123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179 |
- #Known bugs :
- #Sockets are not closed properly leading in a listening socket leak, a patch
- #will be submitted for cpython 3.6
- #
- import os
- import sys
- import signal
- import socket
- import socketserver
- import wsgiref
- import wsgiref.simple_server
- from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
- from io import BufferedWriter
- from lodel.context import LodelContext
- from lodel.context import ContextError
- ##@brief On wich addr we want to bind. '' mean all interfaces
- ##@brief Listening socket port
- LISTEN_PORT = 1337
- ##@brief Set the poll interval to detect shutdown requests (do not work)
- SHUTDOWN_POLL_INTERVAL = 0.1 # <-- No impact because of ForkingTCPServer bug
- ##@brief Stores the signal we uses to kill childs
- ##@brief Reimplementation of WSGIRequestHandler
- #
- #Handler class designed to be called by socketserver child classes to handle
- #a request.
- #We inherit from wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler to avoid writing
- #all the construction of the wsgi variables
- class LodelWSGIHandler(wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler):
- ##@brief Method called by the socketserver to handle a request
- def handle(self):
- print("addr : %s %s\n" % (self.client_address, type(self.request)))
- #Register a signal handler for sigint in the child process
- req_ref = self.request
- def sigstop_handler_client(signal, frame):
- req_ref.close()
- print("Client %d stopping by signal" % os.getpid())
- os._exit(0)
- signal.signal(KILLING_CHILDS_SIGNAL, sigstop_handler_client)
- #Dirty copy & past from Lib/http/server.py in Cpython sources
- try:
- self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline(65537)
- if len(self.raw_requestline) > 65536:
- self.requestline = ''
- self.request_version = ''
- self.command = ''
- self.send_error(HTTPStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG)
- return
- if not self.raw_requestline:
- self.close_connection = True
- return
- if not self.parse_request():
- return
- #Here begin custom code
- env = self.get_environ()
- stdout = BufferedWriter(self.wfile)
- try:
- handler = wsgiref.handlers.SimpleHandler(
- self.rfile, stdout, self.get_stderr(), env)
- handler.request_handler = self # backpointer for logging
- handler.run(self.server.get_app())
- finally:
- stdout.detach()
- except socket.timeout as e:
- self.log_error("Request timed out: %r", e)
- self.close_connection = True
- return
- ##@brief An attempt to solve the socket leak problem
- def close(self):
- print("Closing request from handler : %s" % self.request)
- self.request.close()
- super().close()
- ##@brief WSGIServer implementing ForkingTCPServer.
- #
- #Same features than wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer but process each requests
- #in a child process
- class ForkingWSGIServer(
- wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer, socketserver.ForkingTCPServer):
- ##@brief Custom reimplementation of shutdown method in order to ensure
- #that we close all listening sockets
- #
- #This method is here because of a bug (or a missing feature) :
- #The socketserver implementation force to call the shutdown method
- #from another thread/process else it leads in a deadlock.
- #The problem is that the implementation of shutdown set a private attribute
- #__shutdown_request to true. So we cannot reimplement a method that will
- #just set the flag to True, we have to manually collect each actives
- #childs. A patch is prepared and will be proposed for cpython upstream.
- def shutdown(self):
- if self.active_children is not None:
- for pid in self.active_children.copy():
- print("Killing : %d"%pid)
- try:
- pid, _ = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
- self.active_children.discard(pid)
- except ChildProcessError:
- self.active_children.discard(pid)
- self.server_close()
- ##@brief utility function to extract site id from an url
- def site_id_from_url(url):
- res = ''
- for c in url[1:]:
- if c == '/':
- break
- res += c
- if len(res) == 0:
- return None
- return res
- ##@brief Utility function to return quickly an error
- def http_error(env, start_response, status = '500 internal server error', \
- extra = None):
- headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')]
- start_response(status, headers)
- msg = status
- if extra is not None:
- msg = extra
- return [msg.encode('utf-8')]
- ##@brief This method is run in a child process by the handler
- def wsgi_router(env, start_response):
- print("\n\nCPROCPID = %d\n\n" % os.getpid()) #<-- print PID (for debug)
- #Attempt to load a context
- site_id = site_id_from_url(env['PATH_INFO'])
- if site_id is None:
- #It can be nice to provide a list of instances here
- return http_error(env, start_response, '404 Not Found')
- try:
- LodelContext.set(site_id)
- #We are in the good context
- except ContextError as e:
- print(e)
- return http_error(env, start_response, '404 Not found',
- "No site named '%s'" % site_id)
- #
- # Here we have to put the code that run the request
- #
- #Testing purpose
- rep = "Woot '%s'" % site_id
- print(rep)
- start_response('200 ok', [('Content-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')])
- return [rep.encode('utf-8')]
- #mp.Process(target=foo, args=(env,start_response))
- return child_proc(env, start_response)
- ##@brief Starts the server until a SIGINT is received
- def main_loop():
- print("PID = %d" % os.getpid())
- listen_addr = LISTEN_ADDR
- listen_port = LISTEN_PORT
- server = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server(
- listen_addr, listen_port, wsgi_router,
- server_class=ForkingWSGIServer, handler_class = LodelWSGIHandler)
- #Signal handler to close server properly on sigint
- def sigint_handler(signal, frame):
- print("Ctrl-c pressed, exiting")
- server.shutdown()
- server.server_close()
- exit(0)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)
- #Listen until SIGINT
- server.serve_forever(SHUTDOWN_POLL_INTERVAL)