#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import lxml
import os
from lxml import etree
from lodel.context import LodelContext
LodelContext.expose_modules(globals(), {
'lodel.editorial_model.model': ['EditorialModel'],
'lodel.editorial_model.components': ['EmComponent', 'EmClass', 'EmField',
'lodel.utils.mlstring': ['MlString']})
##@package lodel.editorial_model.translator.xmlfile Translator module designed
#to load & save EM in XML
# Structure of a xml file which represents an editorial model:
# - \: name of the model, field name in class EditorialModel
- \: field description of a composed element, one for each language translation named
- \ for french,
- \ for english,
- \ for spanish,
- \ for german
# - \: set of all EmClass in the model \n
# for each classe: \n
# \
# - \the class's id
- \ The name of the class, field display_name of the EmClass , in different languages if they're available :
- \ for french,
- \ for english,
- \ for spanish,
- \ for german
# - \ Short explanation of the class's purpose, in different languages, as above
- \ True or False, field abstract of the EmClass
- \ True or False, field pure_bastract of the EmClass
- \uid of the group of the field group of the EmClass
- \: set of all the EmField of the EmClass\n
# for each field: \n
# \
- \ uid of the EmField
- \ field display_name of the EmField, in different languages, as above
- \ Short explanation of the class's purpose, in different languages, as above
- \uid of the group of the field group of the EmClass
- \ field datahandler_name of the Emfield, the name of a datahandler
- \, a list of xml items, each of them named with an option name and contains its value
# - \: set of all the groups EmGroup in the model\n
# for each group:\n
- \ uid of the EmField
- \ field display_name of the EmField, in different languages, as above
- \ Short explanation of the class's purpose, in different languages, as above
- \ all uids of the EmGroups required by this group and which are in the fields require
- \ Set of all components of the EmGroups, representation of the field __components \n
# this item is splitted in two parts :\
- \ all the emfields with, for each of them:\n
# \ \n
- \ all the emclasses with, for each of them:\n
# \ \n
##@brief Saves a model in a xml file
# @param model EditorialModel : the model to save
# @param filename str|None : if None display on stdout else writes in the file filename
def save(model, **kwargs):
Em = etree.Element("editorial_model")
em_name = etree.SubElement(Em, 'name')
write_mlstring_xml(etree, em_name, model.name)
em_description = etree.SubElement(Em, 'description')
write_mlstring_xml(etree, em_description, model.description)
em_classes = etree.SubElement(Em, 'classes')
classes = model.all_classes()
for emclass in classes:
write_emclass_xml(etree, em_classes, classes[emclass].uid, classes[emclass].display_name,
classes[emclass].help_text, classes[emclass].group,
classes[emclass].fields(no_parents=True), classes[emclass].parents,
classes[emclass].abstract, classes[emclass].pure_abstract)
em_groups = etree.SubElement(Em, 'groups')
groups = model.all_groups()
for group in groups:
requires = groups[group].dependencies()
write_emgroup_xml(etree, em_groups, groups[group].uid, groups[group].display_name, groups[group].help_text,
list(requires.keys()), groups[group].components())
emodel = etree.tostring(Em, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, method='xml', pretty_print= True)
if len(kwargs) == 0:
outfile = open(kwargs['filename'], "w")
##@brief Writes a representation of a MlString in xml
# @param etree : the xml object
# @param elem : the element which represents a MlString
# @param mlstr : the mlstr to write
def write_mlstring_xml(etree, elem, mlstr):
for lang in mlstr.values:
ss_mlstr = etree.SubElement(elem,lang)
ss_mlstr.text = mlstr.get(lang)
##@brief Writes the definition of a datahandler in xml
# @param etree : the xml object
# @param elem : the element which defines a datahandler
# @param dhdl_name : the name of the datahandler
# @param kwargs : the options of the datahandler
def write_datahandler_xml(etree, elem, dhdl_name, **kwargs):
dhdl = etree.SubElement(elem,'datahandler_name')
dhdl.text = dhdl_name
dhdl_opt = etree.SubElement(elem, 'datahandler_options')
for argname, argval in kwargs.items():
arg = etree.SubElement(dhdl_opt, argname)
if (isinstance(argval, str)):
elif (isinstance(argval, bool)):
opt_val = str(argval)
elif (isinstance(argval, list) | isinstance(argval, tuple) | isinstance(argval, dict)):
for argu in argval:
if len(opt_val) > 0:
opt_val = opt_val + ','
if isinstance(argu, EmComponent):
opt_val = opt_val + argu.uid
elif isinstance(argu, str):
opt_val = opt_val + argu
opt_val = str(argu)
arg.text = opt_val
