123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530 |
- #-*- co:ding: utf-8 -*-
- ## @package lodel.leapi.datahandlers.base_classes Define all base/abstract class for data handlers
- #
- # Contains custom exceptions too
- import copy
- import importlib
- import inspect
- import warnings
- from lodel.exceptions import *
- from lodel import logger
- class DataNoneValid(Exception):
- pass
- class FieldValidationError(Exception):
- pass
- ##@brief Base class for all data handlers
- #@ingroup lodel2_datahandlers
- class DataHandler(object):
- _HANDLERS_MODULES = ('datas_base', 'datas', 'references')
- ##@brief Stores the DataHandler childs classes indexed by name
- _base_handlers = None
- ##@brief Stores custom datahandlers classes indexed by name
- # @todo do it ! (like plugins, register handlers... blablabla)
- __custom_handlers = dict()
- help_text = 'Generic Field Data Handler'
- ##@brief List fields that will be exposed to the construct_data_method
- _construct_datas_deps = []
- directly_editable = True
- ##@brief constructor
- # @param internal False | str : define whether or not a field is internal
- # @param immutable bool : indicates if the fieldtype has to be defined in child classes of LeObject or if it is
- # designed globally and immutable
- # @param **args
- # @throw NotImplementedError if it is instanciated directly
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- if self.__class__ == DataHandler:
- raise NotImplementedError("Abstract class")
- self.__arguments = kwargs
- self.nullable = True
- self.uniq = False
- self.immutable = False
- self.primary_key = False
- self.internal = False
- if 'default' in kwargs:
- self.default, error = self.check_data_value(kwargs['default'])
- if error:
- raise error
- del(kwargs['default'])
- for argname, argval in kwargs.items():
- setattr(self, argname, argval)
- ## Fieldtype name
- @classmethod
- def name(cls):
- return cls.__module__.split('.')[-1]
- @classmethod
- def is_reference(cls):
- return issubclass(cls, Reference)
- def is_primary_key(self):
- return self.primary_key
- ##@brief checks if a fieldtype is internal
- # @return bool
- def is_internal(self):
- return self.internal is not False
- ##brief check if a value can be nullable
- #@param value *
- #@throw DataNoneValid if value is None and nullable. LodelExceptions if not nullable
- #@return value (if not None)
- # @return value
- def _check_data_value(self, value):
- if value is None:
- if not self.nullable:
- raise LodelExceptions("None value is forbidden for this data field")
- raise DataNoneValid("None with a nullable. This exeption is allowed")
- return value
- ##@brief calls the data_field (defined in derived class) _check_data_value() method
- #@param value *
- #@return tuple (value|None, None|error) value can be cast if NoneError
- def check_data_value(self, value):
- try:
- value = self._check_data_value(value)
- except DataNoneValid as expt:
- return value, None
- except (LodelExceptions, FieldValidationError) as expt:
- return None, expt
- return value, None
- ##@brief checks if this class can override the given data handler
- # @param data_handler DataHandler
- # @return bool
- def can_override(self, data_handler):
- if data_handler.__class__.base_type != self.__class__.base_type:
- return False
- return True
- ##@brief Build field value
- #@ingroup lodel2_dh_checks
- #@ref _construct_data() and @ref lodel2_dh_check_impl )
- #@param emcomponent EmComponent : An EmComponent child class instance
- #@param fname str : The field name
- #@param datas dict : dict storing fields values (from the component)
- #@param cur_value : the value from the current field (identified by fieldname)
- #@return the value
- #@throw RunTimeError if data construction fails
- #@todo raise something else
- def construct_data(self, emcomponent, fname, datas, cur_value):
- emcomponent_fields = emcomponent.fields()
- data_handler = None
- if fname in emcomponent_fields:
- data_handler = emcomponent_fields[fname]
- new_val = cur_value
- if fname in datas.keys():
- pass
- elif data_handler is not None and hasattr(data_handler, 'default'):
- new_val = data_handler.default
- elif data_handler is not None and data_handler.nullable:
- new_val = None
- return self._construct_data(emcomponent, fname, datas, new_val)
- ##@brief Designed to be reimplemented by child classes
- #@param emcomponent EmComponent : An EmComponent child class instance
- #@param fname str : The field name
- #@param datas dict : dict storing fields values (from the component)
- #@param cur_value : the value from the current field (identified by fieldname)
- #@return the value
- #@see construct_data() lodel2_dh_check_impl
- def _construct_data(self, empcomponent, fname, datas, cur_value):
- return cur_value
- ##@brief Check datas consistency
- #@ingroup lodel2_dh_checks
- #@ref _construct_data() and @ref lodel2_dh_check_impl )
- #@warning the datas argument looks like a dict but is not a dict
- #see @ref base_classes.DatasConstructor "DatasConstructor" and
- #@ref lodel2_dh_datas_construction "Datas construction section"
- #@param emcomponent EmComponent : An EmComponent child class instance
- #@param fname : the field name
- #@param datas dict : dict storing fields values
- #@return an Exception instance if fails else True
- #@todo A implémenter
