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  1. import importlib
  2. import importlib.machinery
  3. import
  4. import sys
  5. import types
  6. import os
  7. import os.path
  8. import re
  9. import copy
  10. import warnings #For the moment no way to use the logger in this file (I guess)
  11. #A try to avoid circular dependencies problems
  12. if 'lodel' not in sys.modules:
  13. import lodel
  14. else:
  15. globals()['lodel'] = sys.modules['lodel']
  16. if 'lodelsites' in sys.modules:
  17. #This should be true since LodelContext init method is called
  18. #for a MULTISITE context handling
  19. globals()['lodelsites'] = sys.modules['lodelsites']
  20. from lodel import buildconf
  21. ##@brief Name of the package that will contains all the virtual lodel
  22. #packages
  23. CTX_PKG = "lodelsites"
  24. ##@brief Reserved context name for loading steps
  25. #@note This context is designed to be set at loading time, allowing lodel2
  26. #main process to use lodel packages
  27. LOAD_CTX = "__loader__"
  28. #
  29. # Following exception classes are written here to avoid circular dependencies
  30. # problems.
  31. #
  32. ##@brief Designed to be raised by the context manager
  33. class ContextError(Exception):
  34. pass
  35. ##@brief Raised when an error concerning context modules occurs
  36. class ContextModuleError(ContextError):
  37. pass
  38. def dir_for_context(site_identifier):
  39. _, ctx_path = LodelContext.lodelsites_paths()
  40. return os.path.join(ctx_path, site_identifier)
  41. ##@brief Designed to permit dynamic packages creation from the lodel package
  42. #
  43. #The class is added in first position in the sys.metapath variable. Doing this
  44. #we override the earlier steps of the import mechanism.
  45. #
  46. #When called the find_spec method determine wether the imported module is
  47. #a part of a virtual lodel package, else it returns None and the standart
  48. #import mechanism go further.
  49. #If it's a submodule of a virtual lodel package we create a symlink
  50. #to represent the lodel package os the FS and then we make python import
  51. #files from the symlink.
  52. #
  53. #
  54. #@note Current implementation is far from perfection. In fact no deletion
  55. #mechanisms is written and the virtual package cannot be a subpackage of
  56. #the lodel package for the moment...
  57. #@note Current implementation asserts that all plugins are in CWD
  58. #a symlink will be done to create a copy of the plugins folder in
  59. #lodelsites/SITENAME/ folder
  60. class LodelMetaPathFinder(
  61. ##@brief implements the find_spec method of MetaPathFinder
  62. #
  63. #@param fullname str : module fullname
  64. #@param path str : with be the value of __path__ of the parent package
  65. #@param target module : is a module object that the finder may use to
  66. #make a more educated guess about what spec to return
  67. #@see
  68. def find_spec(fullname, path, target = None):
  69. if fullname.startswith(CTX_PKG+'.'):
  70. spl = fullname.split('.')
  71. site_identifier = spl[1]
  72. #creating a symlink to represent the lodel site package
  73. mod_path = dir_for_context(site_identifier)
  74. if not os.path.exists(mod_path):
  75. os.symlink(lodel.__path__[0], mod_path, True)
  76. #Cache invalidation after we "created" the new package
  77. #importlib.invalidate_caches()
  78. return None
  79. #def invalidate_caches(): pass
  80. ##@brief Class designed to handle context switching and virtual module
  81. #exposure
  82. #
  83. #The main entrypoint of this class is the expose_module method. A kind of
  84. #equivalent of the various import X [as Y], from X import Y [as Z] etc.
  85. #existing in Python.
  86. #The expose_module method add a preffix to the module fullname in order
  87. #to make it reconizable by the LodelMetaPathfinder::find_spec() method.
  88. #All module names are translated before import. The preffix is set at
  89. #__init__ call in __pkg_name. The resulting name is __pkg_name + fullname
  90. #
  91. #@par examples
  92. #When asking for lodel.leapi.leobject :
  93. #- in MONOSITE resulting module will be lodel.leapi.leobject
  94. #- in MULTISITE resulting module name will be
  95. #lodelsites.SITE_ID.lodel.leapi.leobject
  96. #
  97. #The lodelsites package will be a subdir of buildconf.MULTISITE_CONTEXTDIR
  98. #that will be itself added to sys.path in order to be able to import
  99. #lodelsites
  100. #
  101. #@par Notes about dyncode exposure
  102. #In MULTISITE mode the dyncode will be stored as a python module in
  103. #buildconf.MULTISITE_CONTEXTDIR/SITE_ID/ . The dyncode
  104. #exposale process in MULTISITE mode is simply done by asking LodelContext
  105. #to expose a module named leapi_dyncode. The LodelContext::_translate()
  106. #method is able to produce a correct name for this module.
