#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os.path import importlib import copy import json from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader from lodel.context import LodelContext LodelContext.expose_modules(globals(), { 'lodel.logger': 'logger', 'lodel.settings.utils': ['SettingsError'], 'lodel.plugin.hooks': ['LodelHook'], 'lodel.plugin.exceptions': ['PluginError', 'PluginVersionError', 'PluginTypeError', 'LodelScriptError', 'DatasourcePluginError'], 'lodel.exceptions': ['LodelException', 'LodelExceptions', 'LodelFatalError', 'DataNoneValid', 'FieldValidationError']}) ## @package lodel.plugins Lodel2 plugins management #@ingroup lodel2_plugins # # Lodel2 plugins are stored in directories # A typicall lodel2 plugin directory structure looks like : # - {{__init__.py}}} containing informations like full_name, authors, licence etc. # - main.py containing hooks registration etc # - confspec.py containing a configuration specification dictionary named CONFSPEC # # All plugins are expected to be found in multiple locations : # - in the lodel package (lodel.plugins) # - in the context directorie in a plugins/ dir (symlink to lodel.plugins) <- #this is obsolete now, since we enforce ALL plugins to be in the lodel package # #@todo Check if the symlink in the lodelcontext dir is obsolete !!! #@warning The plugins dir is at two locations : in lodel package and in #instance directory. Some stuff seems to still needs plugins to be in #the instance directory but it seems to be a really bad idea... ##@defgroup plugin_init_specs Plugins __init__.py specifications #@ingroup lodel2_plugins #@{ ##@brief The package in which we will load plugins modules VIRTUAL_PACKAGE_NAME = 'lodel.plugins' ##@brief The temporary package to import python sources VIRTUAL_TEMP_PACKAGE_NAME = 'lodel.plugin_tmp' ##@brief Plugin init filename INIT_FILENAME = '__init__.py' # Loaded with settings ##@brief Name of the variable containing the plugin name PLUGIN_NAME_VARNAME = '__plugin_name__' ##@brief Name of the variable containing the plugin type PLUGIN_TYPE_VARNAME = '__plugin_type__' ##@brief Name of the variable containing the plugin version PLUGIN_VERSION_VARNAME = '__version__' ##@brief Name of the variable containing the confpsec filename CONFSPEC_FILENAME_VARNAME = '__confspec__' ##@brief Name of the variable containing the confspecs CONFSPEC_VARNAME = 'CONFSPEC' ##@brief Name of the variable containing the loader filename LOADER_FILENAME_VARNAME = '__loader__' ##@brief Name of the variable containing the plugin dependencies PLUGIN_DEPS_VARNAME = '__plugin_deps__' ##@brief Name of the optionnal activate method ACTIVATE_METHOD_NAME = '_activate' ##@brief Default & failover value for plugins path list PLUGINS_PATH = os.path.join(LodelContext.context_dir(),'plugins') ##@brief List storing the mandatory variables expected in a plugin __init__.py #file MANDATORY_VARNAMES = [PLUGIN_NAME_VARNAME, LOADER_FILENAME_VARNAME, PLUGIN_VERSION_VARNAME] ##@brief Default plugin type DEFAULT_PLUGIN_TYPE = 'extension' #Value found in lodel/plugin/extensions.py::Extensions._type_conf_name ## @} ##@brief Describe and handle version numbers #@ingroup lodel2_plugins # #A version number can be represented by a string like MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH #or by a list [MAJOR, MINOR,PATCH ]. # #The class implements basics comparison function and string repr class PluginVersion(object): PROPERTY_LIST = ['major', 'minor', 'revision' ] ##@brief Version constructor #@param *args : You can either give a str that will be splitted on . or you #can give a iterable containing 3 integer or 3 arguments representing #major, minor and revision version def __init__(self, *args): self.__version = [0 for _ in range(3) ] if len(args) == 1: arg = args[0] if isinstance(arg, str): #Casting from string to version numbers spl = arg.split('.') invalid = False if len(spl) > 3: raise PluginVersionError("The string '%s' is not a valid plugin \ version number" % arg) if len(spl) < 3: spl += [ 0 for _ in range(3-len(spl))] try: self.__version = [int(s) for s in spl] except (ValueError, TypeError): raise PluginVersionError("The string '%s' is not a valid lodel2 \ plugin version number" % arg) else: try: if len(arg) >= 1: if len(arg) > 3: raise PluginVersionError("Expected maximum 3 value to \ create a plugin version number but found '%s' as argument" % arg) for i, v in enumerate(arg): self.