#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import types import warnings from . import settings_format ## @package Lodel.settings # # @brief Defines stuff to handles Lodel2 configuration (see @ref lodel_settings ) # # To access the confs use the Lodel.settings.Settings SettingsHandler instance ## @brief A class designed to handles Lodel2 settings # # When instanciating a SettingsHandler, the new instance is filled with the content of settings.py (in the root directory of lodel2 # # @important You don't have to instanciate this class, you can access to the global instance with the Settings variable in this module # @todo Forbid module assignement in settings ! and disable tests about this # @todo Implements a type checking of config value # @todo Implements default values for config keys class SettingsHandler(object): ## @brief Shortcut _allowed = settings_format.ALLOWED + settings_format.MANDATORY ## @brief Shortcut _mandatory = settings_format.MANDATORY def __init__(self): try: import settings as default_settings self._load_module(default_settings) except ImportError: warnings.warn("Unable to find global default settings") ## @brief A flag set to True when the instance is fully loaded self._set_loaded(False if len(self._missings()) > 0 else True) ## @brief Compat wrapper for getattr def get(self, name): return getattr(self, name) ## @brief Compat wrapper for setattr def set(self, name, value): return setattr(self, name, value) ## @brief Load every module properties in the settings instance # # Load a module content into a SettingsHandler instance and checks that no mandatory settings are missing # @note Example :
 import my_cool_settings;
    # Settings._load_module(my_cool_settings);
# @param module module|None: a loaded module (if None just check for missing settings) # @throw LookupError if invalid settings found or if mandatory settings are missing def load_module(self, module = None): if not(module is None): self._load_module(module) missings = self._missings() if len(missings) > 0: self._loaded = False raise LookupError("Mandatory settings are missing : %s"%missings) self._set_loaded(True) ## @brief supersede of default __setattr__ method def __setattr__(self, name, value): if not hasattr(self, name): if name not in self._allowed: raise LookupError("Invalid setting : %s"%name) super().__setattr__(name, value) ## @brief This method do the job for SettingsHandler.load_module() # # @note The difference with SettingsHandler.load_module() is that it didn't check if some settings are missing # @throw LokkupError if an invalid settings is given # @param module : a loaded module def _load_module(self, module): errors = [] fatal_errors = [] conf_dict = { name: getattr(module, name) for name in dir(module) if not name.startswith('__') and not isinstance(getattr(module, name), types.ModuleType) } for name, value in conf_dict.items(): try: setattr(self, name, value) except LookupError: errors.append(name) if len(errors) > 0: err_msg = "Found invalid settings in %s : %s"%(module.__name__, errors) raise LookupError(err_msg) ## @brief If some settings are missings return their names # @return an array of string def _missings(self): return [ confname for confname in self._mandatory if not hasattr(self, confname) ] def _set_loaded(self, value): super().__setattr__('_loaded', bool(value)) Settings = SettingsHandler() ## @page lodel_settings Lodel SettingsHandler # # This page describe the way settings are handled in Lodel2. # # @section lodel_settings_files Lodel settings files # # - Lodel/settings.py defines the Lodel.settings package, the SettingsHandler class and the Lodel.settings.Settings instance # - Lodel/settings_format.py defines the mandatory and allowed configurations keys lists # - install/instance_settings.py is a model of the file that will be deployed in Lodel2 instances directories # # @section Using Lodel.settings.Settings SettingsHandler instance # # @subsection lodel_settings_without_loader Without loader # # Without any loader you can import Lodel.settings.Settings and acces its property with getattr (or . ) or with SettingsHandler.get() method. # In the same way you can set a settings by standart affectation of a propery or with SettingsHandler.set() method. # # @subsection lodel_settings_loader With a loader in a lodel2 instance # # The loader will import Lodel.settings.Settings and then calls the SettingsHandler.load_module() method to load the content of the instance_settings.py file into the SettingsHandler instance # # @subsection lodel_settings_example Examples # #
# #!/usr/bin/python
# from Lodel.settings import Settings
# if Settings.debug:
#   print("DEBUG")
# #or
# if Settings.get('debug'):
#   print("DEBUG")
# Settings.debug = False
# #or
# Settings.set('debug', False)