#- #- THE CONTENT OF THIS FILE IS DESIGNED TO BE INCLUDED IN DYNAMICALLY #- GENERATED CODE #- #- All lines that begins with #- will be deleted from dynamically generated #- code... ##@brief Return a dynamically generated class given it's name #@param name str : The dynamic class name #@return False or a child class of LeObject def name2class(name): if name not in dynclasses_dict: return False return dynclasses_dict[name] ##@brief Return a dynamically generated class given it's name #@note Case insensitive version of name2class #@param name str #@retrun False or a child class of LeObject def lowername2class(name): name = name.lower() new_dict = {k.lower():v for k,v in dynclasses_dict.items()} if name not in new_dict: return False return new_dict[name] ##@brief Trigger dynclasses datasources initialisation @LodelHook("lodel2_plugins_loaded") def lodel2_dyncode_datasources_init(self, caller, payload): for cls in dynclasses: cls._init_datasources() from lodel.plugin.hooks import LodelHook LodelHook.call_hook("lodel2_dyncode_loaded", __name__, dynclasses)