__version[i] = int(arg[i]) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise PluginVersionError("Unable to convert argument into plugin \ version number" % arg) elif len(args) > 3: raise PluginError("Expected between 1 and 3 positional arguments \ but %d arguments found" % len(args)) else: for i,v in enumerate(args): self.__version[i] = int(v) #Checks that version numbering is correct for v in self.__version: if v < 0: raise PluginVersionError("No negative version number allowed !") ##@brief Property to access major version number @property def major(self): return self.__version[0] ##@brief Property to access minor version number @property def minor(self): return self.__version[1] ##@brief Property to access patch version number @property def revision(self): return self.__version[2] ##@brief Check and prepare comparisoon argument #@return A PluginVersion instance #@throw PluginError if invalid argument provided def __cmp_check(self, other): if not isinstance(other, PluginVersion): try: if len(other) <= 3 and len(other) > 0: return PluginVersion(other) except TypeError: raise PluginError("Cannot compare argument '%s' with \ a PluginVerison instance" % other) return other ##@brief Allow accessing to versions parts using interger index #@param key int : index #@return major for key == 0, minor for key == 1, revision for key == 2 def __getitem__(self, key): try: key = int(key) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError("Expected an int as key") if key < 0 or key > 2: raise ValueError("Key is expected to be in [0..2]") return self.__version[key] def __lt__(self, other): for i in range(3): if self[i] < other[i]: return True elif self[i] > other[i]: return False return False def __eq__(self, other): for i in range(3): if self[i] != other[i]: return False return True def __gt__(self, other): for i in range(3): if self[i] > other[i]: return True elif self[i] < other[i]: return False return False def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __ne__(self, other): return not(self == other) def __ge__(self, other): return self > other or self == other def __str__(self): return '%d.%d.%d' % tuple(self.__version) def __repr__(self): return "{'major': %d, 'minor': %d, 'revision': %d}" % tuple( self.__version) ##@brief Plugin metaclass that allows to "catch" child class declaration #@ingroup lodel2_plugins # #Automatic script registration on child class declaration class MetaPlugType(type): ##@brief Dict storing all plugin types # #key is the _type_conf_name and value is the class _all_ptypes = dict() ##@brief type constructor reimplementation def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs): #Here we can store all child classes of Plugin super().__init__(name, bases, attrs) if len(bases) == 1 and bases[0] == object: return #Regitering a new plugin type MetaPlugType._all_ptypes[self._type_conf_name] = self ##@brief Accessor to the list of plugin types #@return A copy of _all_ptypes attribute (a dict with typename as key #and the class as value) @classmethod def all_types(cls): return copy.copy(cls._all_ptypes) ##@brief Accessor to the list of plugin names #@return a list of plugin name @classmethod def all_ptype_names(cls): return list(cls._all_ptypes.keys()) ##@brief Given a plugin type name return a Plugin child class #@param ptype_name str : a plugin type name #@return A Plugin child class #@throw PluginError if ptype_name is not an exsiting plugin type name @classmethod def type_from_name(cls, ptype_name): if ptype_name not in cls._all_ptypes: raise PluginError("Unknown plugin type '%s'" % ptype_name) return cls._all_ptypes[ptype_name] ##@brief Call the clear classmethod on each child classes @classmethod def clear_cls(cls): for pcls in cls._all_ptypes.values(): pcls.clear_cls() ##@brief Handle plugins #@ingroup lodel2_plugins # # An instance represent a loaded plugin. Class methods allow to load/preload # plugins. # # Typicall Plugins load sequence is : # 1. Settings call start method to instanciate all plugins found in confs # 2. Settings fetch all confspecs # 3. the loader call load_all to register hooks etc class