#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## @defgroup lodel2_plugins Plugins
# @ingroup lodel2_leapi
# Groups all stuff that concerns plugins
## @page plugin_doc Lodel2 plugin documentation
# @ingroup lodel2_plugins
# @section plugin_doc_type Plugin types
# In Lodel2, plugins are organized into types. Each type helps specifying a
# behavior. As of now, we have four plugin types :
# - **datasource** : a connector exposing C.R.U.D. (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
# operations on a particular datasource (a database, a remote service, etc ...)
# - **ui** : a user interface that will provide a way to interact with Lodel2.
# As of now, we have the following "ui" plugins :
# - interactive python : the default interface, provides access to LeApi
# through an interactive python interpreter
# - webui : a web interface to lodel2
# - **session_handler** : handles user sessions
# - **extensions** : a basic plugin that will extend Lodel2 functionalities.
# It can define two kinds of objects :
# - hooks using @ref lodel.plugin.hooks.LodelHook decorator
# - custom LeApi obect methods using @ref lodel.plugin.plugins.CustomMethod
# decorator
# @subsection Lodel2 scripts
# In every instances of Lodel, one can use a manager script to execute some
# defined administration commands that can be launched as CLI commands.
# This utility script is provided by @ref install.lodel_admin. The syntax
# to execute it is :
# usage: lodel_admin.py [-h] [-L] [ACTION] [OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...]]
# Each action is a "lodel2 script". All those scripts are parts of plugins.
# @ref lodel2_script "More informations on lodel2 scripting utilities"
# @section plugin_doc_struct Common plugin structure
# All plugin, whatever its type, has to provide mandatory informations in
# order to be loaded :
# - A plugin name
# - A plugin version
# - A confspec indicating where to find the wanted plugin list (for example
# datasources plugins list are indicated in lodel2.datasource_connectors
# configuration key see @ref datasource_plugin.DatasourcePlugin::_plist_confspecs ).
# In fact settings MUST begin by loading wanted plugin list in order to build a "full" confspec
# - A confspec indicating the plugins allowed settings (will be merged with lodel2 confspecs)
# - A loader module filename. This module is imported once settings are fully bootstraped and loader.
# It triggers the module "startup".
# In order to provide these informations, the developper can use the plugin's
# package __init__.py
file. Some informations are stored in
# variables in this file. Available variables are documented in
# @ref plugin_init_specs . Here a list of basics variables :
# - the plugin's name @ref plugins.PLUGIN_NAME_VARNAME
# - the plugin's version @ref plugins.PLUGIN_VERSION_VARNAME
# - the plugin's loader filename @ref plugins.LOADER_FILENAME_VARNAME
# - the plugin's confspec filename @ref plugins.CONFSPEC_FILENAME_VARNAME
# (set this variable only if you want your confspecs to be in a separated file,
# else you can put the confspecs directly in a CONFSPEC variable in the
# __init__.py
file see @ref plugins.CONFSPEC_VARNAME )
# - the plugin's type @ref plugins.PLUGIN_TYPE_VARNAME (if not set use
# @ref plugins.DEFAULT_PLUGIN_TYPE )
# - the plugin's dependencies list @ref plugins.PLUGIN_DEPS_VARNAME
# This was the variable specification of the __init__.py
# plugins can provide (in the same file) an _activate function (
# def _activate(): returns bool
) that return True if the plugin
# is activable else False
#An example dummy plugin exists in @ref plugins.dummy
#@section plugin_doc_childclasses Plugin types implementation
# Concretely a plugin type is a child class of @ref plugins.Plugin . Plugin
# type registration is done automatically using a metaclass for
# @ref plugins.Plugin : @ref plugins.MetaPlugType . Doing this way
# plugin's type list is automatically generated.
#@note Plugin type handling is not fully automatic because child classes files
#are not automaticaaly imported. We have to add an import instruction into
#@ref plugin file in order to trigger the registration
#The Plugin child class must set the _plist_confspecs class attribute.
#More informations :
# - @ref lodel.plugin.datasource_plugin.DatasourcePlugin "DatasourcePlugin"
# - @ref lodel2_datasources "datasources"
# - @ref lodel.plugin.extensions.Extension "Extensions"
# - @ref lodel.plugin.interface.InterfacePlugin "InterfacePlugin"
# - @ref lodel.plugin.sessionhandler.SessionHandlerPlugin "SessionHandlerPlugin"
from lodel.plugin.hooks import LodelHook
from lodel.plugin.plugins import Plugin, CustomMethod
from lodel.plugin.datasource_plugin import DatasourcePlugin
from lodel.plugin.sessionhandler SessionHandlerPlugin
from lodel.plugin.interface import InterfacePlugin
from lodel.plugin.extensions import Extension