123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346 |
- import types
- import sys
- import imp
- import importlib.machinery, importlib.abc
- import re
- import warnings
- from .exceptions import MultiSiteIdentifierError
- ##@brief Constant name of the package containing all sites module
- SITE_PACKAGE = 'lodelsites'
- ##@brief Stores all the lodel sites modules indexed by site identifier
- lodel_site_packages = dict()
- ##@brief Will stores the module object of the SITE_PACKAGE
- _lodel_site_root_package = None
- ##@brief Stores the site identifier validation re
- _site_identifier_re = None
- 'modules': {
- 'auth': {
- },
- 'settings': {
- },
- 'logger': {
- },
- 'plugin': {
- 'modules': {
- 'hooks': {
- 'classes': [ 'DecoratedWrapper', 'LodelHook' ]
- },
- 'plugins': {
- 'classes': [
- 'PluginVersion', 'MetaPlugType', 'Plugin',
- 'CustomMethod']
- },
- 'interface': {
- 'classes': [ 'InterfacePlugin']
- },
- 'extensions': {
- 'classes': [ 'Extension']
- }
- },
- }
- },
- 'classes': {}
- }
- class LodelSiteModuleSpec(importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec):
- ##@brief Add a site_id attribute to ModuleSpec object
- #
- #@param name str : fully qualified module name
- #@param loader : module loader. Child of importlib.abc.Loader and in our
- #case mostly CustomModuleLoader instances
- #@param parent str : parent absolute package name. Will be used to set
- #new module __package___ attribute
- #@param origin None : None because no source code
- #@param loader_state ? <- leave None
- #@param is_package bool : <- useless, can be deleted
- #
- #@see https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/importlib.html#importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec
- def __init__(self, name, loader, *,
- parent=None, origin=None, loader_state=None, is_package=None,
- site_id = None):
- super().__init__(name=name, loader=loader, origin=origin,
- loader_state = loader_state)
- ##@brief Stores the parent package fullname
- self.parent_package = parent
- ##@brief Stores the module site_id
- self.site_id = None
- self._is_package = False if is_package is None else True
- if not site_id is None:
- self.site_id = site_id
- def __str__(self):
- res = super().__str__()
- res = res[:-1] +", site_id = %s, parent = %s)" % (
- self.site_id, repr(self.parent))
- return res
- ##@brief Custom class of module Loader
- #
- #Designed to handle dynamic module creation for lodel2 sites
- #@see https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/importlib.html#importlib.abc.Loader
- #@see https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/types.html#types.ModuleType
- class LodelSiteModuleLoader(importlib.abc.Loader):
- ##@brief Handles module creation
- #@param spec ModuleSpec instance
- #@return The newly created module
- def create_module(self, spec):
- #Here we do not want to import but get the module object of the parent
- #to store it's reference and set the new module as attribute
- print("CREATE_MODULE debug : ", spec)
- if spec.parent_package is not None:
- print("PARENT NAMe ;", spec.parent_package)
- parent_module = importlib.import_module(spec.parent_package)
- if hasattr(parent_module, spec.name):
- warnings.warn("Overloading an existing module attribute will \
- creating %s module" % spec.name)
- else:
- parent_module = None
- res = types.ModuleType(spec.name)
- root_pkg_name = globals()['SITE_PACKAGE']
- res.__spec__ = spec
- res.__name__ = spec.name
- res.__loader__ = self
- res.__package__ = spec.parent_package
- res.__path__ = [] if spec._is_package else None
- if spec.site_id is not None:
- res.__site_id__ = spec.site_id
- if parent_module is not None:
- rel_name = spec.name.split('.')[-1]
- setattr(parent_module, rel_name, res)
- #sys.modules[fullname] = res
- sys.modules[spec.name] = res
- print("INFO : module %s loaded" % spec.name)
- print("INFO current state on sys.modules : ", [ mname for mname in sys.modules.keys() if mname .startswith('lodelsites.')])