  107. #In MONOSITE mode the dyncode will be stored as a python module in
  108. #the site directory. In this case the _translate method will do the same
  109. #transformation than for the others modules. But in MONOSITE mode the
  110. #module preffix is empty. Resulting in import leapi_dyncode. This will
  111. #work asserting that cwd in MONOSITE mode is the instance directory.
  112. #
  113. #
  114. #
  115. #@note a dedicated context named LOAD_CTX is used as context for the
  116. #loading process
  117. class LodelContext(object):
  118. ##@brief FLag telling that the context handler is in single context mode
  119. MONOSITE = 1
  120. ##@brief Flag telling that the context manager is in multi context mode
  121. MULTISITE = 2
  122. ##@brief Static property storing current context name
  123. _current = None
  124. ##@brief Stores the context type (single or multiple)
  125. _type = None
  126. ##@brief Stores the contexts
  127. _contexts = None
  128. ##@brief Flag indicating if the classe is initialized
  129. __initialized = False
  130. ##@brief Stores path used by MULTISITE instance
  131. #
  132. #This variable is a tuple with 2 elements (in this order):
  133. #- lodelsites datadir (ex: /var/lodel2/MULTISITE_NAME/datadir/)
  134. #- lodelsites contextdir (ex: /varL/lodel2/MULTISITE_NAME/.ctx/lodelsites)
  135. __lodelsites_paths = None
  136. ##@brief Create a new context
  137. #@see
  138. def __init__(self, site_id, instance_path = None):
  139. if site_id is None and self.multisite():
  140. site_id = LOAD_CTX
  141. if self.multisite() and site_id is not LOAD_CTX:
  142. with LodelContext.with_context(None) as ctx:
  143. ctx.expose_modules(globals(), {'lodel.logger': 'logger'})
  144."New context instanciation named '%s'" % site_id)
  145. if site_id is None:
  146. self.__id = "MONOSITE"
  147. #Monosite instanciation
  148. if self.multisite():
  149. raise ContextError("Cannot instanciate a context with \
  150. site_id set to None when we are in MULTISITE beahavior")
  151. else:
  152. #More verification can be done here (singleton specs ? )
  153. self.__class__._current = self.__class__._contexts = self
  154. self.__pkg_name = 'lodel'
  155. self.__package = lodel
  156. self.__instance_path = os.getcwd()
  157. return
  158. else:
  159. #Multisite instanciation
  160. if not self.multisite():
  161. raise ContextError("Cannot instanciate a context with a \
  162. site_id when we are in MONOSITE beahvior")
  163. if not self.validate_identifier(site_id):
  164. raise ContextError("Given context name is not a valide identifier \
  165. : '%s'" % site_id)
  166. if site_id in self.__class__._contexts:
  167. raise ContextError(
  168. "A context named '%s' allready exists." % site_id)
  169. self.__id = site_id
  170. self.__pkg_name = '%s.%s' % (CTX_PKG, site_id)
  171. if instance_path is None:
  172. """
  173. raise ContextError("Cannot create a context without an \
  174. instance path")
  175. """
  176. warnings.warn("It can be a really BAD idea to create a \
  177. a context without a path......")
