#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- dyncode = None ##@page lodel2_start Lodel2 boot mechanism # # @par Lodel2 boot sequence # see @ref install/loader.py # 1. lodel package is imported # 2. settings are started # 3. plugins are pre-loaded from conf to load plugins configuration specs # 4. settings are loaded from conf and checked # 3. plugins are loaded (hooks are registered etc) # 4. "lodel2_bootstraped" hooks are called # 5. "lodel2_loader_main" hooks are called (if runned from loader.py as main executable) # ##@page lodel2_instance_admin Lodel2 instance administration # #@section lodel2_instance_adm_tools Tools # #@subsection lodel2_instance_makefile Makefile # #The Makefile allows to run automated without arguments such as : #- refresh the dynamic code using conf + EM (target **dyncode**) #- update databases (target **init_db**) #- refresh plugins list (target **refresh_plugins**) # #@subsection lodel2_instance_adm_scripts lodel_admin.py scripts # #In all instances you find a symlink named lodel_admin.py . This script #contains the code run by @ref lodel2_instance_makefile "Makefile targets" #and a main function that allows to run it as a CLI script. # #@par Script help #
#usage: lodel_admin.py [-h] [-L] [ACTION] [OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...]] # #Lodel2 script runner # #positional arguments: # ACTION One of the following actions : discover-plugin [...] # OPTIONS Action options. Use lodel_admin.py ACTION -h to have # help on a specific action # #optional arguments: # -h, --help show this help message and exit # -L, --list-actions List available actions ## #@par Script customization # #See @ref lodel2_script_doc "Lodel2 scripting" # # ##@defgroup lodel2_deployment Diffusion and deployment ##@page lodel2_autotools Lodel2 and autotools integration #@ingroup lodel2_deployment # #Autotools provide a way to distribute a software on Posix platforms. # #@section lodel2_autotools_howto Howto use them # #Basically you have to run : #-
to generate the configure script( run
#approximatly aclocal; autoconf; automake
#- ./configure
to generate Makefile s
#- make
to build lodel2 (actually to generate lodel/buildconf.py
#from @ref lodel/buildconf.py.in )
#Here is a list of most usefull targets provided by lodel2's Makefile :
#- automake targets
# - **all** compile the sources (don't do a lot for a script langage)
# - **clean** delete compiled files (don't do a lot for a script langage)
# - **distclean** enhanced comportment compared to default (delete compiled
#files and generated binary). Here it deletes everything generated by
#./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make
# - **install** Install lodel2 (for the moment copy the lodel dir in
#the good path (configurable when running ./configure ) )
# - **uninstall** Remove installed files
#- lodel2 specific targets
# - **tests**, **check** and **checks** are aliases for running tests
# - **doc** generate the doxygen documentation
# - **em_test** refresh the example/em_test.pickle file using em_test.py
# - **dyncode** generate a dyncode.py file using lefactory in
#@section lodel2_autotools_why Why using autotools
#Python has a lot of packaging and distributing solutions, but none of them
#is as convinent, complete, portable as GNU autotools. For example setup.py
#with distutils has no uninstall target; pip, wheel, easy-install etc brokes
#totally your distribution packaging/upgrade system etc.
#Autotools are portable, integrated by debian packaging system ( see
#checkinstall) and can support multi langages.
#@section lodel2_autotools_whatfor For doing what
#Autotools are here to allow distributing and installing Lodel2 on
#Posix OS.
#The distribution mechanisms handles dependencies checking (NO AUTO INSTALL
#WITH BINARY BLOBS !!!), compiling .py files to pyc and pyo, and copy all files
#in the good directories (python libs, doc, scripts etc)
#@section lodel2_autotools_how How autotools are integrated
#What we call autotools is in fact a lot of software. In our case we use only
#both of them :
#autoconf and
#A python file is generated ( lodel/buildconf.py from
#@ref lodel/buildconf.py.in) containing various informations gathered during
#the build process (for example the presence of pymongo or the precense of
#the dependency needed by webui etc.)
#@subsection lodel2_autoconf Autoconf
#Autoconf job is to handle configure.ac file and generated the configure
#@par Configure script
#The configure script job is to check all dependencies fetch all
#path etc. And when runned it generates all Makefile from the Makefile.in files
#(see @ref lodel2_automake "below" )
#@par Autoconf macros
#We use both macro family :
#default autoconf python macro
#pyconfigure autoconf macros
#@see lodel2_autotools_problems
#@subsection lodel2_automake Automake
#Automake job is to transform the Makefile.am files into Makefile.in files.
#It handles all target creation for build, clean, install, uninstall etc.
#@section lodel2_autotools_problems Encontered problems
#@ref lodel2_autoconf "Autoconf" use macro "written in m4" (not sure if m4
#is the macro langage). We use two macros sources : automake default python
#support & pyconfigure automake macros.
#Those macros are broken with python3 (see
#the python3 sysconfig bug with debian OS ). There is patched version of
#these macro in the m4 directory (and the associated patches :
#@ref m4/python.m4.patch "for automake python macros patch" and
#@ref m4/python_pyconfigure.m4.patch "for pyconfigure python macros patch")
##@file m4/python.m4.patch
#@ingroup lodel2_deployment
#@brief Patch of automake python macro to solve a bug in pythondir retrieval
#on debian
#@see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3-defaults/+bug/1408092
##@file m4/python_pyconfigure.m4.patch
#@ingroup lodel2_deployment
#@brief Patch to solve a bug in pyconfigure ac macros in pythondir retrieval
#on debian
#@see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3-defaults/+bug/1408092
##@file m4/python.m4
#@ingroup lodel2_deployment
#@brief Automake macro for python (patched version)
#@see m4/python.m4.patch
##@file m4/python_pyconfigure.m4
#@brief Pyconfigure automake macro (patched version)
#@see m4/python_pyconfigure.m4.patch
##@file configure.ac
#@brief configure script model for autoconf
#@ingroup lodel2_deployment
##@file Makefile.am
#@brief Makefile model for autotools
#@ingroup lodel2_deployment
##@file lodel/Makefile.am
#@brief Makefile model for autotools
#@ingroup lodel2_deployment