##@brief Writes a representation in xml of a EmField
# @param etree : the xml object
# @param elem : the element for the EmField
# @param uid : the uid of the EmField
# @param name : the name of the field
# @param help_text : explanations of the EmField
# @param group_uid : the uid of a group, can be None
# @datahandler_name
# @**kwargs : options of the datahandler
def write_emfield_xml(etree, elem, uid, name, help_text, group, datahandler_name, **kwargs):
emfield = etree.SubElement(elem,'field')
emfield_uid = etree.SubElement(emfield, 'uid')
emfield_uid.text = uid
emfield_name = etree.SubElement(emfield, 'display_name')
if name is None:
write_mlstring_xml(etree, emfield_name, name)
emfield_help = etree.SubElement(emfield, 'help_text')
if help_text is None:
write_mlstring_xml(etree, emfield_help, help_text)
emfield_group = etree.SubElement(emfield, 'group')
if group is not None:
emfield_group.text = group.uid #write_emgroup_xml(etree, emfield_group, group.uid, group.display_name, group.help_text, group.requires)
write_datahandler_xml(etree,emfield,datahandler_name, **kwargs)
##@brief Writes a representation of a EmGroup in xml
# @param etree : the xml object
# @param elem : the element for the EmGroup
# @param name : the name of the group
# @param help_text : explanations of the EmGroup
# @param requires : a list of the group's uids whose this group depends
def write_emgroup_xml(etree, elem, uid, name, help_text, requires, components):
emgroup = etree.SubElement(elem, 'group')
emgroup_uid = etree.SubElement(emgroup, 'uid')
emgroup_uid.text = uid
emgroup_name = etree.SubElement(emgroup, 'display_name')
if name is None:
write_mlstring_xml(etree, emgroup_name, name)
emgroup_help = etree.SubElement(emgroup, 'help_text')
if help_text is None:
write_mlstring_xml(etree, emgroup_help, help_text)
emgroup_requires = etree.SubElement(emgroup, 'requires')
emgroup_requires.text = ",".join(requires)
emgroup_comp = etree.SubElement(emgroup, 'components')
emgroup_comp_cls = etree.SubElement(emgroup_comp, 'emclasses')
emgroup_comp_fld = etree.SubElement(emgroup_comp, 'emfields')
for component in components:
if isinstance(component, EmField):
emgroup_comp_fld_ins = etree.SubElement(emgroup_comp_fld, 'emfield')
em_group_comp_fld_ins_uid = etree.SubElement(emgroup_comp_fld_ins,'uid')
em_group_comp_fld_ins_uid.text = component.uid
em_group_comp_fld_ins_cls = etree.SubElement(emgroup_comp_fld_ins,'class')
em_group_comp_fld_ins_cls.text = component.get_emclass_uid()
elif isinstance(component, EmClass):
em_group_comp_cls_ins = etree.SubElement(emgroup_comp_cls, 'emclass')
em_group_comp_cls_ins.text = component.uid
##@brief Writes a representation of a EmClass in xml
# @param etree : the xml object
# @param elem : the element for the EmClass
# @param name : the name of the group
# @param help_text : explanations of the EmClass
# @param fields : a dict
# @param parents : a list of EmClass uids
# @param abstract : a boolean
# @param pure_abstract : a boolean
def write_emclass_xml(etree, elem, uid, name, help_text, group, fields, parents, abstract = False, pure_abstract = False):
emclass = etree.SubElement(elem, 'class')
emclass_uid = etree.SubElement(emclass, 'uid')
emclass_uid.text = uid
emclass_name = etree.SubElement(emclass, 'display_name')
if name is None:
write_mlstring_xml(etree, emclass_name, name)
emclass_help = etree.SubElement(emclass, 'help_text')
if help_text is None:
write_mlstring_xml(etree, emclass_help, help_text)
emclass_abstract = etree.SubElement(emclass, 'abstract')
emclass_abstract.text ="True" if abstract else "False"
emclass_pure_abstract = etree.SubElement(emclass, 'pure_abstract')
emclass_pure_abstract.text = "True" if pure_abstract else "False"
emclass_group = etree.SubElement(emclass, 'group')
if group is not None:
emclass_group.text = group.uid
emclass_fields = etree.SubElement(emclass, 'fields')
for field in fields:
write_emfield_xml(etree, emclass_fields, field.uid, field.display_name, field.help_text,
field.group,field.data_handler_name, **field.data_handler_options)
for parent in parents:
emclass_parents = etree.SubElement(emclass, 'parents')
emclass_parents.text = ",".join(parents_list)
##@brief Loads a model from a xml file
# @param model EditorialModel : the model to load
# @return a new EditorialModel object
def load(filename):
Em = etree.parse(filename)
emodel = Em.getroot()
name = emodel.find('name')
description = emodel.find('description')
model = EditorialModel(load_mlstring_xml(name), load_mlstring_xml(description))
classes = emodel.find('classes')
for emclass in classes:
em_class = load_class_xml(model, emclass)
if em_class.uid not in model.all_classes():
groups = emodel.find('groups')
i = 0
for group in groups:
grp = load_group_xml(model, group)
if grp.uid not in model.all_groups():
