# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import copy import pymysql import EditorialModel # The global MH algorithm is as follow : # A create_table(table_name, pk_name, pk_opt) method that create a table # with one pk field # An add_column(table_name, field_name, field_opt) method that add a column to a table # # The create_default_table method will call both methods to create the object and relation tables # # Supported operations : # - EmClass creation # - EmClass deletion (untested) # - EmField creation # - EmField deletion (untested) # - rel2type attribute creation # - rel2type attribute deletion (unstested) # # Unsupported operations : # - EmClass rename # - EmField rename # - rel2type field rename # - rel2type attribute rename # ## @brief Modify a MySQL database given editorial model changes class MysqlMigrationHandler(EditorialModel.migrationhandler.dummy.DummyMigrationHandler): ## @brief Object table name _object_tname = 'object' ## @brief Relation table name _relation_tname = 'relation' ## @brief Construct a MysqlMigrationHandler # @param host str : The db host # @param user str : The db user # @param password str : The db password # @param db str : The db name def __init__(self, host, user, password, db, db_engine = 'InnoDB', foreign_keys = True, debug = False, dryrun = False, drop_if_exists = False): #Connect to MySQL self.db = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=password, db=db) self.debug = debug self.dryrun = dryrun self.db_engine = db_engine self.foreign_keys = foreign_keys if db_engine == 'InnoDB' else False self.drop_if_exists = drop_if_exists #Create default tables self._create_default_tables(self.drop_if_exists) pass ## @brief Modify the db given an EM change def register_change(self, em, uid, initial_state, new_state, engine = None): if engine is None: engine = self.db_engine if isinstance(em.component(uid), EditorialModel.classes.EmClass): if initial_state is None: #EmClass creation self.create_emclass_table(em, uid, engine) elif new_state is None: #EmClass deletion self.delete_emclass_table(em, uid) elif isinstance(em.component(uid), EditorialModel.fields.EmField): emfield = em.component(uid) if emfield.rel_field_id is None: #non rlationnal field if initial_state is None: #non relationnal EmField creation if not(emfield.name in EditorialModel.classtypes.common_fields.keys()): self.add_col_from_emfield(em,uid) elif new_state is None: #non relationnal EmField deletion if not (emfield.name in EditorialModel.classtypes.common_fields.keys()): self.del_col_from_emfield(em, uid) else: #relationnal field if initial_state is None: #Rel2type attr creation self.add_relationnal_field(em, uid) elif new_state is None: #Rel2type attr deletion self.del_relationnal_field(em, uid) ## @brief dumdumdummy def register_model_state(self, em, state_hash): pass ## @brief Exec a query def _query(self, query): if self.debug: print(query+"\n") if not self.dryrun: with self.db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(query) self.db.commit() #autocommit ## @brief Add a relationnal field # # Add a rel2type attribute # @note this function handles the table creation # @param em Model : EditorialModel.model.Model instance # @param rfuid int : Relationnal field uid def add_relationnal_field(self, em, rfuid): emfield = em.component(rfuid) if not isinstance(emfield, EditorialModel.fields.EmField): raise ValueError("The given uid is not an EmField uid") r2tf = em.component(emfield.rel_field_id) tname = self._r2t2table_name(em, r2tf) pkname, pkftype = self._relation_pk #If not exists create a relational table self._create_table(tname, pkname, pkftype, self.db_engine, if_exists = 'nothing') #Add a foreign key if wanted if self.foreign_keys: self._add_fk(tname, self._relation_tname, pkname, pkname) #Add the column self._add_column(tname, emfield.name, emfield.fieldtype_instance()) #Update table triggers self._generate_triggers(tname, self._r2type2cols(em, r2tf)) ## @brief Delete a rel2type attribute # # Delete a rel2type attribute # @note this method handles the table deletion # @param em Model : EditorialModel.model.Model instance # @param rfuid int : Relationnal field uid def del_relationnal_field(self, em, rfuid): emfield = em.component(rfuid) if not isinstance(emfield, EditorialModel.fields.EmField): raise ValueError("The given uid is not an EmField uid") r2tf = em.component(emfield.rel_field_id) tname = self._r2t2table_name(em, r2tf) if len(self._r2type2cols(em, r2tf)) == 1: #The table can be deleted (no more attribute