- self.__dyn_module__ = res
- return res
- def load_module(self, fullname):
- if self.__dyn_module__.__name__ != fullname:
- raise MultiSiteError("The name given to load_module do not match \
- the name of the handled module...")
- sys.modules[fullname] = self.__dyn_module__
- print("INFO : module %s loaded" % fullname)
- ##@brief Custom metapath finder that is able to handle our
- #dynamically created modules
- class LodelSiteMetaPathFinder(importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder):
- def find_spec(fullname, path, target = None):
- print("FINDSPEC CALLEd : ", fullname, path)
- if not fullname.startswith(globals()['SITE_PACKAGE']):
- return None
- n_spl = fullname.split('.')
- site_id = n_spl[1]
- res_mod = get_site_module(site_id)
- print("Begin to walk in submodules. Starting from ", res_mod.__name__)
- print("DEBUG RESMOD : ", res_mod.__name__, dir(res_mod))
- for nxt in n_spl[2:]:
- res_mod = getattr(res_mod, nxt)
- print("Real result : ", res_mod.__name__, res_mod)
- return res_mod.__spec__
- ##@brief Simple getter using site identifier
- def get_site_module(identifier):
- glob_pkg = globals()['lodel_site_packages']
- if identifier not in glob_pkg:
- raise MultiSiteIdentifierError(
- "No site identified by '%s'" % identifier)
- return glob_pkg[identifier]
- ##@brief Create a new site module with given site identifier
- #@param identifier str : site identifier
- def new_site_module(identifier):
- new_module_fullname = globals()['SITE_PACKAGE'] + '.' + identifier
- new_modules = _new_site_module(
- identifier, new_module_fullname, globals()['SITE_PACKAGE_STRUCT'],
- parent = globals()['_lodel_site_root_package'])
- new_mod = new_modules[0] #fetching root module
- globals()['lodel_site_packages'][identifier] = new_mod
- setattr(globals()['_lodel_site_root_package'], identifier, new_mod)
- for mod in new_modules:
- print("Call reload on : ", mod)
- imp.reload(mod)
- for n in dir(mod):
- v = getattr(mod, n)
- if isinstance(v, types.ModuleType):
- print("\t%s : %s" % (n, getattr(mod, n)))
- return new_mod
- ##@brief Create a new site module (part of a site package)
- #
- #@note module informations are expected to be part of SITE_PACKAGE_STRUCT
- #@note reccursiv function
- #
- #@param identifier str
- #@param module_name str
- #@param module_infos dict
- #@param parent : modul object
- #@param all_mods list : in/out accumulator for reccursiv calls allowing to
- #return the list of all created modules
- #
- #@return the created module
- def _new_site_module(identifier, module_name, module_infos, parent,
- mod_acc = None):
- mod_acc = list() if mod_acc is None else mod_acc
- print("Rec debug : ", identifier, module_name, module_infos, parent)
- identifier = identifier_validation(identifier)
- if parent is None:
- parent_name = None
- else:
- parent_name = parent.__name__
- res = _module_from_spec(name = module_name, parent = parent_name,
- site_id = identifier)
- orig_modname = _original_name_from_module(res)
- if len(mod_acc) == 0:
- #we just created a site root package. Because we will reimport
- #parent modules when creating submodules we have to insert the
- #site root package NOW to the site_root_packages
- print("WARNING : inserting module as site root package : ", res)
- globals()['lodel_site_packages'][identifier] = res
- mod_acc.append(res) #Add created module to accumulator asap
- orig_mod = importlib.import_module(orig_modname)
- print("ORIG MOD = ", orig_mod)
- if 'classes' in module_infos:
- for cname in module_infos['classes']:
- orig_cls = getattr(orig_mod, cname)
- res_cls = onthefly_child_class(cname, orig_cls, parent)
- setattr(res, cname, res_cls)
- #child modules creation
- if 'modules' in module_infos:
- for mname in module_infos['modules']:
- new_mname = module_name + '.' + mname
- print("DEBUG NAME ON REC CALL : ", new_mname)
- submod = _new_site_module(
- identifier, new_mname, module_infos['modules'][mname],
- parent = res, mod_acc = mod_acc)