Plugin(object, metaclass=MetaPlugType): ##@brief Stores Plugin instances indexed by name _plugin_instances = dict() ##@brief Attribute used by load_all and load methods to detect circular #dependencies _load_called = [] ##@brief Attribute that stores plugins list from discover cache file _plugin_list = None #@brief Designed to store, in child classes, the confspec indicating \ #where plugin list is stored _plist_confspecs = None ##@brief The name of the plugin type in the confguration # #None in abstract classes and implemented by child classes _type_conf_name = None ##@brief Stores virtual modules uniq key #@note When testing if a dir contains a plugin, if we reimport the __init__ #in a module with the same name, all non existing value (plugin_type for #example) are replaced by previous plugin values _mod_cnt = 0 ##@brief Plugin class constructor # # Called by setting in early stage of lodel2 boot sequence using classmethod # register # # @param plugin_name str : plugin name # @throw PluginError def __init__(self, plugin_name): ##@brief The plugin name self.name = plugin_name ##@brief The plugin package path self.path = self.plugin_path(plugin_name) ##@brief Stores the plugin module self.module = None ##@brief Stores the plugin loader module self.__loader_module = None ##@brief The plugin confspecs self.__confspecs = dict() ##@brief Boolean flag telling if the plugin is loaded or not self.loaded = False # Importing __init__.py infos in it plugin_module = self.module_name() self.module = LodelContext.module(plugin_module) # loading confspecs try: # Loading confspec directly from __init__.py self.__confspecs = getattr(self.module, CONFSPEC_VARNAME) except AttributeError: # Loading file in __confspec__ var in __init__.py try: module = self._import_from_init_var(CONFSPEC_FILENAME_VARNAME) except AttributeError: msg = "Malformed plugin {plugin} . No {varname} not {filevar} found in __init__.py" msg = msg.format( plugin = self.name, varname = CONFSPEC_VARNAME, filevar = CONFSPEC_FILENAME_VARNAME) raise PluginError(msg) except ImportError as e: msg = "Broken plugin {plugin} : {expt}" msg = msg.format( plugin = self.name, expt = str(e)) raise PluginError(msg) except Exception as e: msg = "Plugin '%s' :"+str(e) raise e.__class__(msg) try: # loading confpsecs from file self.__confspecs = getattr(module, CONFSPEC_VARNAME) except AttributeError: msg = "Broken plugin. {varname} not found in '{filename}'" msg = msg.format( varname = CONFSPEC_VARNAME, filename = confspec_filename) raise PluginError(msg) # loading plugin version try: #this try block should be useless. The existance of #PLUGIN_VERSION_VARNAME in init file is mandatory self.__version = getattr(self.module, PLUGIN_VERSION_VARNAME) except AttributeError: msg = "Error that should not append while loading plugin '%s': no \ %s found in plugin init file. Malformed plugin" msg %= (plugin_name, PLUGIN_VERSION_VARNAME) raise LodelFatalError(msg) # Load plugin type try: self.__type = getattr(self.module, PLUGIN_TYPE_VARNAME) except AttributeError: self.__type = DEFAULT_PLUGIN_TYPE self.__type = str(self.__type).lower() if self.__type not in MetaPlugType.all_ptype_names(): raise PluginError("Unknown plugin type '%s'" % self.__type) # Load plugin name from init file (just for checking) try: #this try block should be useless. The existance of #PLUGIN_NAME_VARNAME in init file is mandatory pname = getattr(self.module, PLUGIN_NAME_VARNAME) except AttributeError: msg = "Error that should not append : no %s found in plugin \ init file. Malformed plugin" msg %= PLUGIN_NAME_VARNAME raise LodelFatalError(msg) if pname != plugin_name: msg = "Plugin's discover cache inconsistency detected ! Cached \ name differ from the one found in plugin's init file" raise PluginError(msg) ##@brief Try to import a file from a variable in __init__.py #@param varname str : The variable name #@return loaded module #@throw AttributeError if varname not found #@throw ImportError if the file fails to be imported #@throw PluginError if the filename was not valid #@todo Some strange things append : #when loading modules in test self.module.__name__ does not contains #the package... but in prod cases the self.module.