grp = model.add_group(grp)
return model
##@brief Creates a EmClass from a xml description
# @param elem : the element which represents the EmClass
# @param model : the model which will contain the new class
# @return a new EmClass object
def load_class_xml(model, elem):
uid = elem.find('uid').text
if elem.find('display_name').text is None:
name = None
name = load_mlstring_xml(elem.find('display_name'))
if elem.find('help_text').text is None:
help_text = None
help_text = load_mlstring_xml(elem.find('help_text'))
abstract = (elem.find('abstract').text == 'True')
pure_abstract = (elem.find('pure_abstract').text == 'True')
requires = list()
classes = model.all_classes()
req = elem.find('parents')
if req.text is not None:
l_req = req.text.split(',')
for r in l_req:
if r in classes:
group = elem.find('group')
if group.text is not None:
if group.text in model.all_groups():
grp = model.all_groups_ref(group.text)
grp = model.add_group(EmGroup(group.text))
grp = None
if uid in classes:
emclass = model.all_classes_ref(uid)
emclass.display_name = name
emclass.help_text = help_text
emclass.group = grp
emclass.abstract = abstract
emclass.pure_abstract = pure_abstract
emclass = EmClass(uid, name, help_text, abstract,requires, grp, pure_abstract)
fields = elem.find('fields')
for field in fields:
emfield = load_field_xml(model, field, emclass)
l_emfields = emclass.fields()
incls = False
for emf in l_emfields:
if emfield.uid == emf.uid:
incls = True
if not incls:
return emclass
##@brief Creates a EmField from a xml description
#@param elem : the element which represents the EmField
#@param model : the model which will contain the new field
#@param emclass EmClass : the EmClass of the field
#@return a new EmField object
def load_field_xml(model, elem, emclass):
uid = elem.find('uid').text
if elem.find('display_name').text is None:
name = None
name = load_mlstring_xml(elem.find('display_name'))
if elem.find('help_text').text is None:
help_text = None
help_text = load_mlstring_xml(elem.find('help_text'))
emgroup = elem.find('group')
if emgroup.text is not None:
if emgroup.text in model.all_groups():
group = model.all_groups_ref(emgroup.text)
group = model.add_group(EmGroup(emgroup.text))
group = None
dhdl = elem.find('datahandler_name')
dhdl_opts = {}
if dhdl.text is not None:
dhdl_opts = elem.find('datahandler_options')
if dhdl_opts is not None:
dhdl_options = load_dhdl_options_xml(model, dhdl_opts)
emfield = EmField(
uid, dhdl.text, emclass, name, help_text, group, **dhdl_options)
return emfield
##@brief Returns datahandler options from a xml description
# @param elem : the element which represents the datahandler
# @param model : the model which will contain the new field
# @return datahandler options
def load_dhdl_options_xml(model, elem):
for opt in elem:
if (opt.tag == 'allowed_classes'):
classes = list()
if opt.text is not None:
clss = opt.text.split(',')
for classe in clss:
if classe in model.all_classes():
new_cls = model.add_class(EmClass(classe))
dhdl_options['allowed_classes'] = classes
elif (opt.tag == 'back_reference'):
dhdl_options['back_reference'] = tuple(opt.text.split(','))
elif ((opt.text == 'True') | (opt.text == 'False')):
dhdl_options[opt.tag] = (opt.text == 'True')
dhdl_options[opt.tag] = opt.text
return dhdl_options
##@brief Creates a EmGroup from a xml description
# @param elem : the element which represents the EmGroup
# @param model : the model which will contain the new group
# @return a new EmGroup object
def load_group_xml(model, elem):
uid = elem.find('uid')
if elem.find('display_name').text is None:
name = None
name = load_mlstring_xml(elem.find('display_name'))
if elem.find('help_text').text is None:
help_text = None
help_text = load_mlstring_xml(elem.find('help_text'))
requires = list()
groups = model.all_groups()
req = elem.find('requires')
if req.text is not None:
l_req = req.text.split(',')
for r in l_req:
if r in groups:
grp = model.new_group(r)
comp= list()
components = elem.find('components')
fields = components.find('emfields')
for field in fields:
fld_uid = field.find('uid').text
fld_class = field.find('class').text
fld = model.all_classes_ref(fld_class).fields(fld_uid)
classes = components.find('emclasses')
for classe in classes:
groups = model.all_groups()
if uid.text in groups:
group = model.all_groups_ref(uid.text)
group.display_name = name
group.help_text = help_text
group = EmGroup(uid.text, requires, name, help_text)
return group
##@brief Constructs a MlString from a xml description
# @param elem : the element which represents the MlString
# @param model : the model which will contain the new group
# @return a new MlString object
def load_mlstring_xml(elem):
mlstr = dict()
for lang in elem:
mlstr[lang.tag] = lang.text
return MlString(mlstr)