123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323 |
- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ## @file editorialmodel.py
- # Manage instance of an editorial model
- import EditorialModel
- from EditorialModel.migrationhandler.dummy import DummyMigrationHandler
- from EditorialModel.backend.dummy_backend import EmBackendDummy
- from EditorialModel.classes import EmClass
- from EditorialModel.fieldgroups import EmFieldGroup
- from EditorialModel.fields import EmField
- from EditorialModel.types import EmType
- from EditorialModel.exceptions import EmComponentCheckError, EmComponentNotExistError, MigrationHandlerChangeError
- import hashlib
- ## Manages the Editorial Model
- class Model(object):
- components_class = [EmClass, EmType, EmFieldGroup, EmField]
- ## Constructor
- #
- # @param backend unknown: A backend object instanciated from one of the classes in the backend module
- def __init__(self, backend, migration_handler=None):
- if migration_handler is None:
- self.migration_handler = DummyMigrationHandler()
- elif issubclass(migration_handler.__class__, DummyMigrationHandler):
- self.migration_handler = migration_handler
- else:
- raise TypeError("migration_handler should be an instance from a subclass of DummyMigrationhandler")
- self.backend = None
- self.set_backend(backend)
- self._components = {'uids': {}, 'EmClass': [], 'EmType': [], 'EmField': [], 'EmFieldGroup': []}
- self.load()
- def __hash__(self):
- components_dump = ""
- for _, comp in self._components['uids'].items():
- components_dump += str(hash(comp))
- hashstring = hashlib.new('sha512')
- hashstring.update(components_dump.encode('utf-8'))
- return int(hashstring.hexdigest(), 16)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
- @staticmethod
- ## Given a name return an EmComponent child class
- # @param class_name str : The name to identify an EmComponent class
- # @return A python class or False if the class_name is not a name of an EmComponent child class
- def emclass_from_name(class_name):
- for cls in Model.components_class:
- if cls.__name__ == class_name:
- return cls
- return False
- @staticmethod
- ## Given a python class return a name
- # @param em_class : The python class we want the name
- # @return A class name as string or False if cls is not an EmComponent child class
- def name_from_emclass(em_class):
- if em_class not in Model.components_class:
- return False
- return em_class.__name__
- ## Loads the structure of the Editorial Model
- #
- # Gets all the objects contained in that structure and creates a dict indexed by their uids
- # @todo Change the thrown exception when a components check fails
- # @throw ValueError When a component class don't exists
- def load(self):
- datas = self.backend.load()
- for uid, kwargs in datas.items():
- #Store and delete the EmComponent class name from datas
- cls_name = kwargs['component']
- del kwargs['component']
- cls = self.emclass_from_name(cls_name)
- if cls:
- kwargs['uid'] = uid
- # create a dict for the component and one indexed by uids, store instanciated component in it
- self._components['uids'][uid] = cls(model=self, **kwargs)
- self._components[cls_name].append(self._components['uids'][uid])
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unknow EmComponent class : '" + cls_name + "'")
- #Sorting by rank
- for component_class in Model.components_class:
- self.sort_components(component_class)
- #Check integrity
- loaded_comps = [(uid, component) for uid, component in self._components['uids'].items()]
- for uid, component in loaded_comps:
- try:
- component.check()
- except EmComponentCheckError as exception_object:
- raise EmComponentCheckError("The component with uid %d is not valid. Check returns the following error : \"%s\"" % (uid, str(exception_object)))
- #Everything is done. Indicating that the component initialisation is over
- component.init_ended()
- ## Saves data using the current backend
- # @param filename str | None : if None use the current backend file (provided at backend instanciation)
- def save(self, filename = None):
- return self.backend.save(self, filename)
- ## Given a EmComponent child class return a list of instances
- # @param cls EmComponent|str : A python class
- # @return a list of instances or False if the class is not an EmComponent child
