#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## @package EditorialModel.fieldtypes.generic Class definition for fieldtypes import copy import types import importlib ## @brief Abstract class for all fieldtypes class GenericFieldType(object): help_text = 'Generic field type : abstract class for every fieldtype' ## @brief List fields that will be exposed to the construct_data_method _construct_datas_deps = [] ## @brief Generic constructor for fieldtypes  # @param internal False | str : define wheter or not a field is internal # @param immutable bool : indicate if the fieldtype has to be defined in child classes of LeObject or if it is defined globally and immutable # @throw NotImplementedError if called from bad class def __init__(self, internal = False, immutable = False, **args): if self.__class__ == GenericFieldType: raise NotImplementedError("Abstract class") self.internal = internal #Check this value ? self.immutable = bool(immutable) for argname, argval in args.items(): setattr(self, argname, argval) ## Fieldtype name # @todo should be a staticmethod @property def name(self): return self.__module__.split('.')[-1] ## @return True if a fieldtype is internal def is_internal(self): return self.internal != False ## @brief Take care to call the fieldtype defined _check_data_value() method # @return a tuple (value, error|None) def check_data_value(self, value): return self._check_data_value(value) def _check_data_value(self, value): return (value, None) ## @brief Build field value # @param lec LeCrud : A LeCrud child class # @param fname str : The field name # @param datas dict : dict storing fields values (from the lec) # @param cur_value : the value for the current field (identified by fieldname) # @return constructed datas (for the fname field) # @throw RuntimeError if unable to construct data def construct_data(self, lec, fname, datas, cur_value): if fname in datas.keys(): return cur_value elif hasattr(lec.fieldtypes()[fname], 'default'): return lec.fieldtypes()[fname].default elif lec.fieldtypes()[fname].nullable: return None raise RuntimeError("Unable to construct data for field %s", fname) ## @brief Check datas consistency # @param leo LeCrud : A LeCrud child class instance # @param fname str : The field name # @param datas dict : dict storing fields values # @return an Exception instance if fails else True def check_data_consistency(self, lec, fname, datas): return True ## @brief Given a fieldtype name return the associated python class # @param fieldtype_name str : A fieldtype name # @return An GenericFieldType derivated class @staticmethod def from_name(fieldtype_name): mod = importlib.import_module(GenericFieldType.module_name(fieldtype_name)) return mod.EmFieldType ## @brief Get a module name given a fieldtype name # @param fieldtype_name str : A fieldtype name # @return a string representing a python module name @staticmethod def module_name(fieldtype_name): return 'EditorialModel.fieldtypes.%s' % (fieldtype_name) ## @brief __hash__ implementation for fieldtypes def __hash__(self): hash_dats = [self.__class__.__module__] for kdic in sorted([k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith('_')]): hash_dats.append((kdic, getattr(self, kdic))) return hash(tuple(hash_dats)) ## @brief Represent fieldtypes handling a single value class SingleValueFieldType(GenericFieldType): ## @brief Instanciate a new fieldtype # @param nullable bool : is None allowed as value ? # @param uniqu bool : Indicate if a field should handle uniq value # @param primary bool : If True the field is a primary key # @param **args : Other arguments # @throw NotImplementedError if called from bad class def __init__(self, internal = False, nullable = True, uniq = False, primary = False, **args): if self.__class__ == SingleValueFieldType: raise NotImplementedError("Asbtract class") super().__init__(internal, **args) self.nullable = nullable self.uniq = uniq self.primary = primary if 'default' in args: self.default, error = self.check_data_value(args['default']) if error: raise error del(args['default']) def check_data_value(self, value): if value is None: if not self.nullable: return (None, TypeError("'None' value but field is not nullable")) return (None, None) return super().check_data_value(value) ## @brief Abstract class for fieldtype representing references # # In MySQL its foreign keys (for example leo fieldtypes) class ReferenceFieldType(SingleValueFieldType): ## @brief Instanciate a new fieldtype # # # @param reference str : A string that defines the reference (can be 'object' or 'relation') # @param nullable bool : is None allowed as value ? # @param unique bool : Indicate if a field should handle uniq value # @param primary bool : If True the field is a primary key # @param **args : Other arguments # @throw NotImplementedError if called from bad class def __init__(self, reference, internal=False, nullable = True, uniq = False, primary = False, **args): if reference.lower() not in ['relation', 'object']: raise ValueError("Bad value for reference : %s. Excepted on of 'relation', 'object'" % reference) self.reference = reference.lower() super().__init__( internal = internal, nullable = nullable, uniq = uniq, primary = primary, **args ); pass ## @brief Abstract class for fieldtypes handling multiple values identified by a key # # For example i18n fieldtype class MultiValueFieldType(GenericFieldType): ## @brief Instanciate a new multivalue fieldtype # # This fieldtype describe a field that handles multiple values referenced by a key (like a dict). # A typicall example is the i18n fieldtype # @param keyname str : The identifier key name # @param key_fieldtype SingleValueFieldType : A SingleValueFieldType child class instance # @param value_fieldtype SingleValueFieldType : A SingleValueFieldType child class instance def __init__(self, keyname, key_fieldtype, value_fieldtype, internal = False, **args): super().