#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- ##@brief Loader for tests which do not need an lodel installation # # Options ################ # # @note We can pass the path to a directory to write results file, nocontext_tests.log # It has to be at first, otherwise it will not be taken # and the default one, current directory, will be used. # The results are not displayed, only stored in nocontext_tests.log # # -f, --failfast # # Stop the test run on the first error or failure. # -v --verbose # # higher verbosity # # import sys, os, os.path import unittest loader = unittest.TestLoader() if ((len(sys.argv) > 1) and (sys.argv[1].startswith('-')) is False): dpath = sys.argv[1] else: dpath = '.' suite = loader.discover('tests', pattern='nc_test*.py') with open(dpath+'/nocontext_tests.log', 'w') as logfile: unittest.TextTestRunner( logfile, failfast = '-f' in sys.argv, verbosity = 2 if '-v' in sys.argv else 1).run(suite)