#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from EditorialModel.components import EmComponent """Represent one data for a lodel2 document""" class EmField(EmComponent): def __init__(id_or_name): """ Instanciate an EmType with data fetched from db @param id_or_name str|int: Identify the EmType by name or by global_id @throw TypeError @see EmComponent::__init__() """ super(EmField, self).__init__() pass @staticmethod def create( name, em_fieldgroup, ml_repr = None, ml_help = None, icon = None, optionnal = False, type_relation = None, relationnal_field = None, primary_data = False, default_value = None, params = None, value = None): """ Create a new EmType and instanciate it @todo Change the icon param type @todo simplify function aguments ? @todo typeof default_value argument ? @todo typeof params argument ? @todo typeof value argument ? @static @param name str: The name of the new Type @param em_fieldgroup EmFieldGroup: The new field will belong to this fieldgroup @param ml_repr MlString|None: Multilingual representation of the type @param ml_help MlString|None: Multilingual help for the type @param The string|None: filename of the icon @param optionnal bool: Is the field optionnal ? @param type_relation EmType|None: If not None make a link between the class of the new EmField and this EmType @param relationnal_field EmField|None: If not None indicates that the new field defines the relation created by this EmField argument @param primary_data bool: Is the new field a primary data field ? @param default_value str: The field's default value @param params str: Params of the field @param value str: Value of the field @throw TypeError @see EmComponent::__init__() @staticmethod """ pass def set_default(default_value): """ Set the default value @todo argument type ? @todo return type ? @param default_value anytype: The default value """ pass def set_param(params): """ Set the field parameters @todo argument type ? EmFieldParam ? @todo return type ? @param params anytype: The field parameters """ pass def set_value(v): """ Set the field value @todo Better explanations Don't set the field value in a document, it's a special kind of value @param The v: value """ pass