__name__ is #the module fullname... Just a reminder note to explain the dirty #if on self_modname def _import_from_init_var(self, varname): # Read varname try: filename = getattr(self.module, varname) except AttributeError: msg = "Malformed plugin {plugin}. No {varname} found in __init__.py" msg = msg.format( plugin = self.name, varname = LOADER_FILENAME_VARNAME) raise PluginError(msg) #Path are not allowed if filename != os.path.basename(filename): msg = "Invalid {varname} content : '{fname}' for plugin {name}" msg = msg.format( varname = varname, fname = filename, name = self.name) raise PluginError(msg) #See the todo if len(self.module.__name__.split('.')) == 1: self_modname = self.module.__package__ else: self_modname = self.module.__name__ #extract module name from filename base_mod = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1]) module_name = self_modname+"."+base_mod return importlib.import_module(module_name) ##@brief Return associated module name def module_name(self): if not self.path.startswith('./plugins'): raise PluginError("Bad path for plugin %s : %s" % ( self.name, self.path)) mod_name = '' pathbuff = self.path while pathbuff != '.': mod_name = os.path.basename(pathbuff) + '.' + mod_name pathbuff = os.path.dirname(pathbuff) #removing trailing '.' and add leading lodel. return 'lodel.'+mod_name[:-1] ##@brief Check dependencies of plugin #@return A list of plugin name to be loaded before def check_deps(self): try: res = getattr(self.module, PLUGIN_DEPS_VARNAME) except AttributeError: return list() result = list() errors = list() for plugin_name in res: try: result.append(self.get(plugin_name)) except PluginError: errors.append(plugin_name) if len(errors) > 0: raise PluginError( "Bad dependencie for '%s' :"%self.name, ', '.join(errors)) return result ##@brief Check if the plugin should be activated # #Try to fetch a function called @ref ACTIVATE_METHOD_NAME in __init__.py #of a plugin. If none found assert that the plugin can be loaded, else #the method is called. If it returns anything else that True, the plugin #is noted as not activable # # @note Maybe we have to exit everything if a plugin cannot be loaded... def activable(self): try: test_fun = getattr(self.module, ACTIVATE_METHOD_NAME) except AttributeError: msg = "No %s method found for plugin %s. Assuming plugin is ready to be loaded" msg %= (ACTIVATE_METHOD_NAME, self.name) logger.debug(msg) test_fun = lambda:True return test_fun() ##@brief Load a plugin # #Loading a plugin means importing a file. The filename is defined in the #plugin's __init__.py file in a LOADER_FILENAME_VARNAME variable. # #The loading process has to take care of other things : #- loading dependencies (other plugins) #- check that the plugin can be activated using Plugin.activate() method #- avoid circular dependencies infinite loop def _load(self): if self.loaded: return #Test that plugin "wants" to be activated activable = self.activable() if not(activable is True): msg = "Plugin %s is not activable : %s" msg %= (self.name, activable) raise PluginError(msg) #Circular dependencie detection if self.name in self._load_called: raise PluginError("Circular dependencie in Plugin detected. Abording") else: self._load_called.append(self.name) #Dependencie load for dependencie in self.check_deps(): activable = dependencie.activable() if activable is True: dependencie._load() else: msg = "Plugin {plugin_name} not activable because it depends on plugin {dep_name} that is not activable : {reason}" msg = msg.format( plugin_name = self.name, dep_name = dependencie.name, reason = activable) #Loading the plugin try: self.__loader_module = self._import_from_init_var(LOADER_FILENAME_VARNAME) except PluginError as e: raise e except ImportError as e: msg = "Broken plugin {plugin} : {expt}" msg = msg.format( plugin = self.name, expt = str(e)) raise PluginError(msg) logger.debug("Plugin '%s' loaded" % self.name) self.loaded = True ##@brief Returns the loader module # #Accessor for the __loader__ python module def loader_module(self): if not self.loaded: raise RuntimeError("Plugin %s not loaded yet."%self.name) return self.__loader_module def __str__(self): return "" % (self.name, self.