for this rel2type) self._query("""DROP TABLE {table_name}""".format(table_name = tname)) else: self._del_column(tname, emfield.name) #Update table triggers self._generate_triggers(tname, self._r2type2cols(em, r2tf)) ## @brief Given an EmField uid add a column to the corresponding table # @param em Model : A Model instance # @param uid int : An EmField uid # @return None def add_col_from_emfield(self, em, uid): emfield = em.component(uid) if not isinstance(emfield, EditorialModel.fields.EmField): raise ValueError("The given uid is not an EmField uid") emclass = emfield.em_class tname = self._emclass2table_name(emclass) self._add_column(tname, emfield.name, emfield.fieldtype_instance()) # Refresh the table triggers cols_l = self._class2cols(emclass) self._generate_triggers(tname, cols_l) ## @brief Given a class uid create the coressponding table def create_emclass_table(self, em, uid, engine): emclass = em.component(uid) if not isinstance(emclass, EditorialModel.classes.EmClass): raise ValueError("The given uid is not an EmClass uid") pkname, pktype = self._common_field_pk table_name = self._emclass2table_name(emclass) self._create_table(table_name, pkname, pktype, engine=engine) if self.foreign_keys: self._add_fk(table_name, self._object_tname, pkname, pkname) ## @brief Given an EmClass uid delete the corresponding table def delete_emclass_table(self, em, uid): emclass = emcomponent(uid) if not isinstance(emclass, EditorialModel.classes.EmClass): raise ValueError("The give uid is not an EmClass uid") tname = self._idname_escape(self._emclass2table_name(emclass.name)) # Delete the table triggers to prevent errors self._generate_triggers(tname, dict()) self._query("""DROP TABLE {table_name};""".format(table_name = tname)) ## @brief Given an EmField delete the corresponding column # @param em Model : an @ref EditorialModel.model.Model instance # @param uid int : an EmField uid def delete_col_from_emfield(self, em, uid): emfield = em.component(uid) if not isinstance(emfield, EditorialModel.fields.EmField): raise ValueError("The given uid is not an EmField uid") emclass = emfield.em_class tname = self._emclass2table_name(emclass) # Delete the table triggers to prevent errors self._generate_triggers(tname, dict()) self._del_column(tname, emfield.name) # Refresh the table triggers cols_ls = self._class2cols(emclass) self._generate_triggers(tname, cols_l) ## @brief Delete a column from a table # @param tname str : The table name # @param fname str : The column name def _del_column(self, tname, fname): tname = self._idname_escape(tname) fname = self._idname_escape(fname) self._query("""ALTER TABLE {table_name} DROP COLUMN {col_name};""".format(table_name = tname, col_name = fname)) ## @brief Construct a table name given an EmClass instance # @param emclass EmClass : An EmClass instance # @return a table name def _emclass2table_name(self, emclass): return "class_%s"%emclass.name ## @brief Construct a table name given a rela2type EmField instance # @param em Model : A Model instance # @param emfield EmField : An EmField instance # @return a table name def _r2t2table_name(self, em, emfield): emclass = emfield.em_class emtype = em.component(emfield.rel_to_type_id) return "%s_%s_%s"%(emclass.name, emtype.name, emfield.name) ## @brief Generate a columns_fieldtype dict given a rel2type EmField # @param em Model : an @ref EditorialModel.model.Model instance # @param emfield EmField : and @ref EditorialModel.fields.EmField instance def _r2type2cols(self, em, emfield): return { f.name: f.fieldtype_instance() for f in em.components('EmField') if f.rel_field_id == emfield.uid } ## @brief Generate a columns_fieldtype dict given an EmClass # @param emclass EmClass : An EmClass instance # @return A dict with column name as key and EmFieldType instance as value def _class2cols(self, emclass): if not isinstance(emclass, EditorialModel.classes.EmClass): raise ValueError("The given uid is not an EmClass uid") return { f.name: f.fieldtype_instance() for f in emclass.fields() if f.name not in EditorialModel.classtypes.common_fields.keys() } ## @brief Create object and relations tables # @param drop_if_exist bool : If true drop tables if exists def _create_default_tables(self, drop_if_exist = False): if_exists = 'drop' if drop_if_exist else 'nothing' #Object tablea tname = self._object_tname pk_name, pk_ftype = self._common_field_pk self._create_table(tname, pk_name, pk_ftype, engine=self.db_engine, if_exists = if_exists) #Adding columns cols = { fname: