123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821 |
- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import pymysql
- import copy
- import leapi
- from leapi.leobject import REL_SUB, REL_SUP
- from leapi.lecrud import _LeCrud
- from mosql.db import Database, all_to_dicts, one_to_dict
- from mosql.query import select, insert, update, delete, join, left_join
- from mosql.util import raw, or_
- import mosql.mysql
- from DataSource.dummy.leapidatasource import DummyDatasource
- from DataSource.MySQL import utils
- from EditorialModel.classtypes import EmNature
- from Lodel.settings import Settings
- ## MySQL DataSource for LeObject
- class LeDataSourceSQL(DummyDatasource):
- RELATIONS_POSITIONS_FIELDS = {REL_SUP: 'superior_id', REL_SUB: 'subordinate_id'}
- def __init__(self, module=pymysql, conn_args=None):
- super(LeDataSourceSQL, self).__init__()
- self.module = module
- if conn_args is None:
- conn_args = copy.copy(Settings.get('datasource')['default'])
- self.module = conn_args['module']
- del conn_args['module']
- self.connection = Database(self.module, **conn_args)
- ## @brief select lodel editorial components using given filters
- # @param target_cls LeCrud(class): The component class concerned by the select (a LeCrud child class (not instance !) )
- # @param field_list list: List of field to fetch
- # @param filters list: List of filters (see @ref lecrud_filters)
- # @param rel_filters list: List of relational filters (see @ref lecrud_filters)
- # @return a list of LeCrud child classes
- # @todo this only works with LeObject.get(), LeClass.get() and LeType.get()
- # @todo for speed get rid of all_to_dicts
- # @todo filters: all use cases are not implemented
- # @todo group: mosql does not permit direction in group_by clause, it should, so for now we don't use direction in group clause
- def select(self, target_cls, field_list, filters, rel_filters=None, order=None, group=None, limit=None, offset=None):
- joins = []
- # it is a LeObject, query only on main table
- if target_cls.__name__ == 'LeObject':
- main_table = utils.common_tables['object']
- fields = [(main_table, target_cls.fieldlist())]
- # it is a LeType or a LeClass, query on main table left join class table on lodel_id
- elif target_cls.is_letype() or target_cls.is_leclass():
- # find main table and main table datas
- main_table = utils.common_tables['object']
- main_class = target_cls.leo_class()
- class_table = utils.object_table_name(main_class.__name__)
- main_lodel_id = utils.column_prefix(main_table, main_class.uidname())
- class_lodel_id = utils.column_prefix(class_table, main_class.uidname())
- joins = [left_join(class_table, {main_lodel_id:class_lodel_id})]
- fields = [(main_table, target_cls.name2class('LeObject').fieldlist()), (class_table, main_class.fieldlist())]
- elif target_cls.is_lehierarch():
- main_table = utils.common_tables['relation']
- fields = [(main_table, target_cls.name2class('LeRelation').fieldlist())]
- elif target_cls.is_lerel2type():
- main_table = utils.common_tables['relation']
- fields = [(main_table, target_cls.name2class('LeRelation').fieldlist())]
- else:
- raise AttributeError("Target class '%s' in get() is not a Lodel Editorial Object !" % target_cls)
- # prefix column name in fields list
- prefixed_field_list = [utils.find_prefix(name, fields) for name in field_list]
- kwargs = {}
- if group:
- kwargs['group_by'] = (utils.find_prefix(column, fields) for column, direction in group)
- if order:
- kwargs['order_by'] = (utils.find_prefix(column, fields) + ' ' + direction for column, direction in order)
- if limit:
- kwargs['limit'] = limit
- if offset:
- kwargs['offset'] = offset
- # @todo implement relational filters
- # prefix filters'' column names, and prepare dict for mosql where {(fieldname, op): value}
- wheres = {(utils.find_prefix(name, fields), op):value for name,op,value in filters}
- query = select(main_table, select=prefixed_field_list, where=wheres, joins=joins, **kwargs)
