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- ##@brief Contains some constants in order to check that a LeObject child
- #is compatible with the datasource
- #
- #@note isolated in order to be usable by __init__.py and main.py
- LEO_NAME = 'Lodelsite'
- MANDATORY_FIELDNAMES = [ 'shortname', 'extensions', 'em_groups' ]
- ##@brief Checks that given emcomponent is compatible with datasource
- #behavior
- #@warning 100% hardcoded checks on leo name fieldnames & types
- #@param emcomp LeObject subclass (or instance)
- #@return a tuple (bool, reason_str)
- def check(leo):
- if not hasattr(leo, '__name__'):
- leo = leo.__class__
- if leo.__name__ != LEO_NAME:
- return (False, 'bad name')
- missings = set(MANDATORY_FIELDNAMES) - set(leo.fieldnames())
- if len(missings) > 0:
- return (False, 'missing fields : ' + (', '.join(missings)))
- return (True, 'ok')