#-*- Coding: utf-8 -*- import copy import sys import warnings import inspect from lodel.settings import Settings from lodel import logger from lodel.plugin.hooks import LodelHook from lodel.plugin import SessionHandlerPlugin as SessionHandler from .exceptions import * from ..leapi.query import LeGetQuery ##@brief Client metaclass designed to implements container accessor on #Client Class # #@todo Maybe we can delete this metaclass.... class ClientMetaclass(type): def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs): return super(ClientMetaclass, self).__init__(name, bases, attrs) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.datas()[key] def __delitem__(self, key): del(self.datas()[key]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self.get_session_token() is None: self.set_session_token(SessionHandler.start()) datas = self.datas() datas[key] = value def __str__(self): return str(self._instance) ##@brief Abstract singleton class designed to handle client informations # # This class is designed to handle client authentication and sessions class Client(object, metaclass = ClientMetaclass): ##@brief Singleton instance _instance = None ##@brief List of dict that stores field ref for login and password # # Storage specs : # # A list of dict, with keys 'login' and 'password', items are tuple. #- login tuple contains (LeObjectChild, FieldName, link_field) with: # - LeObjectChild the dynclass containing the login # - Fieldname the fieldname of LeObjectChild containing the login # - link_field None if both login and password are in the same # LeObjectChild. Else contains the field that make the link between # login LeObject and password LeObject #- password typle contains (LeObjectChild, FieldName) _infos_fields = None ##@brief Constant that stores the session key that stores authentication #informations _AUTH_DATANAME = '__auth_user_infos' ##@brief Constructor #@param session_token mixed : Session token provided by client to interface def __init__(self,session_token = None): logger.debug(session_token) if self.__class__ == Client: raise NotImplementedError("Abstract class") logger.debug("New instance of Client child class %s" % self.__class__.__name__) if Client._instance is not None: old = Client._instance Client._instance = None del(old) logger.debug("Replacing old Client instance by a new one") else: #first instanciation, fetching settings self.fetch_settings() ##@brief Stores infos for authenticated users (None == anonymous) self.__user = None ##@brief Stores the session handler Client._instance = self ##@brief Stores LodelSession instance self.__datas = dict() if session_token is not None: self.__datas = SessionHandler.restore(session_token) self.__session_token = session_token logger.debug("New client : %s" % self) def __del__(self): del(self.__session_token) del(self.__datas) @classmethod def datas(cls): return cls._instance.__datas @classmethod def user(cls): if '__auth_user_infos' in cls._instance.__datas: return cls._instance.__datas['__auth_user_infos'] else: return None @classmethod def get_session_token(cls): return cls._instance.__session_token @classmethod def set_session_token(cls, value): cls._instance.__session_token = value ##@brief Try to authenticate a user with a login and a password #@param login str : provided login #@param password str : provided password (hash) #@warning brokes composed UID #@note implemets multiple login/password sources (useless ?) #@todo composed UID broken method #@todo allow to provide an authentication source @classmethod def authenticate(self, login = None, password = None): #Authenticate for infos in self._infos_fields: logger.debug(self._infos_fields) login_cls = infos['login'][0] pass_cls = infos['password'][0] qfilter = "{passfname} = {passhash}" uid_fname = login_cls.uid_fieldname()[0] #COMPOSED UID BROKEN if login_cls == pass_cls: #Same EmClass for login & pass qfilter = qfilter.format( passfname = infos['password'][1], passhash = password) else: #Different EmClass, building a relational filter passfname = "%s.%s" % (infos['login'][2], infos['password'][1]) qfilter = qfilter.format( passfname = passfname, passhash = password) getq = LeGetQuery(infos['login'][0], qfilter, field_list = [uid_fname], limit = 1) req = getq.execute() if len(req) == 1: self.