#!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, os.path import sys import shutil import argparse import logging import re import json import configparser import signal import subprocess from lodel import buildconf logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) INSTANCES_ABSPATH="/tmp/lodel2_instances" LODEL2_INSTALLDIR="/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages" CONFFILE='conf.d/lodel2.ini' try: STORE_FILE = os.path.join("[@]SLIM_VAR_DIR[@]", 'slim_instances.json') PID_FILE = os.path.join("[@]SLIM_VAR_DIR[@]", 'slim_instances_pid.json') CREATION_SCRIPT = os.path.join("[@]LODEL2_PROGSDIR[@]", 'create_instance') INSTALL_TPL = "[@]INSTALLMODEL_DIR[@]" EMFILE = os.path.join("[@]SLIM_DATADIR[@]", 'emfile.pickle') except SyntaxError: STORE_FILE='./instances.json' PID_FILE = './slim_instances_pid.json' CREATION_SCRIPT='../scripts/create_instance.sh' INSTALL_TPL = './slim_ressources/slim_install_model' EMFILE = './slim_ressources/emfile.pickle' CREATION_SCRIPT=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), CREATION_SCRIPT) STORE_FILE=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), STORE_FILE) INSTALL_TPL=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), INSTALL_TPL) EMFILE=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), EMFILE) #STORE_FILE syntax : # #First level keys are instances names, their values are dict with following #informations : # - path # ##@brief Run 'make %target%' for each instances given in names #@param target str : make target #@param names list : list of instance name def run_make(target, names): validate_names(names) store_datas = get_store_datas() cwd = os.getcwd() for name in [n for n in store_datas if n in names]: datas = store_datas[name] logging.info("Running 'make %s' for '%s' in %s" % ( target, name, datas['path'])) os.chdir(datas['path']) os.system('make %s' % target) os.chdir(cwd) ##@brief Set configuration given args #@param name str : instance name #@param args : as returned by argparse def set_conf(name, args): validate_names([name]) conffile = get_conffile(name) config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) config.read(conffile) #Interface options if args.interface is not None: iarg = args.interface if iarg not in ('web', 'python'): raise TypeError("Interface can only be on of : 'web', 'python'") if iarg.lower() == 'web': iarg = 'webui' else: iarg = '' config['lodel2']['interface'] = iarg interface = config['lodel2']['interface'] if interface == 'webui': if 'lodel2.webui' not in config: config['lodel2.webui'] = dict() config['lodel2.webui']['standalone'] = 'uwsgi' if args.listen_port is not None: config['lodel2.webui']['listen_port'] = str(args.listen_port) if args.listen_address is not None: config['lodel2.webui']['listen_address'] = str(args.listen_address) if args.static_url is not None: config['lodel2.webui']['static_url'] = str(args.static_url) if args.uwsgi_workers is not None: config['lodel2.webui']['uwsgi_workers'] = str(args.uwsgi_workers) else: #interface is python if args.listen_port is not None or args.listen_address is not None: logging.error("Listen port and listen address will not being set. \ Selected interface is not the web iterface") if 'lodel.webui' in config: del(config['lodel2.webui']) #Datasource options if args.datasource_connectors is not None: darg = args.datasource_connectors if darg not in ('dummy', 'mongodb'): raise ValueError("Allowed connectors are : 'dummy' and 'mongodb'") if darg not in ('mongodb',): raise TypeError("Datasource_connectors can only be of : 'mongodb'") if darg.lower() == 'mongodb': dconf = 'mongodb_datasource' toadd = 'mongodb_datasource' todel = 'dummy_datasource' else: dconf = 'dummy_datasource' todel = 'mongodb_datasource' toadd = 'dummy_datasource' config['lodel2']['datasource_connectors'] = dconf #Delete old default & dummy2 conn kdel = 'lodel2.datasource.%s.%s' % (todel, 'default') if kdel in config: del(config[kdel]) #Add the new default & dummy2 conn kadd = 'lodel2.datasource.%s.%s' % (toadd, 'default') if kadd not in config: config[kadd] = dict() #Bind to current conn for dsn in ('default', 'dummy2'): config['lodel2.datasources.%s' %dsn ]= { 'identifier':'%s.default' % toadd} #Set the conf for mongodb if darg == 'mongodb': dbconfname = 'lodel2.datasource.mongodb_datasource.default' if args.host is not None: config[dbconfname]['host'] = str(args.host) if args.user is not None: config[dbconfname]['username'] = str(args.user) if args.password is not None: config[dbconfname]['password'] = str(args.password) if args.db_name is not None: config[dbconfname]['db_name'] = str(args.db_name) else: config['lodel2.datasource.dummy_datasource.default'] = {'dummy':''} #Logger options if args.set_logger is not None: #Purge existing loggers for k in [ k for k in config if k.startswith('lodel2.logging.')]: del(config[k]) if isinstance(args.set_logger, str): specs = [ args.set_logger ] else: specs = args.set_logger #Add the new one for log_spec in specs: spl = log_spec.split(':') if len(spl) == 3: loggername, loglevel, logfile = log_spec.split(':') else: raise ValueError( "Invalid format for logger spec : %s" % log_spec) loggerkey = 'lodel2.logging.