- #print ('SQL', query)
- # Executing the query
- cur = utils.query(self.connection, query)
- results = all_to_dicts(cur)
- # instanciate each row to editorial components
- results = [target_cls.object_from_data(datas) for datas in results]
- #print('results', results)
- return results
- ## @brief delete lodel editorial components given filters
- # @param target_cls LeCrud(class): The component class concerned by the delete (a LeCrud child class (not instance !) )
- # @param filters list : List of filters (see @ref leobject_filters)
- # @param rel_filters list : List of relational filters (see @ref leobject_filters)
- # @return the number of deleted components
- def delete(self, target_cls, filters, rel_filters):
- query_table_name = self.datasource_utils.get_table_name_from_class(target_cls.__name__)
- prep_filters = self._prepare_filters(filters, query_table_name)
- prep_rel_filters = self._prepare_rel_filters(rel_filters)
- if len(prep_rel_filters) > 0:
- query = "DELETE %s FROM" % query_table_name
- for prep_rel_filter in prep_rel_filters:
- query += "%s INNER JOIN %s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s)" % (
- self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name,
- query_table_name,
- self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name,
- prep_rel_filter['position'],
- query_table_name,
- self.datasource_utils.field_lodel_id
- )
- if prep_rel_filter['condition_key'][0] is not None:
- prep_filters[("%s.%s" % (self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name, prep_rel_filter['condition_key'][0]), prep_rel_filter['condition_key'][1])] = prep_rel_filter['condition_value']
- if prep_filters is not None and len(prep_filters) > 0:
- query += " WHERE "
- filter_counter = 0
- for filter_item in prep_filters:
- if filter_counter > 1:
- query += " AND "
- query += "%s %s %s" % (filter_item[0][0], filter_item[0][1], filter_item[1])
- else:
- query = delete(query_table_name, prep_filters)
- query_delete_from_object = delete(self.datasource_utils.objects_table_name, {'lodel_id': filters['lodel_id']})
- with self.connection as cur:
- result = cur.execute(query)
- cur.execute(query_delete_from_object)
- return result
- ## @brief update an existing lodel editorial component
- # @param target_cls LeCrud(class) : The component class concerned by the update (a LeCrud child class (not instance !) )
- # @param filters list : List of filters (see @ref leobject_filters)
- # @param rel_filters list : List of relationnal filters (see @ref leobject_filters)
- # @param **datas : Datas in kwargs
- # @return the number of updated components
- # @todo implement other filters than lodel_id
- def update(self, target_cls, filters, rel_filters, **datas):
- #print(target_cls, filters, rel_filters, datas)
- # it is a LeType
- if not target_cls.is_letype():
- raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a LeType, it is not possible to update it" % target_cls)
- # find main table and main table datas
- main_table = self.datasource_utils.objects_table_name
- main_datas = {self.datasource_utils.field_lodel_id: raw(self.datasource_utils.field_lodel_id)} # be sure to have one SET clause
- for main_column_name in common_fields:
- if main_column_name in datas:
- main_datas[main_column_name] = datas[main_column_name]
- del(datas[main_column_name])
- wheres = {(name, op):value for name,op,value in filters}
- query = update(main_table, wheres, main_datas)
- #print(query)
- self.datasource_utils.query(self.connection, query)
- # update on class table
- if datas:
- class_table = self.datasource_utils.get_table_name_from_class(target_cls._leclass.__name__)
- query = update(class_table, wheres, datas)
- #print(query)
- self.datasource_utils.query(self.connection, query)
- return True
- ## @brief inserts a new lodel editorial component
- # @param target_cls LeCrud(class) : The component class concerned by the insert (a LeCrud child class (not instance !) )