- def check_data_consistency(self, emcomponent, fname, datas):
- return self._check_data_consistency(emcomponent, fname, datas)
- ##@brief Designed to be reimplemented by child classes
- #@param emcomponent EmComponent : An EmComponent child class instance
- #@param fname : the field name
- #@param datas dict : dict storing fields values
- #@return an Exception instance if fails else True
- #@see check_data_consistency() lodel2_dh_check_impl
- def _check_data_consistency(self, emcomponent, fname, datas):
- return True
- ##@brief make consistency after a query
- # @param emcomponent EmComponent : An EmComponent child class instance
- # @param fname : the field name
- # @param datas dict : dict storing fields values
- # @return an Exception instance if fails else True
- # @todo A implémenter
- def make_consistency(self, emcomponent, fname, datas):
- pass
- ##@brief This method is use by plugins to register new data handlers
- @classmethod
- def register_new_handler(cls, name, data_handler):
- if not inspect.isclass(data_handler):
- raise ValueError("A class was expected but %s given" % type(data_handler))
- if not issubclass(data_handler, DataHandler):
- raise ValueError("A data handler HAS TO be a child class of DataHandler")
- cls.__custom_handlers[name] = data_handler
- ##@brief Load all datahandlers
- @classmethod
- def load_base_handlers(cls):
- if cls._base_handlers is None:
- cls._base_handlers = dict()
- for module_name in cls._HANDLERS_MODULES:
- module = importlib.import_module('lodel.leapi.datahandlers.%s' % module_name)
- for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module):
- if inspect.isclass(obj):
- logger.debug("Load data handler %s.%s" % (obj.__module__, obj.__name__))
- cls._base_handlers[name.lower()] = obj
- return copy.copy(cls._base_handlers)
- ##@brief given a field type name, returns the associated python class
- # @param fieldtype_name str : A field type name (not case sensitive)
- # @return DataField child class
- # @note To access custom data handlers it can be cool to prefix the handler name by plugin name for example ? (to ensure name unicity)
- @classmethod
- def from_name(cls, name):
- cls.load_base_handlers()
- all_handlers = dict(cls._base_handlers, **cls.__custom_handlers)
- name = name.lower()
- if name not in all_handlers:
- raise NameError("No data handlers named '%s'" % (name,))
- return all_handlers[name]
- ##@brief Return the module name to import in order to use the datahandler
- # @param data_handler_name str : Data handler name
- # @return a str
- @classmethod
- def module_name(cls, name):
- name = name.lower()
- handler_class = cls.from_name(name)
- return '{module_name}.{class_name}'.format(
- module_name = handler_class.__module__,
- class_name = handler_class.__name__
- )
- ##@brief __hash__ implementation for fieldtypes
- def __hash__(self):
- hash_dats = [self.__class__.__module__]
- for kdic in sorted([k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith('_')]):
- hash_dats.append((kdic, getattr(self, kdic)))
- return hash(tuple(hash_dats))
- ##@brief Base class for datas data handler (by opposition with references)
- #@ingroup lodel2_datahandlers
- class DataField(DataHandler):
- pass
- ##@brief Abstract class for all references
- #@ingroup lodel2_datahandlers
- #
- # References are fields that stores a reference to another
- # editorial object
- #
- #
- #@todo Check data implementation : check_data = is value an UID or an
- #LeObject child instance
- #@todo Construct data implementation : transform the data into a LeObject
- #instance
- #@todo Check data consistency implementation : check that LeObject instance
- #is from an allowed class
- class Reference(DataHandler):
- base_type="ref"
- ##@brief Instanciation
- # @param allowed_classes list | None : list of allowed em classes if None no restriction
- # @param back_reference tuple | None : tuple containing (LeObject child class, fieldname)
- # @param internal bool : if False, the field is not internal
- # @param **kwargs : other arguments
- def __init__(self, allowed_classes = None, back_reference = None, internal=False, **kwargs):
- self.__allowed_classes = set() if allowed_classes is None else set(allowed_classes)
- self.allowed_classes = list() if allowed_classes is None else allowed_classes
- if back_reference is not None:
- if len(back_reference) != 2:
- raise ValueError("A tuple (classname, fieldname) expected but got '%s'" % back_reference)
- #if not issubclass(lodel.leapi.leobject.LeObject, back_reference[0]) or not isinstance(back_reference[1], str):
- # raise TypeError("Back reference was expected to be a tuple(<class LeObject>, str) but got : (%s, %s)" % (back_reference[0], back_reference[1]))
- self.__back_reference = back_reference
- super().__init__(internal=internal, **kwargs)
- ##@brief Property that takes value of a copy of the back_reference tuple
- @property
- def back_reference(self):
- return copy.copy(self.__back_reference)
- ##@brief Property that takes value of datahandler of the backreference or
- #None
- @property
- def back_ref_datahandler(self):
- if self.__back_reference is None:
- return None
- return self.__back_reference[0].data_handler(self.__back_reference[1])
- @property
- def linked_classes(self):
- return copy.copy(self.__allowed_classes)
- ##@brief Set the back reference for this field.
