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- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from EditorialModel.components import EmComponent, EmComponentNotExistError
- from EditorialModel.classes import EmClass
- import EditorialModel.fieldtypes as ftypes
- from Database import sqlutils
- import EditorialModel
- ## Represents groups of EmField associated with an EmClass
- #
- # EmClass fields representation is organised with EmFieldGroup
- # @see EditorialModel::fields::EmField EditorialModel::classes::EmClass
- class EmFieldGroup(EmComponent):
- ## The database table name
- table = 'em_fieldgroup'
- ranked_in='class_id'
- ## List of fields
- # @todo Bad storage, here we want an ordereddict not a tuple list
- _fields = [('class_id', ftypes.EmField_integer)]
- ## Instanciate an EmFieldGroup with data fetched from db
- # @param id_or_name str|int: Identify the EmFieldGroup by name or by global_id
- # @throw TypeError
- # @see EditorialModel::components::EmComponent::__init__()
- # @throw EditorialModel::components::EmComponentNotExistError
- @classmethod
- ## Create a new EmFieldGroup
- #
- # Save it in database and return an instance*
- # @param name str: The name of the new EmFieldGroup
- # @param em_class EmClass : An EditorialModel::classes::EmClass instance
- # @param **em_component_args : @ref EditorialModel::components::create()
- # @throw EmComponentExistError If an EmFieldGroup with this name allready exists
- # @throw TypeError If an argument is of an unexepted type
- def create(cls, name, em_class, **em_component_args):
- if not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError("Excepting <class str> as name. But got " + str(type(name)))
- if not isinstance(em_class, EmClass):
- raise TypeError("Excepting <class EmClass> as em_class. But got "+str(type(name)))
- return super(EmFieldGroup, cls).create(name=name, class_id=em_class.uid, **em_component_args)
- ## Get the list of associated fields
- # @return A list of EmField instance
- # @todo Implement this method
- def fields(self):
- field_table = sqlutils.getTable(EditorialModel.fields.EmField)
- req = field_table.select(field_table.c.uid).where(field_table.c.fieldgroup_id == self.uid)
- conn = self.__class__.db_engine().connect()
- res = conn.execute(req)
- rows = res.fetchall()
- conn.close()
- return [EditorialModel.fields.EmField(row['uid']) for row in rows]