- # @param **datas : The datas to insert
- # @return The inserted component's id
- # @todo should work with LeType, LeClass, and Relations
- def insert(self, target_cls, **datas):
- # it is a LeType
- if target_cls.is_letype():
- main_table = utils.common_tables['object']
- main_datas = {'class_id':target_cls._leclass._class_id, 'type_id':target_cls._type_id}
- main_fields = target_cls.name2class('LeObject').fieldlist()
- class_table = utils.object_table_name(target_cls.leo_class().__name__)
- fk_name = target_cls.uidname()
- # it is a hierarchy
- elif target_cls.is_lehierarch():
- main_table = utils.common_tables['relation']
- main_datas = {
- utils.column_name(target_cls._lesup_name): datas[target_cls._lesup_name].lodel_id,
- utils.column_name(target_cls._lesub_name): datas[target_cls._lesub_name].lodel_id
- }
- main_fields = target_cls.name2class('LeRelation').fieldlist()
- class_table = False
- # it is a relation
- elif target_cls.is_lerel2type():
- main_table = utils.common_tables['relation']
- main_datas = {
- utils.column_name(target_cls._lesup_name): datas[target_cls._lesup_name].lodel_id,
- utils.column_name(target_cls._lesub_name): datas[target_cls._lesub_name].lodel_id
- }
- main_fields = target_cls.name2class('LeRelation').fieldlist()
- superior_class = datas['superior'].leo_class()
- class_table = utils.r2t_table_name(superior_class.__name__, datas['subordinate'].__class__.__name__)
- fk_name = superior_class.name2class('LeRelation').uidname()
- else:
- raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a LeType or a LeRelation, it is not possible to insert it" % target_cls)
- # extract main table datas from datas
- for main_column_name in main_fields:
- if main_column_name in datas:
- if main_column_name not in main_datas:
- main_datas[main_column_name] = datas[main_column_name]
- del(datas[main_column_name])
- sql = insert(main_table, main_datas)
- #print (sql)
- cur = utils.query(self.connection, sql)
- lodel_id = cur.lastrowid
- if class_table:
- # insert in class_table
- datas[fk_name] = lodel_id
- sql = insert(class_table, datas)
- #print (sql)
- utils.query(self.connection, sql)
- return lodel_id
- ## @brief insert multiple editorial component
- # @param target_cls LeCrud(class) : The component class concerned by the insert (a LeCrud child class (not instance !) )
- # @param datas_list list : A list of dict representing the datas to insert
- # @return int the number of inserted component
- def insert_multi(self, target_cls, datas_list):
- res = list()
- for data in datas_list:
- res.append(self.insert(target_cls, data))
- return len(res)
- ## @brief prepares the relational filters
- # @params rel_filters : (("superior"|"subordinate"), operator, value)
- # @return list
- def _prepare_rel_filters(self, rel_filters):
- prepared_rel_filters = []
- if rel_filters is not None and len(rel_filters) > 0:
- for rel_filter in rel_filters:
- rel_filter_dict = {
- 'position': REL_SUB if rel_filter[0][0] == REL_SUP else REL_SUB,
- 'nature': rel_filter[0][1],
- 'condition_key': (self.RELATIONS_POSITIONS_FIELDS[rel_filter[0][0]], rel_filter[1]),
- 'condition_value': rel_filter[2]
- }
- prepared_rel_filters.append(rel_filter_dict)
- return prepared_rel_filters
- ## @brief prepares the filters to be used by the mosql library's functions
- # @params filters : (FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE) tuples
- # @return dict : Dictionnary with (FIELD, OPERATOR):VALUE style elements
- def _prepare_filters(self, filters, tablename=None):
- prepared_filters = {}
- if filters is not None and len(filters) > 0:
- for filter_item in filters:
- if '.' in filter_item[0]:
- prepared_filter_key = (filter_item[0], filter_item[1])
- else:
- prepared_filter_key = ("%s.%s" % (tablename, filter_item[0]), filter_item[1])
- prepared_filter_value = filter_item[2]
- prepared_filters[prepared_filter_key] = prepared_filter_value