__version) ##@brief Call load method on every pre-loaded plugins # # Called by loader to trigger hooks registration. # This method have to avoid circular dependencies infinite loops. For this # purpose a class attribute _load_called exists. # @throw PluginError @classmethod def load_all(cls): errors = dict() cls._load_called = [] for name, plugin in cls._plugin_instances.items(): try: plugin._load() except PluginError as e: errors[name] = e if len(errors) > 0: msg = "Errors while loading plugins :" for name, e in errors.items(): msg += "\n\t%20s : %s" % (name,e) msg += "\n" raise PluginError(msg) LodelHook.call_hook( "lodel2_plugins_loaded", cls, cls._plugin_instances) ##@return a copy of __confspecs attr @property def confspecs(self): return copy.copy(self.__confspecs) ##@brief Accessor to confspec indicating where we can find the plugin list #@note Abtract method implemented only for Plugin child classes #This attribute indicate where we fetch the plugin list. @classmethod def plist_confspecs(cls): if cls._plist_confspecs is None: raise LodelFatalError('Unitialized _plist_confspecs attribute for \ %s' % cls.__name__) return copy.copy(cls._plist_confspecs) ##@brief Retrieves plugin list confspecs # #This method ask for each Plugin child class the confspecs specifying where #the wanted plugin list is stored. (For example DatasourcePlugin expect #that a list of ds plugin to load stored in lodel2 section, datasources key # etc... @classmethod def plugin_list_confspec(cls): LodelContext.expose_modules(globals(), { 'lodel.settings.validator': ['confspec_append']}) res = dict() for pcls in cls.plugin_types(): plcs = pcls.plist_confspec() confspec_append(res, plcs) return res ##@brief Register a new plugin # #@param plugin_name str : The plugin name #@return a Plugin instance #@throw PluginError @classmethod def register(cls, plugin_name): if plugin_name in cls._plugin_instances: msg = "Plugin allready registered with same name %s" msg %= plugin_name raise PluginError(msg) #Here we check that previous discover found a plugin with that name pdcache = cls.discover() if plugin_name not in pdcache: raise PluginError("No plugin named %s found" % plugin_name) ptype = pdcache[plugin_name]['type'] pcls = MetaPlugType.type_from_name(ptype) plugin = pcls(plugin_name) cls._plugin_instances[plugin_name] = plugin logger.debug("Plugin %s available." % plugin) return plugin ##@brief Plugins instances accessor # #@param plugin_name str: The plugin name #@return a Plugin instance #@throw PluginError if plugin not found @classmethod def get(cls, plugin_name): try: return cls._plugin_instances[plugin_name] except KeyError: msg = "No plugin named '%s' loaded" msg %= plugin_name raise PluginError(msg) ##@brief Given a plugin name returns the plugin path # @param plugin_name str : The plugin name # @return the plugin directory path @classmethod def plugin_path(cls, plugin_name): plist = cls.plugin_list() if plugin_name not in plist: raise PluginError("No plugin named '%s' found" % plugin_name) try: return cls.get(plugin_name).path except PluginError: pass return plist[plugin_name]['path'] ##@brief Return the plugin module name # #This module name is the "virtual" module where we imported the plugin. # #Typically composed like VIRTUAL_PACKAGE_NAME.PLUGIN_NAME #@warning Brokes subdire feature #@param plugin_name str : a plugin name #@return a string representing a module name #@todo fix broken subdir capabilitie ( @see module_name() ) #@todo check if used, else delete it @classmethod def plugin_module_name(cls, plugin_name): return "%s.%s" % (VIRTUAL_PACKAGE_NAME, plugin_name) ##@brief Start the Plugin class # # Called by Settings.__bootstrap() # # This method load path and preload plugins @classmethod def start(cls, plugins): for plugin_name in plugins: cls.register(plugin_name) ##@brief Attempt to "restart" the Plugin class @classmethod def clear(cls): if cls._plugin_instances != dict(): cls._plugin_instances = dict() if cls._load_called != []: cls._load_called = [] MetaPlugType.clear_cls() ##@brief Designed to be implemented by child classes @classmethod def clear_cls(cls): pass ##@brief Reccursively walk throught paths to find plugin, then stores #found plugin in a static var # #Found plugins are stored in cls._plugin_list #@note The discover is run only if no cached datas are found #@return a list of dict with plugin infos { see @ref _discover } #@todo add max_depth and no symlink following