Creating a Lodel "instance": use the script : INSTANCE_NAME INSTANCE_WANTED_PATH [LODEL2_LIB_PATH] Once the instance is created you can run an interactive python interpreter using : cd INSTANCE_PATH; python If you want to write a script that run is the instance env you have to from loader import * First test installation : - use python 3.4 ** install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt ** Doxygen generation Dependencies : doxygen graphviz doxypy Generation : run doxygen in the root folder (where the Doxyfile is) ** create local config in Copy to, change the conf to your local settings ** create DATABASES mysql > CREATE DATABASE `lodel2` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; > GRANT ALL ON `lodel2`.* TO "lodel"@"localhost"; ** Generate the code for LeObject API use or : ```python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from EditorialModel.model import Model from leobject.lefactory import LeFactory from EditorialModel.backend.json_backend import EmBackendJson from leobject.datasources.ledatasourcesql import LeDataSourceSQL OUTPUT = 'leobject/' em = Model(EmBackendJson('EditorialModel/test/me.json')) pycode = LeFactory.generate_python(EmBackendJson, {'json_file':'EditorialModel/test/me.json'}, LeDataSourceSQL, {}) print(pycode) with open(OUTPUT, 'w+') as fp: fp.write(pycode) ``` ** Tools A Makefile is written with common operations : - make clean : cleans doc and python pycache (and .pyc files) - make pip : upgrade python libs according to requirements.txt - make doc : generate the doxygen documentation - make check : run the unit tests - make : run check doc and pip