#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os, os.path import argparse """ #Dirty hack to solve symlinks problems : # When loader was imported the original one (LODEL_LIBDIR/install/loader) # because lodel_admin.py is a symlink from this folder #Another solution can be delete loader from install folder sys.path[0] = os.getcwd() import loader """ ## @brief Utility method to generate python code given an emfile and a # translator # @param model_file str : An em file # @param translator str : a translator name # @return python code as string def generate_dyncode(model_file, translator): from lodel.editorial_model.model import EditorialModel from lodel.leapi import lefactory model = EditorialModel.load(translator, filename = model_file) dyncode = lefactory.dyncode_from_em(model) return dyncode ## @brief Utility method to generate a python file representing leapi dyncode # given an em file and the associated translator name # # @param model_file str : An em file # @param translator str : a translator name # @param output_filename str : the output file def create_dyncode(model_file, translator, output_filename): from lodel import logger dyncode = generate_dyncode(model_file, translator) with open(output_filename, 'w+') as out_fd: out_fd.write(dyncode) out_fd.close() logger.info("Dynamic leapi code written in %s", output_filename) ## @brief Refresh dynamic leapi code from settings def refresh_dyncode(): import loader from lodel.settings import Settings # EditorialModel update/refresh # TODO # Dyncode refresh create_dyncode( Settings.editorialmodel.emfile, Settings.editorialmodel.emtranslator, Settings.editorialmodel.dyncode) def init_all_dbs(): import loader loader.start() import leapi_dyncode as dyncode from lodel.settings.utils import SettingsError from lodel.leapi.leobject import LeObject from lodel.plugin import Plugin from lodel import logger ds_cls = dict() # EmClass indexed by rw_datasource for cls in dyncode.dynclasses: ds = cls._datasource_name if ds not in ds_cls: ds_cls[ds] = [cls] else: ds_cls[ds].append(cls) for ds_name in ds_cls: # Fetching datasource plugin name and datasource connection # identifier try: plugin_name, ds_identifier = LeObject._get_ds_plugin_name( ds_name, False) except (NameError, ValueError, RuntimeError): raise SettingsError("Datasource configuration error") # Fetching datasource connection option con_conf=LeObject._get_ds_connection_conf(ds_identifier, plugin_name) # Fetching migration handler class from plugin plugin_module = Plugin.get(plugin_name).loader_module() try: mh_cls = plugin_module.migration_handler_class() except NameError as e: raise RuntimeError("Malformed plugin '%s'. Missing \ migration_handler_class() function in loader file" % ds_name) #Instanciate the migrationhandler and start db initialisation if con_conf['read_only'] is True: raise SettingsError("Trying to instanciate a migration handler \ with a read only datasource") try: if 'read_only' in con_conf: del(con_conf['read_only']) mh = mh_cls(**con_conf) except Exception as e: msg = "Migration failed for datasource %s(%s.%s) at migration \ handler instanciation : %s" msg %= (ds_name, plugin_name, ds_identifier, e) raise RuntimeError(msg) try: mh.init_db(ds_cls[ds_name]) except Exception as e: msg = "Migration failed for datasource %s(%s.%s) when running \ init_db method: %s" msg %= (ds_name, plugin_name, ds_identifier, e) logger.info("Database initialisation done for %s(%s.%s)" % ( ds_name, plugin_name, ds_identifier)) def list_registered_hooks(): import loader loader.start() from lodel.plugin.hooks import LodelHook hlist = LodelHook.hook_list() print("Registered hooks are : ") for name in sorted(hlist.keys()): print("\t- %s is registered by : " % name) for reg_hook in hlist[name]: hook, priority = reg_hook msg = "\t\t- {modname}.{funname} with priority : {priority}" msg = msg.format( modname = hook.__module__, funname = hook.__name__, priority = priority) print(msg) print("\n") ##@brief update plugin's discover cache #@note impossible to give arguments from a Makefile... #@todo write a __main__ to be able to run ./lodel_admin def update_plugin_discover_cache(path_list = None): os.environ['LODEL2_NO_SETTINGS_LOAD'] = 'True' import loader from lodel.plugin.plugins import Plugin res = Plugin.discover(path_list) print("Plugin discover result in %s :\n" % res['path_list']) for pname, pinfos in res['plugins'].items(): print("\t- %s %s -> %s" % ( pname, pinfos['version'], pinfos['path']))