#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- ##@package lodel.editorial_model.components #@brief Defines all @ref lodel2_em "EM" components #@ingroup lodel2_em import itertools import warnings import copy import hashlib from lodel.context import LodelContext LodelContext.expose_modules(globals(), { 'lodel.utils.mlstring': ['MlString'], 'lodel.mlnamedobject.mlnamedobject': ['MlNamedObject'], 'lodel.settings': ['Settings'], 'lodel.editorial_model.exceptions': ['EditorialModelError', 'assert_edit'], 'lodel.leapi.leobject': ['CLASS_ID_FIELDNAME']}) ##@brief Abstract class to represent editorial model components # @see EmClass EmField # @todo forbid '.' in uid #@ingroup lodel2_em class EmComponent(MlNamedObject): ##@brief Instanciate an EmComponent # @param uid str : uniq identifier # @param display_name MlString|str|dict : component display_name # @param help_text MlString|str|dict : help_text def __init__(self, uid, display_name = None, help_text = None, group = None): if self.__class__ == EmComponent: raise NotImplementedError('EmComponent is an abstract class') self.uid = uid self.group = group super().__init__(display_name, help_text) def __str__(self): if self.display_name is None: return str(self.uid) return str(self.display_name) def d_hash(self): m = hashlib.md5() for data in ( self.uid, 'NODISPNAME' if self.display_name is None else str(self.display_name.d_hash()), 'NOHELP' if self.help_text is None else str(self.help_text.d_hash()), 'NOGROUP' if self.group is None else str(self.group.d_hash()), ): m.update(bytes(data, 'utf-8')) return int.from_bytes(m.digest(), byteorder='big') ##@brief Handles editorial model objects classes #@ingroup lodel2_em class EmClass(EmComponent): ##@brief Instanciate a new EmClass #@param uid str : uniq identifier #@param display_name MlString|str|dict : component display_name #@param abstract bool : set the class as asbtract if True #@param pure_abstract bool : if True the EmClass will not be represented in #leapi dyncode #@param parents list: parent EmClass list or uid list #@param help_text MlString|str|dict : help_text #@param datasources str|tuple|list : The datasource name ( see #@ref lodel2_datasources ) or two names (first is read_only datasource the #second is read write) def __init__( self, uid, display_name = None, help_text = None, abstract = False, parents = None, group = None, pure_abstract = False, datasources = 'default'): super().__init__(uid, display_name, help_text, group) self.abstract = bool(abstract) self.pure_abstract = bool(pure_abstract) self.__datasource = datasources if not isinstance(datasources, str) and len(datasources) != 2: raise ValueError("datasources arguement can be a single datasource\ name or two names in a tuple or a list") if self.pure_abstract: self.abtract = True if parents is not None: if not isinstance(parents, list): parents = [parents] for parent in parents: if not isinstance(parent, EmClass): raise ValueError(" expected in parents list, but %s found" % type(parent)) else: parents = list() self.parents = parents ##@brief Stores EmFields instances indexed by field uid self.__fields = dict() self.group = group if group is None: warnings.warn("NO GROUP FOR EMCLASS %s" % uid) else: group.add_components([self]) #Adding common field if not self.abstract: self.new_field( CLASS_ID_FIELDNAME, display_name = { 'eng': "LeObject subclass identifier", 'fre': "Identifiant de la class fille de LeObject"}, help_text = { 'eng': "Allow to create instance of the good class when\ fetching arbitrary datas from DB"}, data_handler = 'LeobjectSubclassIdentifier', internal = True, group = group) ##@brief Property that represent a dict of all fields (the EmField defined in this class and all its parents) # @todo use Settings.editorialmodel.groups to determine wich fields should be returned @property def __all_fields(self): res = dict() for pfields in [ p.__all_fields for p in self.parents]: res.update(pfields) res.update(self.__fields) return res ##@brief RO access to datasource attribute @property def datasource(self): return self.__datasource ##@brief Return the list of all dependencies # # Reccursive parents listing @property def parents_recc(self): if len(self.parents) == 0: return set() res = set(self.parents) for parent in self.parents: res |= parent.parents_recc return res ##@brief EmField getter # @param uid None | str : If None returns an iterator on EmField instances else return an EmField instance # @param no_parents bool : If True returns only fields defined is this class and not the one defined in parents classes # @return A list on EmFields instances (if uid is None) else return an EmField instance # @todo use Settings.editorialmodel.groups to determine wich fields should be returned def fields(self, uid = None, no_parents = False): fields = self.