%s' % loggername if '%s' in logfile: logfile = logfile.replace('%s', name) if '%l' in logfile: logfile = logfile.replace('%l', loglevel.lower()) config[loggerkey] = { 'level': loglevel, 'filename': logfile, 'context': True } #Now config should be OK to be written again in conffile with open(conffile, 'w+') as cfp: config.write(cfp) ##@brief If the name is not valid raise def name_is_valid(name): allowed_chars = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)] allowed_chars += [chr(i) for i in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)] allowed_chars += [chr(i) for i in range(ord('0'), ord('9')+1)] allowed_chars += ['_'] for c in name: if c not in allowed_chars: raise RuntimeError("Allowed characters for instance name are \ lower&upper alphanum and '_'. Name '%s' is invalid" % name) ##@brief Create a new instance #@param name str : the instance name def new_instance(name): name_is_valid(name) store_datas = get_store_datas() if name in store_datas: logging.error("An instance named '%s' already exists" % name) exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(INSTANCES_ABSPATH): logging.info("Instances directory '%s' don't exists, creating it") os.mkdir(INSTANCES_ABSPATH) instance_path = os.path.join(INSTANCES_ABSPATH, name) creation_cmd = '{script} "{name}" "{path}" "{install_tpl}" \ "{emfile}"'.format( script = CREATION_SCRIPT, name = name, path = instance_path, install_tpl = INSTALL_TPL, emfile = EMFILE) res = os.system(creation_cmd) if res != 0: logging.error("Creation script fails") exit(res) #storing new instance store_datas[name] = {'path': instance_path} save_datas(store_datas) ##@brief Delete an instance #@param name str : the instance name def delete_instance(name): pids = get_pids() if name in pids: logging.error("The instance '%s' is started. Stop it before deleting \ it" % name) return store_datas = get_store_datas() logging.warning("Deleting instance %s" % name) logging.info("Deleting instance folder %s" % store_datas[name]['path']) shutil.rmtree(store_datas[name]['path']) logging.debug("Deleting instance from json store file") del(store_datas[name]) save_datas(store_datas) ##@brief returns stored datas def get_store_datas(): if not os.path.isfile(STORE_FILE) or os.stat(STORE_FILE).st_size == 0: return dict() else: with open(STORE_FILE, 'r') as sfp: datas = json.load(sfp) return datas ##@brief Checks names validity and exit if fails def validate_names(names): store_datas = get_store_datas() invalid = [ n for n in names if n not in store_datas] if len(invalid) > 0: print("Following names are not existing instance :", file=sys.stderr) for name in invalid: print("\t%s" % name, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) ##@brief Returns the PID dict #@return a dict with instance name as key an PID as value def get_pids(): if not os.path.isfile(PID_FILE) or os.stat(PID_FILE).st_size == 0: return dict() with open(PID_FILE, 'r') as pfd: return json.load(pfd) ##@brief Save a dict of pid #@param pid_dict dict : key is instance name values are pid def save_pids(pid_dict): with open(PID_FILE, 'w+') as pfd: json.dump(pid_dict, pfd) ##@brief Given an instance name returns its PID #@return False or an int def get_pid(name): pid_datas = get_pids() if name not in pid_datas: return False else: pid = pid_datas[name] if not is_running(name, pid): return False return pid ##@brief Start an instance #@param names list : instance name list def start_instances(names, foreground): pids = get_pids() store_datas = get_store_datas() for name in names: if name in pids: logging.warning("The instance %s is allready running" % name) continue os.chdir(store_datas[name]['path']) args = [sys.executable, 'loader.py'] if foreground: logging.info("Calling execl with : %s" % args) os.execl(args[0], *args) return #only usefull if execl call fails (not usefull) else: curexec = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, preexec_fn=os.setsid, cwd = store_datas[name]['path']) pids[name] = curexec.pid logging.info("Instance '%s' started. PID %d" % (name, curexec.pid)) save_pids(pids) ##@brief Stop an instance given its name #@param names list : names list def stop_instances(names): pids = get_pids() store_datas = get_store_datas() for name in names: if name not in pids: logging.warning("The instance %s is not running" % name) continue pid = pids[name] try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: logging.warning("The instance %s seems to be in error, no process \ with pid %d found" % (name, pids[name])) del(pids[name]) save_pids(pids) ##@brief Checks that a process is running # #If not running clean the pid list #@return bool def is_running(name, pid): try: os.kill(pid, 0) return True except (OSError,ProcessLookupError): pid_datas = get_pids() logging.warning("Instance '%s' was marked as running, but