- def _set_back_reference(self, back_reference):
- self.__back_reference = back_reference
- ##@brief Check and cast value in appropriate type
- #@param value *
- #@throw FieldValidationError if value is an appropriate type
- #@return value
- #@todo implement the check when we have LeObject uid check value
- def _check_data_value(self, value):
- value= super()._check_data_value(value)
- elt = self.__allowed_classes[0]
- uid = elt.uid_fieldname()[0]# TODO multiple uid is broken
- if (expt is None and not (isinstance(value, LeObject)) or (value is uid)):
- raise FieldValidationError("LeObject instance or id expected for a reference field")
- return value
- def construct_data(self, emcomponent, fname, datas, cur_value):
- super().construct_data(emcomponent, fname, datas, cur_value)
- ##@brief Check datas consistency
- #@param emcomponent EmComponent : An EmComponent child class instance
- #@param fname : the field name
- #@param datas dict : dict storing fields values
- #@return an Exception instance if fails else True
- #@todo check for performance issue and check logics
- #@todo Implements consistency checking on value : Check that the given value
- #points onto an allowed class
- #@warning composed uid capabilities broken here
- def check_data_consistency(self, emcomponent, fname, datas):
- rep = super().check_data_consistency(emcomponent, fname, datas)
- if isinstance(rep, Exception):
- return rep
- if self.back_reference is None:
- return True
- # !! Reimplement instance fetching in construct data !!
- dh = emcomponent.field(fname)
- uid = datas[emcomponent.uid_fieldname()[0]] #multi uid broken here
- target_class = self.back_reference[0]
- target_field = self.back_reference[1]
- target_uidfield = target_class.uid_fieldname()[0] #multi uid broken here
- value = datas[fname]
- obj = target_class.get([(target_uidfield , '=', value)])
- if len(obj) == 0:
- logger.warning('Object referenced does not exist')
- return False
- return True
- ##@brief This class represent a data_handler for single reference to another object
- #
- # The fields using this data handlers are like "foreign key" on another object
- class SingleRef(Reference):
- def __init__(self, allowed_classes = None, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(allowed_classes = allowed_classes)
- ##@brief Check and cast value in appropriate type
- #@param value: *
- #@throw FieldValidationError if value is unappropriate or can not be cast
- #@return value
- def _check_data_value(self, value):
- value = super()._check_data_value(value)
- if (expt is None and (len(val)>1)):
- raise FieldValidationError("List or string expected for a set field")
- return value
- ##@brief This class represent a data_handler for multiple references to another object
- #@ingroup lodel2_datahandlers
- #
- # The fields using this data handlers are like SingleRef but can store multiple references in one field
- # @note for the moment split on ',' chars
- class MultipleRef(Reference):
- ##
- # @param max_item int | None : indicate the maximum number of item referenced by this field, None mean no limit
- def __init__(self, max_item = None, **kwargs):
- self.max_item = max_item
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- ##@brief Check and cast value in appropriate type
- #@param value *
- #@throw FieldValidationError if value is unappropriate or can not be cast
- #@return value
- #@TODO checkig one by one and put error in a list
- def _check_data_value(self, value):
- value = super()._check_data_value(value)
- if not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
- raise FieldValidationError("MultipleRef has to be an iterable or a string, '%s' found" % value)
- if self.max_item is not None:
- if self.max_item < len(value):
- raise FieldValidationError("Too many items")
- error_list = []
- for v in value.items():
- val, error = super()._check_data_value(v)
- if error:
- error_list.append(val, error)
- if len(error_list) >0:
- raise FieldValidationError("MultipleRef have for error :", error_list)
- return value
- def construct_data(self, emcomponent, fname, datas, cur_value):
- cur_value = super().construct_data(emcomponent, fname, datas, cur_value)
- if cur_value == 'None' or cur_value is None or cur_value == '':
- return None
- emcomponent_fields = emcomponent.fields()
- data_handler = None
- if fname in emcomponent_fields:
- data_handler = emcomponent_fields[fname]
- u_fname = emcomponent.uid_fieldname()
- uidtype = emcomponent.field(u_fname[0]) if isinstance(u_fname, list) else emcomponent.field(u_fname)
- if isinstance(cur_value, str):
- value = cur_value.split(',')
- l_value = [uidtype.cast_type(uid) for uid in value]
- elif isinstance(cur_value, list):
- l_value = list()
- for value in cur_value:
- if isinstance(value,uidtype.cast_type):
- l_value.append(value)
- else:
- raise ValueError("The items must be of the same type, string or %s" % (emcomponent.__name__))
- else:
- l_value = None
- if l_value is not None:
- if self.back_reference is not None:
- br_class = self.back_reference[0]
- for br_id in l_value:
- query_filters = list()
- query_filters.append((br_class.uid_fieldname()[0], '=', br_id))
- br_obj = br_class.get(query_filters)
- if len(br_obj) != 0:
- br_list = br_obj[0].data(self.back_reference[1])
- if br_list is None:
- br_list = list()
- if br_id not in br_list:
- br_list.append(br_id)
- return l_value
- ## @brief Checks the backreference, updates it if it is not complete
- # @param emcomponent EmComponent : An EmComponent child class instance
- # @param fname : the field name
- # @param datas dict : dict storing fields values
- # @note Not done in case of delete
- def make_consistency(self, emcomponent, fname, datas, type_query):
- dh = emcomponent.field(fname)
- logger.info('Warning : multiple uid capabilities are broken here')
- uid = datas[emcomponent.uid_fieldname()[0]]
- if self.back_reference is not None:
- target_class = self.back_reference[0]
- target_field = self.back_reference[1]
- target_uidfield = target_class.uid_fieldname()[0]
- l_value = datas[fname]
- if l_value is not None:
- for value in l_value:
- query_filters = list()
- query_filters.append((target_uidfield , '=', value))
- obj = target_class.get(query_filters)
- if len(obj) == 0:
- logger.warning('Object referenced does not exist')
- return False
- l_uids_ref = obj[0].data(target_field)
- if l_uids_ref is None:
- l_uids_ref = list()
- if uid not in l_uids_ref:
- l_uids_ref.append(uid)
- obj[0].set_data(target_field, l_uids_ref)
- obj[0].update()
- if type_query == 'update':
- query_filters = list()
- query_filters.append((uid, ' in ', target_field))
- objects = target_class.get(query_filters)
- if l_value is None:
- l_value = list()
- if len(objects) != len(l_value):
- for obj in objects:
- l_uids_ref = obj.data(target_field)
- if obj.data(target_uidfield) not in l_value:
- l_uids_ref.remove(uid)
- obj.set_data(target_field, l_uids_ref)
- obj.update()
- ## @brief Class designed to handle datas access will fieldtypes are constructing datas
- #@ingroup lodel2_datahandlers
- #
- # This class is designed to allow automatic scheduling of construct_data calls.
- #
- # In theory it's able to detect circular dependencies
- # @todo test circular deps detection
- # @todo test circulat deps false positiv
- class DatasConstructor(object):
- ## @brief Init a DatasConstructor
- # @param lec LeCrud : @ref LeObject child class
- # @param datas dict : dict with field name as key and field values as value
- # @param fields_handler dict : dict with field name as key and data handler instance as value
- def __init__(self, leobject, datas, fields_handler):
- ## Stores concerned class
- self._leobject = leobject
- ## Stores datas and constructed datas
- self._datas = copy.copy(datas)
- ## Stores fieldtypes
- self._fields_handler = fields_handler
- ## Stores list of fieldname for constructed datas
- self._constructed = []
- ## Stores construct calls list
- self._construct_calls = []
- ## @brief Implements the dict.keys() method on instance
- def keys(self):
- return self._datas.keys()
- ## @brief Allows to access the instance like a dict
- def __getitem__(self, fname):
- if fname not in self._constructed:
- if fname in self._construct_calls:
- raise RuntimeError('Probably circular dependencies in fieldtypes')
- cur_value = self._datas[fname] if fname in self._datas else None
- self._datas[fname] = self._fields_handler[fname].construct_data(self._leobject, fname, self, cur_value)
- self._constructed.append(fname)
- return self._datas[fname]
- ## @brief Allows to set instance values like a dict
- # @warning Should not append in theory
- def __setitem__(self, fname, value):
- self._datas[fname] = value
- warnings.warn("Setting value of an DatasConstructor instance")