- return prepared_filters
- # ================================================================================================================ #
- # ================================================================================================================ #
- ## @brief Make a relation between 2 LeType
- # @note rel2type relations. Superior is the LeType from the EmClass and subordinate the LeType for the EmType
- # @param lesup LeType : LeType child class instance that is from the EmClass containing the rel2type field
- # @param lesub LeType : LeType child class instance that is from the EmType linked by the rel2type field ( @ref EditorialModel.fieldtypes.rel2type.EmFieldType.rel_to_type_id )
- # @return The relation_id if success else return False
- def add_related(self, lesup, lesub, rank, **rel_attr):
- with self.connection as cur:
- #First step : relation table insert
- sql = insert(MySQL.relations_table_name, {
- 'id_sup': lesup.lodel_id,
- 'id_sub': lesub.lodel_id,
- 'rank': 0, # default value that will be set latter
- })
- cur.execute(sql)
- relation_id = cur.lastrowid
- if len(rel_attr) > 0:
- #There is some relation attribute to add in another table
- attr_table = get_r2t2table_name(lesup._leclass.__name__, lesub.__class__.__name__)
- rel_attr['id_relation'] = relation_id
- sql = insert(attr_table, rel_attr)
- cur.execute(sql)
- self._set_relation_rank(id_relation, rank)
- return relation_id
- ## @brief Deletes the relation between 2 LeType
- # @param lesup LeType
- # @param lesub LeType
- # @param fields dict
- # @return True if success else False
- # @todo Add fields parameter to identify relation
- # @todo Delete relationnal fields if some exists
- def del_related(self, lesup, lesub, fields=None):
- with self.connection as cur:
- del_params = {
- 'id_sup': lesup.lodel_id,
- 'id_sub': lesub.lodel_id
- }
- delete_params = {}
- if fields is not None:
- delete_params = del_params.copy()
- delete_params.update(fields)
- else:
- delete_params = del_params
- sql = delete(
- self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name,
- delete_params
- )
- if cur.execute(sql) != 1:
- return False
- return True
- ## @brief Fetch related (rel2type) by LeType
- # @param leo LeType : We want related LeObject of this LeType child class instance
- # @param letype LeType(class) : We want related LeObject of this LeType child class (not instance)
- # @param get_sub bool : If True leo is the superior and we want subordinates, else its the opposite
- # @return a list of dict { 'id_relation':.., 'rank':.., 'lesup':.., 'lesub'.., 'rel_attrs': dict() }
- # TODO A conserver , utilisé par la nouvelle méthode update_rank
- def get_related(self, leo, letype, get_sub=True):
- if LeCrud.name2class('LeType') not in letype.__bases__:
- raise ValueError("letype argument should be a LeType child class, but got %s" % type(letype))
- if not isinstance(leo, LeType):
- raise ValueError("leo argument should be a LeType child class instance but got %s" % type(leo))
- with self.connection as cur:
- id_leo, id_type = 'id_sup', 'id_sub' if get_sub else 'id_sub', 'id_sup'
- joins = [
- join(
- (MySQL.objects_table_name, 'o'),
- on={'r.' + id_type: 'o.' + MySQL.field_lodel_id}
- ),
- join(
- (MySQL.objects_table_name, 'p'),
- on={'r.' + id_leo: 'p.' + MySQL.field_lodel_id}
- ),
- ]
- lesup, lesub = leo.__class__, letype if get_sub else letype, leo.__class__
- common_infos = ('r.id_relation', 'r.id_sup', 'r.id_sub', 'r.rank', 'r.depth')
- if len(lesup._linked_types[lesub]) > 0:
- #relationnal attributes, need to join with r2t table
- cls_name = leo.__class__.__name__ if get_sub else letype.__name__
- type_name = letype.__name__ if get_sub else leo.__class__.__name__
- joins.append(
- join(
- (MySQL.get_r2t2table_name(cls_name, type_name), 'r2t'),
- on={'r.' + MySQL.relations_pkname: 'r2t' + MySQL.relations_pkname}
- )
- )
- select = ('r.id_relation', 'r.id_sup', 'r.id_sub', 'r.rank', 'r.depth', 'r2t.*')
