import unittest from EditorialModel.model import Model from EditorialModel.classes import EmClass from EditorialModel.types import EmType from EditorialModel.fieldgroups import EmFieldGroup from EditorialModel.fields import EmField from EditorialModel.backend.json_backend import EmBackendJson from EditorialModel.migrationhandler.dummy import DummyMigrationHandler class TestModel(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): = Model(EmBackendJson('EditorialModel/test/me.json')) def test_init(self): """ Instanciation test """ model = Model(EmBackendJson('EditorialModel/test/me.json')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(model, Model)) model = Model(EmBackendJson('EditorialModel/test/me.json'), migration_handler = DummyMigrationHandler(True)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(model, Model)) def test_components(self): """ Test components fetching """ for comp_class in [EmClass, EmType, EmField, EmFieldGroup]: comp_l = for component in comp_l: self.assertTrue(isinstance(component, comp_class), "Model.components method don't return EmComponent of the right type. Asked for {} but got {}".format(type(comp_class), type(component))) def test_sort_components(self): """ Test that Model.sort_components method actually sort components """ #disordering an EmClass cl_l = last_class = cl_l[0] last_class.rank = 10000 self.assertEqual(['EmClass'][-1].uid, last_class.uid, "The methode sort_components don't really sort by rank") def test_new_uid(self): """ Test that Model.new_uid return a new uniq uid """ new_uid = self.assertNotIn(new_uid,['uids'].keys()) def test_hash(self): """ Test that __hash__ and __eq__ works properly on models """ me = Model(EmBackendJson('EditorialModel/test/me.json')) me2 = Model(EmBackendJson('EditorialModel/test/me.json'), migration_handler = DummyMigrationHandler(True)) self.assertEqual(hash(me), hash(me2), "When instanciate from the same backend & file but with another migration handler the hashes differs") self.assertTrue(me, me2) cl_l = me.classes() cl_l[0].modify_rank(1) self.assertNotEqual(hash(me), hash(me2), "After a class rank modification the hashes are the same") self.assertFalse(me, me2) cl_l = me2.classes() cl_l[0].modify_rank(1) self.assertEqual(hash(me), hash(me2), "After doing sames modifications in the two models the hashes differs") self.assertTrue(me, me2)