#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, os.path import sys import shlex from lodel.context import LodelContext LodelContext.expose_modules(globals(), { 'lodel.plugin': ['LodelHook'], 'lodel.settings': ['Settings']}) from lodel import buildconf #<-- This one is common to the build PLUGIN_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__) ##@brief Return the root url of the instance #@warning no trailing slash def root_url(): return Settings.sitename def static_url(): return Settings.webui.static_url ##@brief uwsgi startup demo @LodelHook('lodel2_loader_main') def uwsgi_fork(hook_name, caller, payload): standalone = Settings.webui.standalone if standalone.lower() == 'false': return else: sockfile = os.path.join(buildconf.LODEL2VARDIR, 'uwsgi_sockets/') if not os.path.isdir(sockfile): os.mkdir(sockfile) sockfile = os.path.join(sockfile, Settings.sitename.replace('/','_') + '.sock') logfile = os.path.join( buildconf.LODEL2LOGDIR, 'uwsgi_%s.log' % ( Settings.sitename.replace('/', '_'))) if standalone.lower() == 'true': cmd='{uwsgi} --plugin python3 --http-socket {addr}:{port} --module \ plugins.webui.run --socket {sockfile} --logto {logfile} -p {uwsgiworkers}' cmd = cmd.format( addr = Settings.webui.listen_address, port = Settings.webui.listen_port, uwsgi= Settings.webui.uwsgicmd, sockfile=sockfile, logfile = logfile, uwsgiworkers = Settings.webui.uwsgi_workers) if Settings.webui.virtualenv is not None: cmd += " --virtualenv %s" % Settings.webui.virtualenv elif Settings.webui.standalone == 'uwsgi': cmd = '{uwsgi} --plugin python3 --ini ./plugins/webui/uwsgi/uwsgi.ini \ --socket {sockfile} --logto {logfile} -p {uwsgiworkers}' cmd = cmd.format(uwsgi = Settings.webui.uwsgicmd, sockfile = sockfile, logfile = logfile, uwsgiworkers=Settings.webui.uwsgi_workers) try: args = shlex.split(cmd) exit(os.execl(args[0], *args)) except Exception as e: print("Webui plugin uwsgi execl fails cmd was '%s' error : " % cmd, e, file=sys.stderr) exit(1)