- else:
- select = common_infos
- sql = select(
- (MySQL.relations_table_name, 'r'),
- select=select,
- where={
- id_leo: leo.lodel_id,
- 'type_id': letype._type_id,
- },
- joins=joins
- )
- cur.execute(sql)
- res = all_to_dicts(cur)
- #Building result
- ret = list()
- for datas in res:
- r_letype = letype(res['r.' + id_type])
- ret_item = {
- 'id_relation': +datas[MySQL.relations_pkname],
- 'lesup': r_leo if get_sub else r_letype,
- 'lesub': r_letype if get_sub else r_leo,
- 'rank': res['rank']
- }
- rel_attr = copy.copy(datas)
- for todel in common_infos:
- del rel_attr[todel]
- ret_item['rel_attrs'] = rel_attr
- ret.append(ret_item)
- return ret
- ## @brief Set the rank of a relation identified by its ID
- # @param id_relation int : relation ID
- # @param rank int|str : 'first', 'last', or an integer value
- # @throw ValueError if rank is not valid
- # @throw leapi.leapi.LeObjectQueryError if id_relation don't exists
- def set_relation_rank(self, id_relation, rank):
- self._check_rank(rank)
- self._set_relation_rank(id_relation, rank)
- ## @brief Sets a new rank on a relation
- # @param le_relation LeRelation
- # @param new_rank int: integer representing the absolute new rank
- # @return True if success, False if failure
- # TODO Conserver cette méthode dans le datasource du fait des requêtes SQL. Elle est appelée par le set_rank de LeRelation
- def update_rank(self, le_relation, rank):
- lesup = le_relation.id_sup
- lesub = le_relation.id_sub
- current_rank = le_relation.rank
- relations = le_relation.__class__.get(query_filters=[('id_sup', '=', lesup)], order=[('rank', 'ASC')])
- # relations = self.get_related(lesup, lesub.__class__, get_sub=True)
- # insert the relation at the right position considering its new rank
- our_relation = relations.pop(current_rank)
- relations.insert(our_relation, rank)
- # rebuild now the list of relations from the resorted list and recalculating the ranks
- rdatas = [(attrs['relation_id'], new_rank+1) for new_rank, (sup, sub, attrs) in enumerate(relations)]
- sql = insert(MySQL.relations_table_name, columns=(MySQL.relations_pkname, 'rank'), values=rdatas, on_duplicate_key_update={'rank', mosql.util.raw('VALUES(`rank`)')})
- with self.connection as cur:
- if cur.execute(sql) != 1:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- ## @brief Set the rank of a relation identified by its ID
- #
- # @note this solution is not the more efficient solution but it
- # garantee that ranks are continuous and starts at 1
- # @warning there is no way to fail on rank parameters even giving very bad parameters, if you want a method that may fail on rank use set_relation_rank() instead
- # @param id_relation int : relation ID
- # @param rank int|str : 'first', 'last', or an integer value
- # @throw leapi.leapi.LeObjectQueryError if id_relation don't exists
- def _set_relation_rank(self, id_relation, rank):
- ret = self.get_relation(id_relation, no_attr=True)
- if not ret:
- raise leapi.leapi.LeObjectQueryError("No relation with id_relation = %d" % id_relation)
- lesup = ret['lesup']
- lesub = ret['lesup']
- cur_rank = ret['rank']
- rank = 1 if rank == 'first' or rank < 1 else rank
- if cur_rank == rank:
- return True
- relations = self.get_related(lesup, lesub.__class__, get_sub=True)
- if not isinstance(rank, int) or rank > len(relations):
- rank = len(relations)
- if cur_rank == rank:
- return True
- #insert the relation at the good position
- our_relation = relations.pop(cur_rank)
- relations.insert(our_relation, rank)
- #gathering (relation_id, new_rank)
- rdatas = [(attrs['relation_id'], new_rank + 1) for new_rank, (sup, sub, attrs) in enumerate(relations)]
- sql = insert(MySQL.relations_table_name, columns=(MySQL.relations_pkname, 'rank'), values=rdatas, on_duplicate_key_update={'rank', mosql.util.raw('VALUES(`rank`)')})
- ## @brief Check a rank value
- # @param rank int | str : Can be an integer >= 1 , 'first' or 'last'
