#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## @page howto_writeplugin Write a plugin howto
# @section howto_writeplugin_basicstruct Plugin basic structure
# A plugins is a python package that have to contains 3 files :
#- __init__.py
#- main.py
( defined in @ref lodel.plugin.plugins.MAIN_FILENAME )
#- confspec.py
( defined in
#@ref lodel.plugin.plugins.CONFSPEC_FILENAME )
# There is an example plugin in @ref plugins/dummy
# @subsection howto_writreplugin_confspec Plugin configuration specification
# First of all a good practice is to preffix all plugin specific configuration
# key with lodel2.plugin.PLUGIN_NAME
# A configuration specification is a dict containing dict containing
# tupe(DEFAULT_VALUE, VALIDATOR). The first level dict keys are sections, and
# the dictionnary contained in it contains conf keys. More information on
# validators : @ref lodel.settings.validator
# @subsubsection howto_writreplugin_confspec_example Example :
#A confspec that matches this peace of configuration file
#[lodel2.plugin.fooplugin] #hello = ... #foo = ... #bar = ... ##would be #
#{ # 'lodel2.plugin.fooplugin': { # 'foo': ..., # 'bar': ..., # 'hello': ..., } } ## from .hooks import LodelHook from .plugins import Plugin, CustomMethod from .datasource_plugin import DatasourcePlugin from .sessionhandler import SessionHandlerPlugin from .interface import InterfacePlugin from .extensions import Extension