- # @todo better implementation
- def components(self, cls=None):
- if isinstance(cls, str):
- cls = self.emclass_from_name(cls)
- if not cls:
- return False
- if cls is None:
- return [ self.component(uid) for uid in self._components['uids'] ]
- key_name = self.name_from_emclass(cls)
- return False if key_name is False else self._components[key_name]
- ## Return an EmComponent given an uid
- # @param uid int : An EmComponent uid
- # @return The corresponding instance or False if uid don't exists
- def component(self, uid):
- return False if uid not in self._components['uids'] else self._components['uids'][uid]
- ## @brief Search in all the editorial model for a component with a specific name
- # @param name str : the searched name
- # @param comp_cls str|EmComponent : filter on component type (see components() method)
- # @return a list of component with a specific name
- def component_from_name(self, name, comp_cls = None):
- if comp_cls == EmField or comp_cls == 'EmField':
- res = list()
- for field, fieldname in [ (f, f.name) for f in self.components('EmField')]:
- if fieldname == name:
- res.append(field)
- return res
- for comp,compname in [ (c, c.name) for c in self.components(comp_cls)]:
- if compname == name:
- return comp
- return False
- ## Sort components by rank in Model::_components
- # @param emclass pythonClass : The type of components to sort
- # @throw AttributeError if emclass is not valid
- # @warning disabled the test on component_class because of EmField new way of working
- def sort_components(self, component_class):
- #if component_class not in self.components_class:
- # raise AttributeError("Bad argument emclass : '" + str(component_class) + "', excpeting one of " + str(self.components_class))
- self._components[self.name_from_emclass(component_class)] = sorted(self.components(component_class), key=lambda comp: comp.rank)
- ## Return a new uid
- # @return a new uid
- def new_uid(self):
- used_uid = [int(uid) for uid in self._components['uids'].keys()]
- return sorted(used_uid)[-1] + 1 if len(used_uid) > 0 else 1
- ## Create a component from a component type and datas
- #
- # @note if datas does not contains a rank the new component will be added last
- # @note datas['rank'] can be an integer or two specials strings 'last' or 'first'
- # @param component_type str : a component type ( component_class, component_fieldgroup, component_field or component_type )
- # @param datas dict : the options needed by the component creation
- # @return The created EmComponent
- # @throw ValueError if datas['rank'] is not valid (too big or too small, not an integer nor 'last' or 'first' )
- # @todo Handle a raise from the migration handler
- # @todo Transform the datas arg in **datas ?
- def create_component(self, component_type, datas, uid=None):
- if not (uid is None) and (not isinstance(uid, int) or uid <= 0 or uid in self._components['uids']):
- raise ValueError("Invalid uid provided")
- if component_type not in [ n for n in self._components.keys() if n != 'uids' ]:
- raise ValueError("Invalid component_type rpovided")
- else:
- em_obj = self.emclass_from_name(component_type)
- rank = 'last'
- if 'rank' in datas:
- rank = datas['rank']
- del datas['rank']
- datas['uid'] = uid if uid else self.new_uid()
- em_component = em_obj(model=self, **datas)
- em_component.rank = em_component.get_max_rank() + 1 # Inserting last by default
- self._components['uids'][em_component.uid] = em_component
- self._components[component_type].append(em_component)
- if rank != 'last':
- em_component.set_rank(1 if rank == 'first' else rank)
- #everything done, indicating that initialisation is over
- em_component.init_ended()
- #register the creation in migration handler
- try:
- self.migration_handler.register_change(self, em_component.uid, None, em_component.attr_dump())
- except MigrationHandlerChangeError as exception_object:
- #Revert the creation
- self.components(em_component.__class__).remove(em_component)
- del self._components['uids'][em_component.uid]
- raise exception_object
- self.migration_handler.register_model_state(self, hash(self))
- if uid is None and component_type == 'EmClass':
- # !!! If uid is not None it means that we shouldn't create components automatically !!!