- # @throw ValueError if the rank is not valid
- def _check_rank(self, rank):
- if isinstance(rank, str) and rank != 'first' and rank != 'last':
- raise ValueError("Invalid rank value : %s" % rank)
- elif isinstance(rank, int) and rank < 1:
- raise ValueError("Invalid rank value : %d" % rank)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid rank type : %s" % type(rank))
- ## @brief Link two object given a relation nature, depth and rank
- # @param lesup LeObject : a LeObject
- # @param lesub LeObject : a LeObject
- # @param nature str|None : The relation nature or None if rel2type
- # @param rank int : a rank
- def add_relation(self, lesup, lesub, nature=None, depth=None, rank=None, **rel_attr):
- if len(rel_attr) > 0 and nature is not None:
- #not a rel2type but have some relation attribute
- raise AttributeError("No relation attributes allowed for non rel2type relations")
- with self.connection as cur:
- sql = insert(self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name, {'id_sup': lesup.lodel_id, 'id_sub': lesub.lodel_id, 'nature': nature, 'rank': rank, 'depth': depth})
- if cur.execute(sql) != 1:
- raise RuntimeError("Unknow SQL error")
- if len(rel_attr) > 0:
- #a relation table exists
- cur.execute('SELECT last_insert_id()')
- relation_id, = cur.fetchone()
- raise NotImplementedError()
- return True
- ## @brief Delete a relation
- # @warning this method may not be efficient
- # @param id_relation int : The relation identifier
- # @return bool
- def del_relation(self, id_relation):
- with self.connection as cur:
- pk_where = {MySQL.relations_pkname: id_relation}
- if not MySQL.fk_on_delete_cascade and len(lesup._linked_types[lesub.__class__]) > 0:
- #Delete the row in the relation attribute table
- ret = self.get_relation(id_relation, no_attr=False)
- lesup = ret['lesup']
- lesub = ret['lesub']
- sql = delete(MySQL.relations_table_name, pk_where)
- if cur.execute(sql) != 1:
- raise RuntimeError("Unknown SQL Error")
- sql = delete(MySQL.relations_table_name, pk_where)
- if cur.execute(sql) != 1:
- raise RuntimeError("Unknown SQL Error")
- return True
- ## @brief Fetch a relation
- # @param id_relation int : The relation identifier
- # @param no_attr bool : If true dont fetch rel_attr
- # @return a dict{'id_relation':.., 'lesup':.., 'lesub':..,'rank':.., 'depth':.., #if not none#'nature':.., #if exists#'dict_attr':..>}
- #
- # @todo TESTS
- # TODO conserver, appelé par la méthode update_rank
- def get_relation(self, id_relation, no_attr=False):
- relation = dict()
- with self.connection as cur:
- sql = select(MySQL.relation_table_name, {MySQL.relations_pkname: id_relation})
- if cur.execute(sql) != 1:
- raise RuntimeError("Unknow SQL error")
- res = all_to_dicts(cur)
- if len(res) == 0:
- return False
- if len(res) > 1:
- raise RuntimeError("When selecting on primary key, get more than one result. Bailout")
- if res['nature'] is not None:
- raise ValueError("The relation with id %d is not a rel2type relation" % id_relation)
- leobj = leapi.lefactory.LeFactory.leobj_from_name('LeObject')
- lesup = leobj.uid2leobj(res['id_sup'])
- lesub = leobj.uid2leobj(res['id_sub'])
- relation['id_relation'] = res['id_relation']
- relation['lesup'] = lesup
- relation['lesub'] = lesub
- relation['rank'] = rank
- relation['depth'] = depth
- if res['nature'] is not None:
- relation['nature'] = res['nature']
- if not no_attr and res['nature'] is None and len(lesup._linked_types[lesub.__class__]) != 0:
- #Fetch relation attributes
- rel_attr_table = MySQL.get_r2t2table_name(lesup.__class__.__name__, lesub.__class__.__name__)
- sql = select(MySQL.rel_attr_table, {MySQL.relations_pkname: id_relation})
- if cur.execute(sql) != 1:
- raise RuntimeError("Unknow SQL error")
- res = all_to_dicts(cur)
- if len(res) == 0:
- #Here raising a warning and adding empty (or default) attributes will be better
- raise RuntimeError("This relation should have attributes but none found !!!")