feature @classmethod def discover(cls): if cls._plugin_list is not None: return cls._plugin_list logger.info("Running plugin discover") tmp_res = cls._discover(PLUGINS_PATH) #Formating and dedoubloning result result = dict() for pinfos in tmp_res: pname = pinfos['name'] if ( pname in result and pinfos['version'] > result[pname]['version'])\ or pname not in result: result[pname] = pinfos else: #dropped pass cls._plugin_list = result return result ##@brief Return discover result #@param refresh bool : if true invalidate all plugin list cache #@note If discover cache file not found run discover first #@note if refresh is set to True discover MUST have been run at least #one time. In fact refresh action load the list of path to explore #from the plugin's discover cache @classmethod def plugin_list(cls, refresh = False): return cls._plugin_list ##@brief Return a list of child Class Plugin @classmethod def plugin_types(cls): return MetaPlugType.all_types() ##@brief Check if a directory is a plugin module #@param path str : path to check #@param assert_in_package bool : if False didn't check that path is #a subdir of PLUGINS_PATH #@return a dict with name, version and path if path is a plugin module, else False @classmethod def dir_is_plugin(cls, path, assert_in_package = True): log_msg = "%s is not a plugin directory because : " % path if assert_in_package: #Check that path is a subdir of PLUGINS_PATH abspath = os.path.abspath(path) if not abspath.startswith(os.path.abspath(PLUGINS_PATH)): raise PluginError( "%s is not a subdir of %s" % log_msg, PLUGINS_PATH) #Checks that path exists if not os.path.isdir(path): raise ValueError( "Expected path to be a directory, but '%s' found" % path) #Checks that path contains plugin's init file initfile = os.path.join(path, INIT_FILENAME) if not os.path.isfile(initfile): log_msg += "'%s' not found" % (INIT_FILENAME) logger.debug(log_msg) return False #Importing plugin's init file to check contained datas try: initmod, modname = cls.import_init(path) except PluginError as e: log_msg += "unable to load '%s'. Exception raised : %s" log_msg %= (INIT_FILENAME, e) logger.debug(log_msg) return False #Checking mandatory init module variables for attr_name in MANDATORY_VARNAMES: if not hasattr(initmod,attr_name): log_msg += " mandatory variable '%s' not found in '%s'" log_msg %= (attr_name, INIT_FILENAME) logger.debug(log_msg) return False #Fetching plugin's version try: pversion = getattr(initmod, PLUGIN_VERSION_VARNAME) except (NameError, AttributeError) as e: msg = "Invalid plugin version found in %s : %s" msg %= (path, e) raise PluginError(msg) #Fetching plugin's type try: ptype = getattr(initmod, PLUGIN_TYPE_VARNAME) except (NameError, AttributeError) as e: ptype = DEFAULT_PLUGIN_TYPE pname = getattr(initmod, PLUGIN_NAME_VARNAME) return {'name': pname, 'version': PluginVersion(pversion), 'path': path, 'type': ptype} ##@brief Import init file from a plugin path #@param path str : Directory path #@return a tuple (init_module, module_name) #@todo replace by LodelContext usage !!! (not mandatory, this fun #is only used in plugin discover method) @classmethod def import_init(cls, path): cls._mod_cnt += 1 # in order to ensure module name unicity init_source = os.path.join(path, INIT_FILENAME) temp_module = '%s.%s.%s%d' % ( VIRTUAL_TEMP_PACKAGE_NAME, os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)), 'test_init', cls._mod_cnt) try: loader = SourceFileLoader(temp_module, init_source) except (ImportError, FileNotFoundError) as e: raise PluginError("Unable to import init file from '%s' : %s" % ( temp_module, e)) try: res_module = loader.load_module() except Exception as e: raise PluginError("Unable to import initfile") return (res_module, temp_module) @classmethod def debug_wrapper(cls, updglob = None): if updglob is not None: for k, v in updglob.items(): globals()[k] = v print(logger) ##@brief Reccursiv plugin discover given a path #@param path str : the path to walk through #@return A dict with plugin_name as key and {'path':..., 'version':...