__fields if no_parents else self.__all_fields try: return list(fields.values()) if uid is None else fields[uid] except KeyError: raise EditorialModelError("No such EmField '%s'" % uid) ##@brief Keep in __fields only fields contained in active groups def _set_active_fields(self, active_groups): if not Settings.editorialmodel.editormode: active_fields = [] for grp_name, agrp in active_groups.items(): active_fields += [ emc for emc in agrp.components() if isinstance(emc, EmField)] self.__fields = { fname:fdh for fname, fdh in self.__fields.items() if fdh in active_fields } ##@brief Add a field to the EmClass # @param emfield EmField : an EmField instance # @warning do not add an EmField allready in another class ! # @throw EditorialModelException if an EmField with same uid allready in this EmClass (overwritting allowed from parents) # @todo End the override checks (needs methods in data_handlers) def add_field(self, emfield): assert_edit() if emfield.uid in self.__fields: raise EditorialModelError("Duplicated uid '%s' for EmField in this class ( %s )" % (emfield.uid, self)) # Incomplete field override check if emfield.uid in self.__all_fields: parent_field = self.__all_fields[emfield.uid] if not emfield.data_handler_instance.can_override(parent_field.data_handler_instance): raise AttributeError("'%s' field override a parent field, but data_handles are not compatible" % emfield.uid) self.__fields[emfield.uid] = emfield return emfield ##@brief Create a new EmField and add it to the EmClass # @param data_handler str : A DataHandler name # @param uid str : the EmField uniq id # @param **field_kwargs : EmField constructor parameters ( see @ref EmField.__init__() ) def new_field(self, uid, data_handler, **field_kwargs): assert_edit() return self.add_field(EmField(uid, data_handler, self, **field_kwargs)) def d_hash(self): m = hashlib.md5() payload = str(super().d_hash()) + ("1" if self.abstract else "0") for p in sorted(self.parents): payload += str(p.d_hash()) for fuid in sorted(self.__fields.keys()): payload += str(self.__fields[fuid].d_hash()) m.update(bytes(payload, 'utf-8')) return int.from_bytes(m.digest(), byteorder='big') def __str__(self): return "" % self.uid def __repr__(self): if not self.abstract: abstract = '' elif self.pure_abstract: abstract = 'PureAbstract' else: abstract = 'Abstract' return "" % (abstract, repr(self.uid) ) ##@brief Handles editorial model classes fields #@ingroup lodel2_em class EmField(EmComponent): ##@brief Instanciate a new EmField # @param uid str : uniq identifier # @param display_name MlString|str|dict : field display_name # @param data_handler str : A DataHandler name # @param help_text MlString|str|dict : help text # @param group EmGroup : # @param **handler_kwargs : data handler arguments def __init__(self, uid, data_handler, em_class = None, display_name = None, help_text = None, group = None, **handler_kwargs): from lodel.leapi.datahandlers.base_classes import DataHandler super().__init__(uid, display_name, help_text, group) ##@brief The data handler name self.data_handler_name = data_handler ##@brief The data handler class self.data_handler_cls = DataHandler.from_name(data_handler) ##@brief The data handler instance associated with this EmField self.data_handler_instance = self.data_handler_cls(**handler_kwargs) ##@brief Stores data handler instanciation options self.data_handler_options = handler_kwargs ##@brief Stores the emclass that contains this field (set by EmClass.add_field() method) self._emclass = em_class if self._emclass is None: warnings.warn("No EmClass for field %s" %uid) if group is None: warnings.warn("No EmGroup for field %s" % uid) else: group.add_components([self]) ##@brief Returns data_handler_name attribute def get_data_handler_name(self): return copy.copy(self.data_handler_name) ##@brief Returns data_handler_cls attribute def get_data_handler_cls(self): return copy.copy(selfdata_handler_cls) ##@brief Returne the uid of the emclass which contains this field def get_emclass_uid(self): return self._emclass.uid # @warning Not complete ! # @todo Complete the hash when data handlers becomes available def d_hash(self): return int.from_bytes(hashlib.md5( bytes( "%s%s%s" % ( super().d_hash(), self.data_handler_name, self.data_handler_options), 'utf-8') ).digest(), byteorder='big') ##@brief Handles functionnal group of EmComponents #@ingroup lodel2_em class EmGroup(MlNamedObject): ##@brief Create a new EmGroup # @note you should NEVER call the constructor yourself. Use Model.add_group instead # @param uid str : Uniq identifier # @param depends list : A list of EmGroup dependencies # @param display_name MlString|str : # @param help_text MlString|str : def __init__(self, uid, depends = None, display_name = None, help_text = None): self.uid = uid ##@brief Stores the list of groups that depends on this EmGroup indexed by uid self.required_by = dict() ##@brief Stores the list of dependencies (EmGroup) indexed by uid self.require = dict() ##@brief Stores the list of EmComponent instances contained in this group self.