__set_authenticated(infos['login'][0],req[0][uid_fname]) break if self.is_anonymous(): self.authentication_failure() #Security logging ##@brief Attempt to restore a session given a session token #@param token mixed : a session token #@return Session datas (a dict) #@throw ClientAuthenticationFailure if token is not valid or not #existing @classmethod def restore_session(cls, token): cls._assert_instance() if cls._instance.__session_token is not None: raise ClientAuthenticationError("Trying to restore a session, but \ a session is allready started !!!") cls._instance.__datas = SessionHandler.restore(token) cls._instance.__session_token = token return copy.copy(cls._instance.datas) ##@brief Return the current session token or None #@return A session token or None @classmethod def session_token(cls): cls._assert_instance() return cls._instance.__session_token ##@brief Delete current session @classmethod def destroy(cls): cls._assert_instance() SessionHandler.destroy(cls._instance.__session_token) cls._instance.__session_token = None cls._instance.__datas = dict() ##@brief Delete current client and save its session @classmethod def clean(cls): if cls._instance.__session_token is not None: SessionHandler.save(cls._instance.__session_token, cls._instance.__datas) if Client._instance is not None: del(Client._instance) Client._instance = None ##@brief Test wether a client is anonymous or logged in #@return True if client is anonymous @classmethod def is_anonymous(cls): return Client._instance.user() is None ##@brief Method to call on authentication failure #@throw ClientAuthenticationFailure #@throw LodelFatalError if no Client child instance found @classmethod def authentication_failure(cls): cls._generic_error(ClientAuthenticationFailure) ##@brief Method to call on authentication error #@throw ClientAuthenticationError #@throw LodelFatalError if no Client child instance found @classmethod def authentication_error(cls, msg = "Unknow error"): cls._generic_error(ClientAuthenticationError, msg) ##@brief Method to call on permission denied error #@throw ClientPermissionDenied #@throw LodelFatalError if no Client child instance found @classmethod def permission_denied_error(cls, msg = ""): cls._generic_error(ClientPermissionDenied, msg) ##@brief Generic error method #@see Client::authentication_failure() Client::authentication_error() #Client::permission_denied_error() #@throw LodelFatalError if no Client child instance found @classmethod def _generic_error(cls, expt, msg = ""): cls._assert_instance() raise expt(Client._instance, msg) ##@brief Assert that an instance of Client child class exists #@throw LodelFataError if no instance of Client child class found @classmethod def _assert_instance(cls): if Client._instance is None: raise LodelFatalError("No client instance found. Abording.") ##@brief Class method that fetches conf # #This method populates Client._infos_fields . This attribute stores #informations on login and password location (LeApi object & field) @classmethod def fetch_settings(cls): from lodel import dyncode if cls._infos_fields is None: cls._infos_fields = list() else: #Allready fetched return infos = ( Settings.auth.login_classfield, Settings.auth.pass_classfield) res_infos = [] for clsname, fieldname in infos: dcls = dyncode.lowername2class(infos[0][0]) res_infos.append((dcls, infos[1][1])) link_field = None if res_infos[0][0] != res_infos[1][0]: # login and password are in two separated EmClass # determining the field that links login EmClass to password # EmClass for fname, fdh in res_infos[0][0].fields(True).items(): if fdh.is_reference() and res_infos[1][0] in fdh.linked_classes(): link_field = fname if link_field is None: #Unable to find link between login & password EmClasses raise AuthenticationError("Unable to find a link between \ login EmClass '%s' and password EmClass '%s'. Abording..." % ( res_infos[0][0], res_infos[1][0])) res_infos[0] = (res_infos[0][0], res_infos[0][1], link_field) cls._infos_fields.append( {'login':res_infos[0], 'password':res_infos[1]}) ##@brief Set a user as authenticated and start a new session #@param leo LeObject child class : the LeObject the user is stored in #@param uid str : uniq id (in leo) #@return None @classmethod def __set_authenticated(cls, leo, uid): cls._instance.__user = {'classname': leo.__name__, 'uid': uid, 'leoclass': leo} #Store auth infos in session cls._instance.__datas[cls._instance.__class__._AUTH_DATANAME] = copy.copy(cls._instance.__user)