  178. self.__instance_path = None
  179. else:
  180. self.__instance_path = os.path.realpath(instance_path)
  181. #Importing the site package to trigger its creation
  182. self.__package = importlib.import_module(
  183. self.__pkg_name)
  184. self.__class__._contexts[site_id] = self
  185. #Designed to be use by with statement
  186. self.__previous_ctx = None
  187. ##@brief Expose a module from the context
  188. #@param globs globals : globals where we have to expose the module
  189. #@param spec tuple : first item is module name, second is the alias
  190. def expose(self, globs, spec):
  191. if len(spec) != 2:
  192. raise ContextError("Invalid argument given. Expected a tuple of \
  193. length == 2 but got : %s" % spec)
  194. module_fullname, exposure_spec = spec
  195. module_fullname = self._translate(module_fullname)
  196. if isinstance(exposure_spec, str):
  197. self._expose_module(globs, module_fullname, exposure_spec)
  198. else:
  199. self._expose_objects(globs, module_fullname, exposure_spec)
  200. ##@brief Return a module from current context
  201. def get_module(self, fullname):
  202. fullname = self._translate(fullname)
  203. module = importlib.import_module(fullname)
  204. return module
  205. ##@brief Delete a site's context
  206. #@param site_id str : the site's name to remove the context
  207. def remove(cls, site_id):
  208. if site_id is None:
  209. if cls._type == cls.MULTISITE:
  210. raise ContextError("Cannot have a context with \
  211. site_id set to None when we are in MULTISITE beahavior")
  212. del cls._contexts
  213. else:
  214. if cls._type == cls.MULTISITE:
  215. if site_id in cls._contexts:
  216. del cls._contexts[site_id]
  217. else:
  218. raise ContextError("No site %s exist" % site_id)
  219. else:
  220. raise ContextError("Cannot have a context with \
  221. site_id set when we are in MONOSITE beahavior")
  222. ##@return identifier for current context
  223. @classmethod
  224. def current_id(cls):
  225. return cls._current.__id
  226. ##@return True if the class is in MULTISITE mode
  227. @classmethod
  228. def multisite(cls):
  229. return cls._type == cls.MULTISITE
  230. ##@brief helper class to use LodeContext with with statement
  231. #@note alias to get method
  232. #@note maybe useless
  233. #@todo delete me
  234. @classmethod
  235. def with_context(cls, target_ctx_id):
  236. return cls.get(target_ctx_id)
  237. ##@brief Set a context as active
  238. #
  239. #This method handle the context switching operations. Some static
  240. #attributes are set at this step.
  241. #@note if not in LOAD_CTX a sys.path update is done
  242. #@warning Inconsistency with lodelsites_datasource, we build again the
  243. #site context dir path using site_id. This information should come
  244. #from only one source
  245. #@param site_id str : site identifier (identify a context)
  246. #@todo unify the generation of the site specific context dir path
  247. @classmethod
  248. def set(cls, site_id):
  249. if cls._type == cls.MONOSITE:
  250. raise ContextError("Context cannot be set in MONOSITE beahvior")
  251. site_id = LOAD_CTX if site_id is None else site_id
  252. if not cls.validate_identifier(site_id):
  253. raise ContextError("Given context name is not a valide identifier \
  254. : '%s'" % site_id)
  255. if site_id not in cls._contexts:
  256. raise ContextError("No context named '%s' found." % site_id)
  257. if cls.current_id != LOAD_CTX and site_id != LOAD_CTX:
  258. raise ContextError("Not allowed to switch into a site context \
  259. from another site context. You have to switch back to LOAD_CTX before")
  260. wanted_ctx = cls._contexts[site_id]
  261. if hasattr(wanted_ctx, '__instance_path'):
  262. os.chdir(self.__instance_path) #May cause problems and may be obsolete
  263. cls._current = wanted_ctx
  264. return cls._current
  265. ##@brief Getter for contexts
  266. #@param ctx_id str | None | False : if False return the current context
  267. #@return A LodelContext instance
  268. @classmethod
  269. def get(cls, ctx_id = False):
  270. if ctx_id is False:
  271. if cls._current is None:
  272. raise ContextError("No context loaded")
  273. return cls._current
  274. ctx_id = LOAD_CTX if ctx_id is None else ctx_id
  275. if ctx_id not in cls._contexts:
  276. raise ContextError("No context identified by '%s'" % ctx_id)
  277. return cls._contexts[ctx_id]
  278. ##@brief Returns the name of the loaded context
  279. @classmethod
  280. def get_name(cls):
  281. if cls._current is None:
  282. raise ContextError("No context loaded")
  283. return copy.copy(cls._current.__id)
  284. ##@brief Create a new context given a context name
  285. #
  286. #@note It's just an alias to the LodelContext.__init__ method
  287. #@param site_id str : context name
  288. #@return the context instance
  289. @classmethod
  290. def new(cls, site_id, instance_path = None):
  291. if site_id is None:
  292. site_id = LOAD_CTX
  293. return cls(site_id, instance_path)
  294. ##@brief Helper function that import and expose specified modules
  295. #
  296. #The specs given is a dict. Each element is indexed by a module
  297. #fullname. Items can be of two types :
  298. #@par Simple import with alias
  299. #In this case items of specs is a string representing the alias name
  300. #for the module we are exposing
  301. #@par from x import i,j,k equivalent
  302. #In this case items are lists of object name to expose as it in globals.