- self.add_default_class_fields(em_component.uid)
- return em_component
- ## @brief Add to a class (if not exists) the default fields
- #
- # @param class_uid int : An EmClass uid
- # @throw ValueError if class_uid in not an EmClass uid
- def add_default_class_fields(self, class_uid):
- if class_uid not in self._components['uids']:
- raise ValueError("The uid '%d' don't exists"%class_uid)
- emclass = self._components['uids'][class_uid]
- if not isinstance(emclass, EditorialModel.classes.EmClass):
- raise ValueError("The uid '%d' is not an EmClass uid"%class_uid)
- fgroup_name = EmClass.default_fieldgroup
- if fgroup_name not in [fg.name for fg in emclass.fieldgroups() ]:
- #Creating the default fieldgroup if not existing
- fg_datas = { 'name' : fgroup_name, 'class_id': emclass.uid }
- fgroup = self.create_component('EmFieldGroup', fg_datas)
- fgid = fgroup.uid
- else:
- for fg in emclass.fieldgroups():
- if fg.name == fgroup_name:
- fgid = fg.uid
- break
- default_fields = emclass.default_fields_list()
- for fname, fdatas in default_fields.items():
- if not (fname in [ f.name for f in emclass.fields() ]):
- #Adding the field
- fdatas['name'] = fname
- fdatas['fieldgroup_id'] = fgid
- self.create_component('EmField', fdatas)
- pass
- ## Delete a component
- # @param uid int : Component identifier
- # @throw EmComponentNotExistError
- # @todo unable uid check
- # @todo Handle a raise from the migration handler
- def delete_component(self, uid):
- em_component = self.component(uid)
- if not em_component:
- raise EmComponentNotExistError()
- if em_component.delete_check():
- #register the deletion in migration handler
- self.migration_handler.register_change(self, uid, self.component(uid).attr_dump(), None)
- # delete internal lists
- self._components[self.name_from_emclass(em_component.__class__)].remove(em_component)
- del self._components['uids'][uid]
- #Register the new EM state
- self.migration_handler.register_model_state(self, hash(self))
- return True
- return False
- ## Changes the current backend
- #
- # @param backend unknown: A backend object
- def set_backend(self, backend):
- if issubclass(backend.__class__, EmBackendDummy):
- self.backend = backend
- else:
- raise TypeError('Backend should be an instance of a EmBackednDummy subclass')
- ## Returns a list of all the EmClass objects of the model
- def classes(self):
- return list(self._components[self.name_from_emclass(EmClass)])
- ## Use a new migration handler, re-apply all the ME to this handler
- #
- # @param new_mh MigrationHandler: A migration_handler object
- # @warning : if a relational-attribute field (with 'rel_field_id') comes before it's relational field (with 'rel_to_type_id'), this will blow up
- def migrate_handler(self, new_mh):
- new_me = Model(EmBackendDummy(), new_mh)
- relations = {'fields_list': [], 'superiors_list': []}
- # re-create component one by one, in components_class[] order
- for cls in self.components_class:
- for component in self.components(cls):
- component_type = self.name_from_emclass(cls)
- component_dump = component.attr_dump()
- # Save relations between component to apply them later
- for relation in relations.keys():
- if relation in component_dump and component_dump[relation]:
- relations[relation].append((component.uid, component_dump[relation]))
- del component_dump[relation]
- new_me.create_component(component_type, component_dump, component.uid)
- # apply selected field to types
- for fields_list in relations['fields_list']:
- uid, fields = fields_list
- for field_id in fields:
- new_me.component(uid).select_field(new_me.component(field_id))
- # add superiors to types
- for superiors_list in relations['superiors_list']:
- uid, sup_list = superiors_list
- for nature, superiors_uid in sup_list.items():
- for superior_uid in superiors_uid:
- new_me.component(uid).add_superior(new_me.component(superior_uid), nature)
- del new_me
- self.migration_handler = new_mh