__init__(internal) ## stores the keyname self.keyname = keyname ## stores the fieldtype that handles the key self.key_fieldtype = key_fieldtype ## stores the fieldtype that handles the values self.value_fieldtype = value_fieldtype ## @brief Class designed to handle datas access will fieldtypes are constructing datas # # This class is designed to allow automatic scheduling of construct_data calls. # # In theory it's able to detect circular dependencies # @todo test circular deps detection # @todo test circulat deps false positiv class DatasConstructor(object): ## @brief Init a DatasConstructor # @param lec LeCrud : LeCrud child class # @param datas dict : dict with field name as key and field values as value # @param fieldtypes dict : dict with field name as key and fieldtype as value def __init__(self, lec, datas, fieldtypes): ## Stores concerned class self._lec = lec ## Stores datas and constructed datas self._datas = copy.copy(datas) ## Stores fieldtypes self._fieldtypes = fieldtypes ## Stores list of fieldname for constructed datas self._constructed = [] ## Stores construct calls list self._construct_calls = [] ## @brief Implements the dict.keys() method on instance def keys(self): return self._datas.keys() ## @brief Allows to access the instance like a dict def __getitem__(self, fname): if fname not in self._constructed: if fname in self._construct_calls: raise RuntimeError('Probably circular dependencies in fieldtypes') cur_value = self._datas[fname] if fname in self._datas else None self._datas[fname] = self._fieldtypes[fname].construct_data(self._lec, fname, self, cur_value) self._constructed.append(fname) return self._datas[fname] ## @brief Allows to set instance values like a dict # @warning Should not append in theory def __setitem__(self, fname, value): self._datas[fname] = value warnings.warn("Setting value of an DatasConstructor instance") # # # Exceptions # # class FieldTypeError(Exception): pass class FieldTypeDataCheckError(FieldTypeError): ## @brief Instanciate a new data check error # @param expt_l list : A list of data check Exception def __init__(self, expt_l): self._expt_l = expt_l def __str__(self): msg = "Data check errors : " for expt in self._expt_l: msg += "{expt_name}:{expt_msg}; ".format(expt_name=expt.__class__.__name__, expt_msg=str(expt)) return msg ## @page lodel2_fieldtypes Lodel2 fieldtypes # # @section fieldtypes_features Main features # # Lodel2 defines Class and Types containing fields that handle values. # Fields are defined by FieldTypes. It's objects that are able to check datas value, to construct values (~cast) and to check datas consistency given the list of datas of an Lodel2 object (Class or Type) # # @subsection fieldtypes_hierarchy Fieldtypes family # # Fieldtypes are python objects. We use inheritance to defines FieldTypes. Here is a list of main FieldTypes inheritance : # - GenericFieldType # - SingleValueFieldType <- handles a single value # - ReferenceFieldType <- handles a reference to another field # - leo.EmFieldType <- handles references to a LeObject (designed for LeRelation) # - char.EmFieldType <- handles string # - integer.EmFieldType <- handles integer # - pk.EmFieldType <- handles primary keys (identifier) # - MultiValueFieldType <- handles multiple values identified by a key # - i18n.EmFieldType <- handles a string and its translations # # @subsection fieldtypes_options Fieldtypes main options # # There is 2 options that are common for every fieldtypes : # - internal : that indicate who construct the data. Possible values are # - False : the field is not internal, its user that provides datas # - 'automatic' : The field is internal, its leapi that provides datas (see construct in @ref fieldtypes_validator ) # - 'autosql' : BAD NAME. The field is internal but it is the datasource that provide the data # - immutable : Its a boolean that indicate if a fieldtype defined in EditorialModel.classtypes is immutable or HAVE TO be defined in EmClass # # @subsubsection fieldtypes_options_single_value SingleValueFieldType options # # SingleValueFieldType have more standart options : # - nullable (boolean) : is None allowed as value # - uniq (boolean) : if True the value has to be uniq in all instances of concerned Lodel2 API object # - primary (boolean) : if True the field is an identifier (primary key) # - default : if given as argument defines a default value for the FieldType # # @subsection fieldtypes_validator Data validation # # For each Lodel2 API objects (LeObject, LeRelation, ...) there is a sequence that is run to check datas and transform them. Each step is run for each fieldtypes of a Lodel2 API object # # -# Check data : this is a basic data check (for example if an integer is expected and the string 'foo' is given the check will fails) # -# Construct data : this is a data 'casting' step, this method is called with all other datas from the Lodel2 API object as argument (to be able to construct datas with other parts of the object) @ref fieldtypes_construct_order # -# Datas consistency checks : this step, as the construct step, has all datas from the Lodel2 API object as argument, and check for the whole datas consistency # # @subsubsection fieldtypes_construct_order Data construction dependencies # # To handle data construction dependencies there is an object DatasConstructor able to call the data construction when needed and to detect (not tested yet) circular dependencies #