} as value @classmethod def _discover(cls, path): #Ensure plugins symlink creation LodelContext.expose_modules(globals(), { 'lodel.plugins': 'plugins'}) res = [] to_explore = [path] while len(to_explore) > 0: cur_path = to_explore.pop() for f in os.listdir(cur_path): f_path = os.path.join(cur_path, f) if f not in ['.', '..'] and os.path.isdir(f_path): #Check if it is a plugin directory test_result = cls.dir_is_plugin(f_path) if not (test_result is False): logger.info("Plugin '%s' found in %s" % ( test_result['name'],f_path)) res.append(test_result) else: to_explore.append(f_path) return res def debug_wrapper_mod(): print("MOD : ",logger) ##@brief Decorator class designed to allow plugins to add custom methods #to LeObject childs (dyncode objects) #@ingroup lodel2_plugins # class CustomMethod(object): ##@brief Stores registered custom methods # #Key = LeObject child class name #Value = CustomMethod instance _custom_methods = dict() INSTANCE_METHOD = 0 CLASS_METHOD = 1 STATIC_METHOD = 2 ##@brief Decorator constructor #@param component_name str : the name of the component to enhance #@param method_name str : the name of the method to inject (if None given #@param method_type int : take value in one of #CustomMethod::INSTANCE_METHOD CustomMethod::CLASS_METHOD or #CustomMethod::STATIC_METHOD #use the function name def __init__(self, component_name, method_name = None, method_type=0): ##@brief The targeted LeObject child class self._comp_name = component_name ##@brief The method name self._method_name = method_name ##@brief The function (that will be the injected method) self._fun = None ##@brief Stores the type of method (instance, class or static) self._type = int(method_type) if self._type not in (self.INSTANCE_METHOD, self.CLASS_METHOD,\ self.STATIC_METHOD): raise ValueError("Excepted value for method_type was one of \ CustomMethod::INSTANCE_METHOD CustomMethod::CLASS_METHOD or \ CustomMethod::STATIC_METHOD, but got %s" % self._type) ##@brief called just after __init__ #@param fun function : the decorated function def __call__(self, fun): if self._method_name is None: self._method_name = fun.__name__ if self._comp_name not in self._custom_methods: self._custom_methods[self._comp_name] = list() if self._method_name in [ scm._method_name for scm in self._custom_methods[self._comp_name]]: raise RuntimeError("A method named %s allready registered by \ another plugin : %s" % ( self._method_name, self._custom_methods[self._comp_name].__module__)) self._fun = fun self._custom_methods[self._comp_name].append(self) ##@brief Textual representation #@return textual representation of the CustomMethod instance def __repr__(self): res = "" return res.format( method_name = self._method_name, classname = self._comp_name, module_name = self._fun.__module__, fun_name = self._fun.__name__) ##@brief Return a well formed method # #@note the type of method depends on the _type attribute #@return a method directly injectable in the target class def __get_method(self): if self._type == self.INSTANCE_METHOD: def custom__get__(self, obj, objtype = None): return types.MethodType(self, obj, objtype) setattr(self._fun, '__get__', custom__get__) return self._fun elif self._type == self.CLASS_METHOD: return classmethod(self._fun) elif self._type == self.STATIC_METHOD: return staticmethod(self._fun) else: raise RuntimeError("Attribute _type is not one of \ CustomMethod::INSTANCE_METHOD CustomMethod::CLASS_METHOD \ CustomMethod::STATIC_METHOD") ##@brief Handle custom method dynamic injection in LeAPI dyncode # #Called by lodel2_dyncode_loaded hook defined at #lodel.plugin.core_hooks.lodel2_plugin_custom_methods() # #@param cls #@param dynclasses LeObject child classes : List of dynamically generated #LeObject child classes @classmethod def set_registered(cls, dynclasses): from lodel import logger dyn_cls_dict = { dc.__name__:dc for dc in dynclasses} for cls_name, custom_methods in cls._custom_methods.items(): for custom_method in custom_methods: if cls_name not in dyn_cls_dict: logger.error("Custom method %s adding fails : No dynamic \ LeAPI objects named %s." % (custom_method, cls_name)) elif custom_method._method_name in dir(dyn_cls_dict[cls_name]): logger.warning("Overriding existing method '%s' on target \ with %s" % (custom_method._method_name, custom_method)) else: setattr( dyn_cls_dict[cls_name], custom_method._method_name, custom_method.__get_method()) logger.debug( "Custom method %s added to target" % custom_method) def wrapper_debug_fun(): print(logger)