not \ process with pid %d found. Cleaning pid list" % (name, pid)) del(pid_datas[name]) save_pids(pid_datas) return False ##@brief Check if instance are specified def get_specified(args): if args.all: names = list(get_store_datas().keys()) elif args.name is not None: names = args.name else: names = None return sorted(names) ##@brief Saves store datas def save_datas(datas): with open(STORE_FILE, 'w+') as sfp: json.dump(datas, sfp) ##@return conffile path def get_conffile(name): validate_names([name]) store_datas = get_store_datas() return os.path.join(store_datas[name]['path'], CONFFILE) ##@brief Print the list of instances and exit #@param verbosity int #@param batch bool : if true make simple output def list_instances(verbosity, batch): verbosity = 0 if verbosity is None else verbosity if not os.path.isfile(STORE_FILE): print("No store file, no instances are existing. Exiting...", file=sys.stderr) exit(0) store_datas = get_store_datas() if not batch: print('Instances list :') for name in store_datas: details_instance(name, verbosity, batch) exit(0) ##@brief Print instance informations and return (None) #@param name str : instance name #@param verbosity int #@param batch bool : if true make simple output def details_instance(name, verbosity, batch): validate_names([name]) store_datas = get_store_datas() pids = get_pids() if not batch: msg = "\t- '%s'" % name if name in pids and is_running(name, pids[name]): msg += ' [Run PID %d] ' % pids[name] if verbosity > 0: msg += ' path = "%s"' % store_datas[name]['path'] if verbosity > 1: ruler = (''.join(['=' for _ in range(20)])) + "\n" msg += "\n\t\t====conf.d/lodel2.ini====\n" with open(get_conffile(name)) as cfp: for line in cfp: msg += "\t\t"+line msg += "\t\t=========================\n" print(msg) else: msg = name if name in pids and is_running(name, pids[name]): msg += ' %d ' % pids[name] else: msg += ' stopped ' if verbosity > 0: msg += "\t"+'"%s"' % store_datas[name]['path'] if verbosity > 1: conffile = get_conffile(name) msg += "\n\t#####"+conffile+"#####\n" with open(conffile, 'r') as cfp: for line in cfp: msg += "\t"+line msg += "\n\t###########" print(msg) ##@brief Given instance names generate nginx confs #@param names list : list of instance names def nginx_conf(names): ret = """ server { listen 80; server_name _; include uwsgi_params; location /static/ { alias """ + LODEL2_INSTALLDIR + """/lodel/plugins/webui/templates/; } """ for name in names: name = name.replace('/', '_') sockfile = os.path.join(buildconf.LODEL2VARDIR, 'uwsgi_sockets/') sockfile = os.path.join(sockfile, name + '.sock') ret += """ location /{instance_name}/ {{ uwsgi_pass unix://{sockfile}; }}""".format(instance_name = name, sockfile = sockfile) ret += """ } """ print(ret) ##@brief Returns instanciated parser def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='SLIM (Simple Lodel Instance Manager.)') selector = parser.add_argument_group('Instances selectors') actions = parser.add_argument_group('Instances actions') confs = parser.add_argument_group('Options (use with -c or -s)') startstop = parser.add_argument_group('Start/stop options') parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', help='list existing instances and exit', action='store_const', const=True, default=False) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count') parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help="Format output (when possible) making it usable by POSIX scripts \ (only implemented for -l for the moment)") selector.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help='Select all instances') selector.add_argument('-n', '--name', metavar='NAME', type=str, nargs='*', help="Specify an instance name") actions.add_argument('-c', '--create', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help="Create a new instance with given name (see -n --name)") actions.add_argument('-d', '--delete', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help="Delete an instance with given name (see -n --name)") actions.add_argument('-p', '--purge', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help="Delete ALL instances") actions.add_argument('-s', '--set-option', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help="Use this flag to set options on instance") actions.add_argument('-e', '--edit-config', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help='Edit configuration of specified instance') actions.