from lodel.context import LodelContext LodelContext.expose_modules(globals(), { 'lodel.plugin.plugins': ['Plugin', 'MetaPlugType'], 'lodel.plugin.exceptions': ['PluginError', 'PluginTypeError', 'LodelScriptError', 'DatasourcePluginError'], 'lodel.settings.validator': ['SettingValidator']}) ##@brief SessionHandlerPlugin metaclass designed to implements a wrapper #between SessionHandlerPlugin classmethod and plugin loader functions class SessionPluginWrapper(MetaPlugType): ##@brief Constant that stores all possible session actions # #Key is the SessionHandlerPlugin method name and value is SessionHandler #plugin function name _ACTIONS = { 'start': 'start_session', 'destroy': 'destroy_session', 'restore': 'restore_session', 'save': 'save_session', 'set': 'set_session_value', 'get': 'get_session_value', 'del': 'del_session_value'} def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs): super().__init__(name, bases, attrs) self._instance = None ##@brief Handles wrapper between class method and plugin loader functions def __getattribute__(self, name): instance = super().__getattribute__('_instance') if name in SessionPluginWrapper._ACTIONS: if instance is None: raise PluginError("Trying to access to SessionHandler \ functions, but no session handler initialized") return getattr( instance.loader_module(), SessionPluginWrapper._ACTIONS[name]) return super().__getattribute__(name) _glob_typename = 'session_handler' ##@brief Singleton class designed to handle session handler plugin # #@note This class is a singleton because only one session handler can be #loaded by instance class SessionHandlerPlugin(Plugin, metaclass=SessionPluginWrapper): ##@brief Stores the singleton instance _instance = None _plist_confspecs = { 'section': 'lodel2', 'key': 'session_handler', 'default': None, 'validator': SettingValidator( 'plugin', none_is_valid=False,ptype = _glob_typename)} _type_conf_name = _glob_typename def __init__(self, plugin_name): if self._instance is None: super().__init__(plugin_name) self.__class__._instance = self else: raise RuntimeError("A SessionHandler Plugin is already plug") ##@brief Clear class #@see plugins.Plugin::clear() @classmethod def clear_cls(cls): if cls._instance is not None: inst = cls._instance cls._instance = None del(inst)