- submod = submod[-1]
- #setattr(res, mname, submod) #done in create_module
- return mod_acc
- ##@brief Validate a site identifier
- #@param identifier str
- #@return the identifier
- #@throw MultiSiteIdentifierError on invalid id
- def identifier_validation(identifier):
- re_str = r'^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- _site_identifier_re = globals()['_site_identifier_re']
- if _site_identifier_re is None:
- _site_identifier_re = re.compile(re_str)
- globals()['_site_identifier_re'] = _site_identifier_re
- if not _site_identifier_re.match(identifier):
- raise MultiSiteIdentifierError("Excpected an identifier that matches \
- r'%s', but got '%s'" % (re_str, identifier))
- return identifier
- ##@brief Create new root package for a lodel site
- #@param identifer str : the site identifier
- def new_site_root_package(identifier):
- identifier_validation(identifier)
- if identifier in _lodel_site_root_package:
- raise NameError("A site identified by '%s' allready exists")
- module_name = identifier
- res = _module_from_spec(
- name = identifier, parent = globals()['SITE_PACKAGE'])
- _lodel_site_root_packages[identifier] = res
- return res
- ##@brief Create a new child class on the fly
- #@param identifier str : site identifier
- #@param original_cls class : the original class (will be the single base class
- #of our dynamically created class)
- #@param parent_module module object : the module designed to contains the class
- #@return the created class
- def onthefly_child_class(identifier, original_cls, parent_module):
- def ns_callback(ns):
- ns['__module__'] = parent_module.__name__
- ns['__site_id__'] = identifier
- res = types.new_class(original_cls.__name__, (original_cls,), None,
- ns_callback)
- setattr(parent_module, original_cls.__name__, res)
- return res
- ##@brief Module initialisation function
- #
- #Takes care to create the lodel_site_package module object
- def init_module():
- #Creating the package that contains all site packages
- site_pkg_name = globals()['SITE_PACKAGE']
- res = _module_from_spec(name = site_pkg_name)
- globals()['_lodel_site_root_package'] = res
- sys.modules[site_pkg_name] = res
- #Add our custom metapathfinder
- sys.meta_path = [LodelSiteMetaPathFinder] + sys.meta_path
- return res
- ##@brief Utility function that takes LodelSiteModuleSpec __init__ arguments
- #as parameter and handles the module creation
- #@return A newly created module according to given arguments
- def _module_from_spec(name, parent = None, origin = None, loader_state = None,
- is_package = None, site_id = None):
- loader = LodelSiteModuleLoader()
- spec = LodelSiteModuleSpec(name = name, parent = parent, origin = origin,
- loader_state = None, loader = loader, is_package = is_package,
- site_id = site_id)
- return loader.create_module(spec)
- ##@brief Replace all lodel modules references by references on dynamically
- #modules
- #@param mod ModuleType : the module to update
- #@return the modified module
- def _module_update_globals(mod):
- return None
- print("DEBUG : ", mod.__name__, dir(mod), mod.__dir__())
- site_id = mod.__site_id__
- lodel_site_package = get_site_module(mod.__site_id__)
- for kname, val in mod.__globals__:
- if isinstance(val, types.ModuleType) and \
- val.__package__.startswith('lodel'):
- #we have to replace the module reference
- fullname = "%s.%s" % (val.__package__, val.__name__)
- walkthrough = fullname.split('.')[1:]
- repl = lodel_site_package
- for submod in walkthrough:
- repl = getattr(repl, submod)
- mod.__globals__[kname] = repl
- return mod
- ##@brief Build the original fully quilified module name given a module
- #@warning Behavior is totally hardcoded given the lodel2 architecture
- #@param mod
- #@return a fully qualified module name
- def _original_name_from_module(mod):
- print("DEBUG MODNAME : ", mod, mod.__name__, mod.__package__)
- spl = mod.__name__.split('.')
- if len(spl) <= 2:
- return "lodel"
- return "lodel.%s" % ('.'.join(spl[2:]))