from import BaseCommand, CommandError from optparse import make_option from EditorialModel.randomem import RandomEm from EditorialModel.backend.json_backend import EmBackendJson from EditorialModel.backend.dummy_backend import EmBackendDummy from EditorialModel.backend.graphviz import EmBackendGraphviz class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--no-classes', action='store', dest='classtype', default = 0, help='Chances for a classtype to be empty', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--max-classes', action='store', dest='nclass', default = 3, help='Maximum number of classes per classtype', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--no-fieldgroup', action='store', dest='nofg', default = 10, help='Chances for a class to have no fieldgroup', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--no-types', action='store', dest='notype', default = 10, help='Chances for a class to have no types', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--max-types', action='store', dest='ntype', default = 8, help='Maximum number of types in a class', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--sel-opt-field', action='store', dest='seltype', default = 2, help='Chances for type to select an optionnal field', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--superiors', action='store', dest='ntypesuperiors', default = 2, help='Chances for a type to link with other types (superiors)', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--no-fields', action='store', dest='nofields', default = 10, help='Chances for a fieldgroup to be empty', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--max-fields', action='store', dest='nfields', default = 8, help='Maxmimum number of fields per fieldgroup', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--rel-to-type-attr', action='store', dest='rfields', default = 5, help='Maximum number of relation-to-type attribute fields', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('--opt-field', action='store', dest='optfield', default = 2, help='Chances for a field to be optionnal', type="int", metavar="INT", ), make_option('-o', '--output', action='store', dest='output', default = 'random_me.json', help='json output file for the me', type="string", metavar="FILENAME", ), make_option('-d', '--output-dot', action='store', dest='dotout', default = False, help='graphviz output file for the me', type="string", metavar="FILENAME", ), ) help = 'Randomly generate an EditorialModel' def handle(self, *args, **options): anames = ['classtype','nclass', 'nofg', 'notype', 'ntype', 'seltype', 'ntypesuperiors', 'nofields', 'nfields', 'optfield'] chances = dict() for n in anames: chances[n] = options[n] bj = EmBackendJson(options['output']) em = RandomEm.random_em(EmBackendDummy()) if options['dotout']: gvb = EmBackendGraphviz(options['dotout'])