__components = set() super().__init__(display_name, help_text) if depends is not None: for grp in depends: if not isinstance(grp, EmGroup): raise ValueError("EmGroup expected in depends argument but %s found" % grp) self.add_dependencie(grp) ##@brief Returns EmGroup dependencie # @param recursive bool : if True return all dependencies and their dependencies # @return a dict of EmGroup identified by uid def dependencies(self, recursive = False): res = copy.copy(self.require) if not recursive: return res to_scan = list(res.values()) while len(to_scan) > 0: cur_dep = to_scan.pop() for new_dep in cur_dep.require.values(): if new_dep not in res: to_scan.append(new_dep) res[new_dep.uid] = new_dep return res ##@brief Returns EmGroup applicants # @param recursive bool : if True return all dependencies and their dependencies # @returns a dict of EmGroup identified by uid def applicants(self, recursive = False): res = copy.copy(self.required_by) if not recursive: return res to_scan = list(res.values()) while len(to_scan) > 0: cur_app = to_scan.pop() for new_app in cur_app.required_by.values(): if new_app not in res: to_scan.append(new_app) res[new_app.uid] = new_app return res ##@brief Returns EmGroup components # @returns a copy of the set of components def components(self): return (self.__components).copy() ##@brief Returns EmGroup display_name # @param lang str | None : If None return default lang translation # @returns None if display_name is None, a str for display_name else def get_display_name(self, lang=None): name=self.display_name if name is None : return None return name.get(lang); ##@brief Returns EmGroup help_text # @param lang str | None : If None return default lang translation # @returns None if display_name is None, a str for display_name else def get_help_text(self, lang=None): help=self.help_text if help is None : return None return help.get(lang); ##@brief Add components in a group # @param components list : EmComponent instances list def add_components(self, components): assert_edit() for component in components: if isinstance(component, EmField): if component._emclass is None: msg = "Adding an orphan EmField '%s' to EmGroup '%s'" msg %= (component, self) warnings.warn(msg) elif not isinstance(component, EmClass): raise EditorialModelError("Expecting components to be a list of EmComponent, but %s found in the list" % type(component)) self.__components |= set(components) ##@brief Add a dependencie # @param em_group EmGroup|iterable : an EmGroup instance or list of instance def add_dependencie(self, grp): assert_edit() try: for group in grp: self.add_dependencie(group) return except TypeError: pass if grp.uid in self.require: return if self.__circular_dependencie(grp): raise EditorialModelError("Circular dependencie detected, cannot add dependencie") self.require[grp.uid] = grp grp.required_by[self.uid] = self ##@brief Add a applicant # @param em_group EmGroup|iterable : an EmGroup instance or list of instance # Useless ??? def add_applicant(self, grp): assert_edit() try: for group in grp: self.add_applicant(group) return except TypeError: pass if grp.uid in self.required_by: return if self.__circular_applicant(grp): raise EditorialModelError("Circular applicant detected, cannot add applicant") self.required_by[grp.uid] = grp grp.require[self.uid] = self ##@brief Search for circular dependencie # @return True if circular dep found else False def __circular_dependencie(self, new_dep): return self.uid in new_dep.dependencies(True) ##@brief Search for circular applicant # @return True if circular app found else False def __circular_applicant(self, new_app): return self.uid in new_app.applicants(True) ##@brief Fancy string representation of an EmGroup # @return a string def __str__(self): if self.display_name is None: return self.uid else: return self.display_name.get() def d_hash(self): payload = "%s%s%s" % ( self.uid, 'NODNAME' if self.display_name is None else self.display_name.d_hash(), 'NOHELP' if self.help_text is None else self.help_text.d_hash() ) for recurs in (False, True): deps = self.dependencies(recurs) for dep_uid in sorted(deps.keys()): payload += str(deps[dep_uid].d_hash()) for req_by_uid in self.required_by: payload += req_by_uid return int.from_bytes( bytes(payload, 'utf-8'), byteorder = 'big' ) ##@brief Complete string representation of an EmGroup # @return a string def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.uid, ', '.join([duid for duid in self.dependencies(False)]) )