzeug], [0.9], [], ,
  39. AC_MSG_WARN([Module werkzeug not found but mandatory for default web interface])
  40. AC_SUBST([WEBUI], 'False'))
  41. #Mongo datasource deps
  42. AC_SUBST([PYMONGO], 'True') #Can be found in lodel/buildconf.py
  43. PC_PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE_VERSION([pymongo], [2.7], [2.8], ,
  44. AC_MSG_WARN([Module pymongo not found. The mongodb datasource will not be able to work])
  45. AC_SUBST([PYMONGO], 'False')
  46. )
  47. #Documentation checks
  48. AC_SUBST([DOCOK], 'OK')
  49. AC_CHECK_PROGS([DOXYGEN], [doxygen])
  50. if test -z "$DOXYGEN";
  51. then
  52. AC_MSG_WARN([Doxygen not found - You will not be able to generate documentation])
  53. AC_SUBST([DOCOK], '')
  54. fi
  55. AC_CHECK_PROGS([GRAPHVIZ], [dot neato twopi])
  56. if test -z "$GRAPHVIZ";
  57. then
  58. AC_MSG_WARN([Graphviz not found (dot executable missing) - You will not be able to generate documentation])
  59. AC_SUBST([DOCOK], '')
  60. fi
  61. AC_CHECK_PROGS([DOXYPY], [doxypy])
  62. if test -z "$DOXYPY";
  63. then
  64. AC_MSG_WARN([Doxypy script not found (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/doxypy/0.3) - You will not be able to generate documentation])
  65. AC_SUBST([DOCOK], '')
  66. fi
  68. if test -z "$DOCOK";
  69. then AC_MSG_WARN([You will not be able to generate doxygen documentation. See up for reasons])
  70. fi
  71. if test "$WEBUI" = 'False';
  72. then AC_MSG_WARN([Mandatory components are missing for running default web UI. See up for reasons])
  73. fi
  74. if test "$PYMONGO" = 'False';
  75. then AC_MSG_WARN([You will not be able to user mongodb datasource. See up for reasons])
  76. fi