123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191 |
- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ## @package EditorialModel.randomem
- #
- # Provide methods for random EM generation
- import random
- from EditorialModel.backend.dummy_backend import EmBackendDummy
- from EditorialModel.model import Model
- from EditorialModel.fieldgroups import EmFieldGroup
- from EditorialModel.fields import EmField
- from EditorialModel.types import EmType
- from EditorialModel.classtypes import EmClassType
- from Lodel.utils.mlstring import MlString
- class RandomEm(object):
- ## @brief Instanciate a class allowing to generate random EM
- # @see RandomEm::random_em()
- def __init__(self, backend=None, **kwargs):
- self.backend = backend
- self.kwargs = kwargs
- ## @brief Return a random EM
- # @return A random EM
- def gen(self):
- return self.random_em(self.backend, **self.kwargs)
- @classmethod
- ## @brief Generate a random editorial model
- #
- # The random generator can be tuned with integer parameters
- # that represent probability or maximum numbers of items.
- # The probability (chances) works like 1/x chances to append
- # with x the tunable parameter
- # Tunable generator parameters :
- # - classtype : Chances for a classtype to be empty (default 0)
- # - nclass : Maximum number of classes per classtypes (default 5)
- # - nofg : Chances for a classe to have no fieldgroup associated to it (default 10)
- # - notype : Chances for a classe to have no type associated to it (default 5)
- # - seltype : Chances for a type to select an optionnal field (default 2)
- # - ntypesuperiors : Chances for a type to link with a superiors (default 3)
- # - nofields : Chances for a fieldgroup to be empty (default 10)
- # - nfields : Maximum number of field per fieldgroups (default 8)
- # - rfields : Maximum number of relation_to_type attributes fields (default 5)
- # - optfield : Chances for a field to be optionnal (default 2)
- # @param backend : A backend to use with the new EM
- # @param **kwargs dict : Provide tunable generation parameter
- # @param cls
- # @return A randomly generate EM
- def random_em(cls, backend=None, **kwargs):
- ed_mod = Model(EmBackendDummy if backend is None else backend)
- chances = {
- 'classtype': 0, # a class in classtype
- 'nclass': 5, # max number of classes per classtype
- 'nofg': 10, # no fieldgroup in a class
- 'nfg': 5, # max number of fieldgroups per classes
- 'notype': 10, # no types in a class
- 'ntype': 8, # max number of types in a class
- 'seltype': 2, # chances to select an optional field
- 'ntypesuperiors': 2, # chances to link with a superior
- 'nofields': 10, # no fields in a fieldgroup
- 'nfields': 8, # max number of fields per fieldgroups
- 'nr2tfields': 1, # max number of rel2type fields per fieldgroups
- 'rfields': 5, # max number of attributes relation fields
- 'optfield': 2, # chances to be optionnal
- }
- for name, value in kwargs.items():
- if name not in chances:
- #warning
- pass
- else:
- chances[name] = value
- #classes creation
- for classtype in EmClassType.getall():
- if random.randint(0, chances['classtype']) == 0:
- for _ in range(random.randint(1, chances['nclass'])):
- cdats = cls._rnd_component_datas()
- cdats['classtype'] = classtype['name']
- ed_mod.create_component('EmClass', cdats)
- for emclass in ed_mod.classes():
- #fieldgroups creation
- if random.randint(0, chances['nofg']) != 0:
- for _ in range(random.randint(1, chances['nfg'])):
- fgdats = cls._rnd_component_datas()
- fgdats['class_id'] = emclass.uid
- ed_mod.create_component('EmFieldGroup', fgdats)
- #types creation
- if random.randint(0, chances['notype']) != 0:
- for _ in range(random.randint(1, chances['ntype'])):
- tdats = cls._rnd_component_datas()
- tdats['class_id'] = emclass.uid
- ed_mod.create_component('EmType', tdats)
- #random type hierarchy
- for emtype in ed_mod.components(EmType):
- possible = emtype.possible_superiors()
- for nat in possible:
- if len(possible[nat]) > 0 and random.randint(0, chances['ntypesuperiors']) == 0:
- random.shuffle(possible[nat])
- for i in range(random.randint(1, len(possible[nat]))):
- emtype.add_superior(possible[nat][i], nat)
- #fields creation
- ft_l = [ ftname for ftname in EmField.fieldtypes_list() if ftname != 'pk' and ftname != 'rel2type']
- for emfg in ed_mod.components(EmFieldGroup):
- if random.randint(0, chances['nofields']) != 0:
- for _ in range(random.randint(1, chances['nfields'])):
- field_type = ft_l[random.randint(0, len(ft_l) - 1)]
- fdats = cls._rnd_component_datas()
- fdats['fieldtype'] = field_type
- fdats['fieldgroup_id'] = emfg.uid
- if random.randint(0, chances['optfield']) == 0:
- fdats['optional'] = True
- ed_mod.create_component('EmField', fdats)
- #rel2type creation (in case none where created before
- for emfg in ed_mod.components(EmFieldGroup):
- for _ in range(random.randint(0, chances['nr2tfields'])):
- field_type = 'rel2type'
- fdats = cls._rnd_component_datas()
- fdats['fieldtype'] = field_type
- fdats['fieldgroup_id'] = emfg.uid
- emtypes = ed_mod.components(EmType)
- fdats['rel_to_type_id'] = emtypes[random.randint(0, len(emtypes) - 1)].uid
- if random.randint(0, chances['optfield']) == 0:
- fdats['optional'] = True
- ed_mod.create_component('EmField', fdats)
- #relationnal fields creation
- ft_l = [field_type for field_type in EmField.fieldtypes_list() if field_type != 'rel2type' and field_type != 'pk']
- for emrelf in [f for f in ed_mod.components(EmField) if f.fieldtype == 'rel2type']:
- for _ in range(0, chances['rfields']):
- field_type = ft_l[random.randint(0, len(ft_l) - 1)]
- fdats = cls._rnd_component_datas()
- fdats['rel_field_id'] = emrelf.uid
- fdats['fieldtype'] = field_type
- fdats['fieldgroup_id'] = emrelf.fieldgroup_id
- if random.randint(0, chances['optfield']) == 0:
- fdats['optional'] = True
- ed_mod.create_component('EmField', fdats)
- #selection optionnal fields
- for emtype in ed_mod.components(EmType):
- selectable = [field for fieldgroup in emtype.fieldgroups() for field in fieldgroup.fields() if field.optional]
- for field in selectable:
- if random.randint(0, chances['seltype']) == 0:
- emtype.select_field(field)
- return ed_mod
- @staticmethod
- ## @brief Generate a random string
- # @warning dirty cache trick with globals()
- # @return a randomly selected string
- def _rnd_str(words_src='/usr/share/dict/words'):
- if '_words' not in globals() or globals()['_words_fname'] != words_src:
- globals()['_words_fname'] = words_src
- with open(words_src, 'r') as fpw:
- globals()['_words'] = [l.strip() for l in fpw]
- words = globals()['_words']
- return words[random.randint(0, len(words) - 1)]
- @classmethod
- ## @brief Generate a random MlString
- # @param nlng : Number of langs in the MlString
- # @return a random MlString with nlng translations
- # @todo use a dict to generated langages
- def _rnd_mlstr(cls, nlng):
- ret = MlString()
- for _ in range(nlng):
- ret.set(cls._rnd_str(), cls._rnd_str())
- return ret
- @classmethod
- ## @brief returns randomly generated datas for an EmComponent
- # @return a dict with name, string and help_text
- def _rnd_component_datas(cls):
- mlstr_nlang = 2
- ret = dict()
- ret['name'] = cls._rnd_str()
- ret['string'] = cls._rnd_mlstr(mlstr_nlang)
- ret['help_text'] = cls._rnd_mlstr(mlstr_nlang)
- return ret