- if len(res) > 1:
- raise RuntimeError("When selecting on primary key, get more than one result. Bailout")
- attrs = res[0]
- relation['rel_attr'] = attrs
- return relation
- ## @brief Fetch all relations concerning an object (rel2type relations)
- # @param leo LeType : LeType child instance
- # @return a list of tuple (lesup, lesub, dict_attr)
- def get_relations(self, leo):
- sql = select(self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name, where=or_(({'id_sub': leo.lodel_id}, {'id_sup': leo.lodel_id})))
- with self.connection as cur:
- results = all_to_dicts(cur.execute(sql))
- relations = []
- for result in results:
- id_sup = result['id_sup']
- id_sub = result['id_sub']
- del result['id_sup']
- del result['id_sub']
- rel_attr = result
- relations.append((id_sup, id_sub, rel_attr))
- return relations
- ## @brief Add a superior to a LeObject
- # @note in the MySQL version the method will have a depth=None argument to allow reccursive calls to add all the path to the root with corresponding depth
- # @param lesup LeType : superior LeType child class instance
- # @param lesub LeType : subordinate LeType child class instance
- # @param nature str : A relation nature @ref EditorialModel.classtypesa
- # @param rank int : The rank of this relation
- # @param depth None|int : The depth of the relation (used to make reccursive calls in order to link with all superiors)
- # @return The relation ID or False if fails
- def add_superior(self, lesup, lesub, nature, rank, depth=None):
- params = {'id_sup': lesup.lodel_id, 'id_sub': lesub.lodel_id, 'nature': nature, 'rank': rank}
- if depth is not None:
- params['depth'] = depth
- sql_insert = insert(self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name, params)
- with self.connection as cur:
- if cur.execute(sql_insert) != 1:
- return False
- cur.execute('SELECT last_insert_id()')
- relation_id, = cur.fetchone()
- if nature in EmNature.getall():
- parent_superiors = lesup.superiors()
- for superior in parent_superiors:
- depth = depth - 1 if depth is not None else 1
- self.add_relation(lesup=superior.lodel_id, lesub=lesub.lodel_id, nature=nature, depth=depth, rank=rank)
- return relation_id
- ## @brief Fetch a superiors list ordered by depth for a LeType
- # @param lesub LeType : subordinate LeType child class instance
- # @param nature str : A relation nature @ref EditorialModel.classtypes
- # @return A list of LeType ordered by depth (the first is the direct superior)
- def get_superiors(self, lesub, nature):
- sql = select(
- self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name,
- columns=('id_sup',),
- where={'id_sub': lesub.lodel_id, 'nature': nature},
- order_by=('depth desc',)
- )
- result = []
- with self.connection as cur:
- results = all_to_dicts(cur.execute(sql))
- superiors = [LeType(result['id_sup']) for result in results]
- return superiors
- ## @brief Fetch the list of the subordinates given a nature
- # @param lesup LeType : superior LeType child class instance
- # @param nature str : A relation nature @ref EditorialModel.classtypes
- # @return A list of LeType ordered by rank that are subordinates of lesup in a "nature" relation
- def get_subordinates(self, lesup, nature):
- with self.connection as cur:
- id_sup = lesup.lodel_id if isinstance(lesup, leapi.letype.LeType) else MySQL.leroot_lodel_id
- sql = select(
- MySQL.relations_table_name,
- columns=('id_sup',),
- where={'id_sup': id_sup, 'nature': nature},
- order_by=('rank',)
- )
- cur.execut(sql)
- res = all_to_dicts(cur)
- return [LeType(r['id_sup']) for r in res]
- # ================================================================================================================ #
- # ================================================================================================================ #
- ## @brief inserts a new object
- # @param letype LeType
- # @param leclass LeClass
- # @param datas dict : dictionnary of field:value pairs to save
- # @return int : lodel_id of the created object
- # @todo add the returning clause and the insertion in "object"
- # def insert(self, letype, leclass, datas):
- # if isinstance(datas, list):
- # res = list()
- # for data in datas:
- # res.append(self.insert(letype, leclass, data))
- # return res if len(res)>1 else res[0]
- # elif isinstance(datas, dict):
- #
- # object_datas = {'class_id': leclass._class_id, 'type_id': letype._type_id}
- #
- # cur = self.datasource_utils.query(self.connection, insert(self.datasource_utils.objects_table_name, object_datas))
- # lodel_id = cur.lastrowid
- #
- # datas[self.datasource_utils.field_lodel_id] = lodel_id
- # query_table_name = self.datasource_utils.get_table_name_from_class(leclass.__name__)
- # self.datasource_utils.query(self.connection, insert(query_table_name, datas))
- #