  303. #You can specify an alias by giving a tuple instead of a string as
  304. #list element. In this case the first element of the tuple is the object
  305. #name and the second it's alias in the globals
  306. #
  307. #@todo make the specs format more consitant
  308. #@param cls : bultin params
  309. #@param globs dict : the globals dict of the caller module
  310. #@param specs dict : specs of exposure (see comments of this method)
  311. #@todo implements relative module imports. (maybe by looking for
  312. #"calling" package in globs dict)
  313. @classmethod
  314. def expose_modules(cls, globs, specs):
  315. ctx = cls.get()
  316. for spec in specs.items():
  317. ctx.expose(globs, spec)
  318. ##@brief Return a module from current context
  319. #@param fullname str : module fullname
  320. #@todo check if not globals are set when getting a module ! (if so
  321. #checks all calls to this method to check that this assertion was not
  322. #made)
  323. @classmethod
  324. def module(cls, fullname):
  325. return cls.get().get_module(fullname)
  326. ##@brief Expose leapi_dyncode module
  327. @classmethod
  328. def expose_dyncode(cls, globs, alias = 'leapi_dyncode'):
  329. cls.get().expose_module(globs, 'leapi_dyncode')
  330. ##@brief Initialize the context manager
  331. #
  332. #@note Add the LodelMetaPathFinder class to sys.metapath if type is
  333. #LodelContext.MULTISITE
  334. #@note lodelsites package name is hardcoded and has to be
  335. #@param type FLAG : takes value in LodelContext.MONOSITE or
  336. #LodelContext.MULTISITE
  337. @classmethod
  338. def init(cls, type=MONOSITE):
  339. if cls._current is not None:
  340. raise ContextError("Context allready started and used. Enable to \
  341. initialize it anymore")
  342. if type not in ( cls.MONOSITE, cls.MULTISITE):
  343. raise ContextError("Invalid flag given : %s" % type)
  344. cls._type = type
  345. if cls._type == cls.MULTISITE:
  346. #Woot hardcoded stuff with no idea of what it implies :-P
  347. lodelsites_path = os.getcwd() #Same assert in the loader
  348. cls.__lodelsites_paths = (
  349. os.path.join(lodelsites_path, buildconf.MULTISITE_DATADIR),
  350. os.path.join(lodelsites_path, os.path.join(
  351. buildconf.MULTISITE_CONTEXTDIR, 'lodelsites')))
  352. #Now we are able to import lodelsites package
  353. sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(cls.__lodelsites_paths[1]))
  354. if 'lodelsites' not in sys.modules:
  355. import lodelsites
  356. globals()['lodelsites'] = sys.modules['lodelsites']
  357. #End of Woot
  358. cls._contexts = dict()
  359. #Add custom MetaPathFinder allowing implementing custom imports
  360. sys.meta_path = [LodelMetaPathFinder] + sys.meta_path
  361. #Create and set __loader__ context
  363. cls.set(LOAD_CTX)
  364. else:
  365. #Add a single context with no site_id
  366. cls._contexts = cls._current = cls(None)
  367. cls.__initialized = True
  368. ##@return True if the class is initialized
  369. @classmethod
  370. def is_initialized(cls):
  371. return cls.__initialized
  372. ##@brief Return the directory of the package of the current loaded context
  373. @classmethod
  374. def context_dir(cls):
  375. if cls._type == cls.MONOSITE:
  376. return './'
  377. return os.path.join(cls.__lodelsites_paths[1],
  378. cls._current.__id)
  379. ##@brief Validate a context identifier
  380. #@param identifier str : the identifier to validate
  381. #@return true if the name is valide else false
  382. @staticmethod
  383. def validate_identifier(identifier):
  384. if identifier == LOAD_CTX:
  385. return True
  386. return identifier is None or \
  387. re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]', identifier)
  388. ##@brief Safely expose a module in globals using an alias name
  389. #
  390. #@note designed to implements warning messages or stuff like that
  391. #when doing nasty stuff
  392. #
  393. #@warning Logging stuffs may lead in a performance issue
  394. #
  395. #@todo try to use the logger module instead of warnings
  396. #@param globs globals : the globals where we want to expose our
  397. #module alias
  398. #@param obj object : the object we want to expose
  399. #@param alias str : the alias name for our module
  400. @staticmethod
  401. def safe_exposure(globs, obj, alias):
  402. if alias in globs:
  403. if globs[alias] != obj:
  404. print("Context '%s' : A module exposure leads in globals overwriting for \
  405. key '%s' with a different value : %s != %s" % (LodelContext.get_name(), alias, globs[alias], obj))
  406. """#Uncomment this bloc to display a stack trace for dangerous modules overwriting
  407. print("DEBUG INFOS : ")
  408. import traceback
  409. traceback.print_stack()
  410. """
  411. else:
  412. print("Context '%s' : A module exposure leads in a useless replacement for \
  413. key '%s'" % (LodelContext.get_name(),alias))
  414. globs[alias] = obj
  415. ##@brief Create a context from a path and returns the context name
  416. #@param path str : the path from which we extract a sitename
  417. #@return the site identifier
  418. @classmethod
  419. def from_path(cls, path):
  420. if cls._type != cls.MULTISITE:
  421. raise ContextError("Cannot create a context from a path in \
  422. MONOSITE mode")
  423. site_id = os.path.basename(path.strip('/'))
  424. path = os.path.realpath(path)
  425. if not cls.validate_identifier(site_id):
  426. raise ContextError(
  427. "Unable to create a context named '%s'" % site_id)
  428., path)
  429. return site_id
  430. ##@brief Return a tuple containing lodelsites datadir & contextdir (
  431. #in this order)
  432. @classmethod
  433. def lodelsites_paths(cls):
  434. if cls.__lodelsites_paths is None:
  435. raise ContextError('No paths available')
  436. return copy.copy(cls.__lodelsites_paths)
  437. ##@brief Utility method to expose a module with an alias name in globals
  438. #@param globs globals() : concerned globals dict
  439. #@param fullname str : module fullname
  440. #@param alias str : alias name
  441. @classmethod
  442. def _expose_module(cls, globs, fullname, alias):
  443. module = importlib.import_module(fullname)
  444. cls.safe_exposure(globs, module, alias)
  445. ##@brief Utility mehod to expose objects like in a from x import y,z
  446. #form
  447. #@param globs globals() : dict of globals
  448. #@param fullename str : module fullname
  449. #@param objects list : list of object names to expose
  450. @classmethod
  451. def _expose_objects(cls, globs, fullname, objects):
  452. errors = []
  453. module = importlib.import_module(fullname)
  454. for o_name in objects:
  455. if isinstance(o_name, str):
  456. alias = o_name
  457. else:
  458. o_name, alias = o_name
  459. if not hasattr(module, o_name):
  460. errors.append(o_name)
  461. else:
  462. cls.safe_exposure(globs, getattr(module, o_name), alias)
  463. if len(errors) > 0:
  464. msg = "Module %s does not have any of [%s] as attribute" % (
  465. fullname, ','.join(errors))
  466. raise ImportError(msg)
  467. ##@brief Translate a module fullname to the context equivalent
  468. #
  469. #Two transformation are possible :
  470. #- we are importing a submodule of the lodel package : resulting module
  471. #name will be : self.__pkg_name + module_fullname
  472. #- we are importing the dyncode : resulting module name is :
  473. #self.__pkg_name + dyncode_modulename
  474. #@param module_fullname str : a module fullname
  475. #@return The module name in the current context
  476. def _translate(self, module_fullname):
  477. if module_fullname.startswith('lodel'):
  478. return self.__pkg_name + module_fullname[5:]
  479. if module_fullname.startswith('leapi_dyncode'):
  480. return self.__pkg_name+'.'+module_fullname
  481. raise ContextModuleError("Given module is not lodel nor dyncode \
  482. or any submodule : '%s'" % module_fullname)
  483. ##@brief Implements the with statement behavior
  484. #@see
  485. #@see
  486. def __enter__(self):
  487. if not self.multisite:
  488. warnings.warn("Using LodelContext with with statement in \
  489. MONOSITE mode")
  490. if self.__previous_ctx is not None:
  491. raise ContextError("__enter__ called but a previous context \
  492. is allready registered !!! Bailout")
  493. current = LodelContext.get().__id
  494. if current != self.__id:
  495. #Only switch if necessary
  496. self.__previous_ctx = LodelContext.get().__id
  497. LodelContext.set(self.__id)
  498. return self
  499. ##@brief Implements the with statement behavior
  500. #@see
  501. #@see
  502. def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
  503. prev = self.__previous_ctx
  504. self.__previous_ctx = None
  505. if prev is not None:
  506. #Only restore if needed
  507. LodelContext.set(self.__previous_ctx)