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help='Run a loader.py from ONE instance in foreground') actions.add_argument('-m', '--make', metavar='TARGET', type=str, nargs="?", default='not', help='Run make for selected instances') actions.add_argument('--nginx-conf', action='store_const', default = False, const=True, help="Output a conf for nginx given selected instances") startstop.add_argument('--stop', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help="Stop instances") startstop.add_argument('--start', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help="Start instances") startstop.add_argument('-f', '--foreground', action='store_const', default=False, const=True, help="Start in foreground (limited \ to 1 instance") confs.add_argument('--interface', type=str, help="Select wich interface to run. Possible values are \ 'python' and 'web'") confs.add_argument('-t', '--static-url', type=str, nargs="?", default='', metavar='URL', help='Set an url for static documents') confs.add_argument('--listen-port', type=int, help="Select the port on wich the web interface will listen to") confs.add_argument('--listen-address', type=str, help="Select the address on wich the web interface will bind to") confs.add_argument('--datasource_connectors', type=str, help="Select wich datasource to connect. Possible values are \ 'mongodb' and 'mysql'") confs.add_argument('--host', type=str, help="Select the host on which the server DB listen to") confs.add_argument('--user', type=str, help="Select the user name to connect to the database") confs.add_argument('--password', type=str, help="Select the password name to connect the datasource") confs.add_argument('--db_name', type=str, help="Select the database name on which datasource will be connect") confs.add_argument('--uwsgi-workers', type=int, default='2', metavar = 'N', help="Number of workers to spawn at the start of uwsgi") confs.add_argument('--set-logger', type=str, default='default:INFO:-', metavar = 'LOGGERSPEC', nargs='*', help='Set a logger given a logger spec. A logger spec is a string \ with this form : LOGGERNAME:LOGLEVEL:LOGFILE with LOGLEVEL one of DEBUG, \ INFO, WARNING, SECURITY, ERROR or FATAL. LOGFILE can be a path to a logfile \ or - to indicate stderr, else you can put a "%s" in the string that will \ be replaced by instance name and a "%l" that will be replaced by the \ loglevel.') return parser if __name__ == '__main__': parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose is None: args.verbose = 0 if args.list: # Instances list if args.name is not None: validate_names(args.name) for name in args.name: details_instance(name, args.verbose, args.batch) else: list_instances(args.verbose, args.batch) elif args.create: #Instance creation if args.name is None: parser.print_help() print("\nAn instance name expected when creating an instance !", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) for name in args.name: new_instance(name) elif args.purge: # SLIM Purge (stop & delete all) print("Do you really want to delete all the instances ? Yes/no ",) rep = sys.stdin.readline() if rep == "Yes\n": store = get_store_datas() stop_instances(store.keys()) for name in store: delete_instance(name) elif rep.lower() != 'no': print("Expect exactly 'Yes' to confirm...") exit() elif args.delete: #Instance deletion if args.all: parser.print_help() print("\n use -p --purge instead of --delete --all", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) if args.name is None: parser.print_help() print("\nAn instance name expected when creating an instance !", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) validate_names(args.name) for name in args.name: delete_instance(name) elif args.make != 'not': #Running make in instances if args.make is None: target = 'all' else: target = args.make names = get_specified(args) if names is None: parser.print_help() print("\nWhen using -m --make options you have to select \ instances, either by name using -n or all using -a") exit(1) run_make(target, names) elif args.edit_config: #Edit configuration names = get_specified(args) if len(names) > 1: print("\n-e --edit-config option works only when 1 instance is \ specified") validate_names(names) name = names[0] store_datas = get_store_datas() conffile = get_conffile(name) os.system('editor "%s"' % conffile) exit(0) elif args.nginx_conf: names = get_specified(args) if len(names) == 0: parser.print_help() print("\nSpecify at least 1 instance or use --all") exit(1) nginx_conf(names) elif args.interactive: #Run loader.py in foreground if args.name is None or len(args.name) != 1: print("\n-i option only allowed with ONE instance name") parser.print_help() exit(1) validate_names(args.name) name = args.name[0] store_datas = get_store_datas() os.chdir(store_datas[name]['path']) os.execl('/usr/bin/env', '/usr/bin/env', 'python3', 'loader.py') elif args.set_option: names = None if args.all: names = list(get_store_datas().keys()) elif args.name is not None: names = args.name if names is None: parser.print_help() print("\n-s option only allowed with instance specified (by name \ or with -a)") exit(1) for name in names: set_conf(name, args) elif args.start: names = get_specified(args) if names is None: parser.print_help() print("\nPlease specify at least 1 instance with the --start \ option", file=sys.stderr) elif args.foreground and len(names) > 1: parser.prin_help() print("\nOnly 1 instance allowed with the use of the --forground \ argument") start_instances(names, args.foreground) elif args.stop: names = get_specified(args) stop_instances(names)