- # return lodel_id
- ## @brief search for a collection of objects
- # @param leclass LeClass
- # @param letype LeType
- # @field_list list
- # @param filters list : list of tuples formatted as (FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE)
- # @param relation_filters list : list of tuples formatted as (('superior'|'subordinate', FIELD), OPERATOR, VALUE)
- # @return list
- # def get(self, leclass, letype, field_list, filters, relational_filters=None):
- #
- # if leclass is None:
- # query_table_name = self.datasource_utils.objects_table_name
- # else:
- # query_table_name = self.datasource_utils.get_table_name_from_class(leclass.__name__)
- # where_filters = self._prepare_filters(filters, query_table_name)
- # join_fields = {}
- #
- # if relational_filters is not None and len(relational_filters) > 0:
- # rel_filters = self._prepare_rel_filters(relational_filters)
- # for rel_filter in rel_filters:
- # # join condition
- # relation_table_join_field = "%s.%s" % (self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name, self.RELATIONS_POSITIONS_FIELDS[rel_filter['position']])
- # query_table_join_field = "%s.%s" % (query_table_name, self.datasource_utils.field_lodel_id)
- # join_fields[query_table_join_field] = relation_table_join_field
- # # Adding "where" filters
- # where_filters['%s.%s' % (self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name, self.datasource_utils.relations_field_nature)] = rel_filter['nature']
- # where_filters[rel_filter['condition_key']] = rel_filter['condition_value']
- #
- # # building the query
- # query = select(query_table_name, where=where_filters, select=field_list, joins=join(self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name, join_fields))
- # else:
- # query = select(query_table_name, where=where_filters, select=field_list)
- #
- # Executing the query
- # cur = self.datasource_utils.query(self.connection, query)
- # results = all_to_dicts(cur)
- #
- # return results
- ## @brief delete an existing object
- # @param letype LeType
- # @param leclass LeClass
- # @param filters list : list of tuples formatted as (FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE)
- # @param relational_filters list : list of tuples formatted as (('superior'|'subordinate', FIELD), OPERATOR, VALUE)
- # @return bool : True on success
- # def delete(self, letype, leclass, filters, relational_filters):
- # query_table_name = self.datasource_utils.get_table_name_from_class(leclass.__name__)
- # prep_filters = self._prepare_filters(filters, query_table_name)
- # prep_rel_filters = self._prepare_rel_filters(relational_filters)
- #
- # if len(prep_rel_filters) > 0:
- # query = "DELETE %s FROM " % query_table_name
- #
- # for prep_rel_filter in prep_rel_filters:
- # query += "%s INNER JOIN %s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s)" % (
- # self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name,
- # query_table_name,
- # self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name,
- # prep_rel_filter['position'],
- # query_table_name,
- # self.datasource_utils.field_lodel_id
- # )
- #
- # if prep_rel_filter['condition_key'][0] is not None:
- # prep_filters[("%s.%s" % (self.datasource_utils.relations_table_name, prep_rel_filter['condition_key'][0]), prep_rel_filter['condition_key'][1])] = prep_rel_filter['condition_value']
- #
- # if prep_filters is not None and len(prep_filters) > 0:
- # query += " WHERE "
- # filter_counter = 0
- # for filter_item in prep_filters:
- # if filter_counter > 1:
- # query += " AND "
- # query += "%s %s %s" % (filter_item[0][0], filter_item[0][1], filter_item[1])
- # else:
- # query = delete(query_table_name, filters)
- #
- # query_delete_from_object = delete(self.datasource_utils.objects_table_name, {'lodel_id': filters['lodel_id']})
- # with self.connection as cur:
- # cur.execute(query)
- # cur.execute(query_delete_from_object)
- #
- # return True
- ## @brief update an existing object's data
- # @param letype LeType
- # @param leclass LeClass
- # @param filters list : list of tuples formatted as (FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE)
- # @param rel_filters list : list of tuples formatted as (('superior'|'subordinate', FIELD), OPERATOR, VALUE)
- # @param data dict
- # @return bool
- # @todo prendre en compte les rel_filters
- # def update(self, letype, leclass, filters, rel_filters, data):
- #
- # query_table_name = self.datasource_utils.get_table_name_from_class(leclass.__name__)
- # where_filters = filters
- # set_data = data
- #
- # prepared_rel_filters = self._prepare_rel_filters(rel_filters)
- #
- # Building the query
- # query = update(table=query_table_name, where=where_filters, set=set_data)
- # Executing the query
- # with self.connection as cur:
- # cur.execute(query)
- # return True