self._common_field_to_ftype(fname) for fname in EditorialModel.classtypes.common_fields } for fname, ftype in cols.items(): if fname != pk_name: self._add_column(tname, fname, ftype) #Creating triggers self._generate_triggers(tname, cols) #Relation table tname = self._relation_tname pk_name, pk_ftype = self._relation_pk self._create_table(tname, pk_name, pk_ftype, engine = self.db_engine, if_exists = if_exists) #Adding columns for fname, ftype in self._relation_cols.items(): self._add_column(tname, fname, ftype) #Creating triggers self._generate_triggers(tname, self._relation_cols) ## @return true if the name changes def _name_change(self, initial_state, new_state): return 'name' in initial_state and initial_state['name'] != new_state['name'] ## @brief Create a table with primary key # @param table_name str : table name # @param pk_name str : pk column name # @param pk_specs str : see @ref _field_to_sql() # @param engine str : The engine to use with this table # @param charset str : The charset of this table # @param if_exist str : takes values in ['nothing', 'drop'] # @return None def _create_table(self, table_name, pk_name, pk_ftype, engine, charset = 'utf8', if_exists = 'nothing'): #Escaped table name etname = self._idname_escape(table_name) pk_type = self._field_to_type(pk_ftype) pk_specs = self._field_to_specs(pk_ftype) if if_exists == 'drop': self._query("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name};""".format(table_name = etname)) qres = """ CREATE TABLE {table_name} ( {pk_name} {pk_type} {pk_specs}, PRIMARY KEY({pk_name}) ) ENGINE={engine} DEFAULT CHARSET={charset};""" elif if_exists == 'nothing': qres = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table_name} ( {pk_name} {pk_type} {pk_specs}, PRIMARY KEY({pk_name}) ) ENGINE={engine} DEFAULT CHARSET={charset};""" else: raise ValueError("Unexpected value for argument if_exists '%s'."%if_exists) self._query(qres.format( table_name = self._idname_escape(table_name), pk_name = self._idname_escape(pk_name), pk_type = pk_type, pk_specs = pk_specs, engine = engine, charset = charset )) ## @brief Add a column to a table # @param table_name str : The table name # @param col_name str : The columns name # @param col_fieldtype EmFieldype the fieldtype # @return None def _add_column(self, table_name, col_name, col_fieldtype, drop_if_exists = False): add_col = """ALTER TABLE {table_name} ADD COLUMN {col_name} {col_type} {col_specs};""" etname = self._idname_escape(table_name) ecname = self._idname_escape(col_name) add_col = add_col.format( table_name = etname, col_name = ecname, col_type = self._field_to_type(col_fieldtype), col_specs = self._field_to_specs(col_fieldtype), ) try: self._query(add_col) except pymysql.err.InternalError as e: if drop_if_exists: self._del_column(table_name, col_name) self._add_column(table_name, col_name, col_fieldtype, drop_if_exists) else: #LOG print("Aborded, column `%s` exists"%col_name) ## @brief Add a foreign key # @param src_table_name str : The name of the table where we will add the FK # @param dst_table_name str : The name of the table the FK will point on # @param src_col_name str : The name of the concerned column in the src_table # @param dst_col_name str : The name of the concerned column in the dst_table def _add_fk(self, src_table_name, dst_table_name, src_col_name, dst_col_name): stname = self._idname_escape(src_table_name) dtname = self._idname_escape(dst_table_name) scname = self._idname_escape(src_col_name) dcname = self._idname_escape(dst_col_name) fk_name = self._fk_name(src_table_name, dst_table_name) self._del_fk(src_table_name, dst_table_name) self._query("""ALTER TABLE {src_table} ADD CONSTRAINT {fk_name} FOREIGN KEY ({src_col}) references {dst_table}({dst_col});""".format( fk_name = self._idname_escape(fk_name), src_table = stname, src_col = scname, dst_table = dtname, dst_col = dcname )) ## @brief Given a source and a destination table, delete the corresponding FK # @param src_table_name str : The name of the table where the FK is # @param dst_table_name str : The name of the table the FK point on # @warning fails silently def _del_fk(self, src_table_name, dst_table_name): try: self._query("""ALTER TABLE {src_table} DROP FOREIGN KEY {fk_name}""".format( src_table = self._idname_escape(src_table_name), fk_name = self._idname_escape(self._fk_name(src_table_name, dst_table_name)) )) except pymysql.err.InternalError: pass def _fk_name(self, src_table_name, dst_table_name): return "fk_%s_%s"%(src_table_name, dst_table_name) ## @brief Generate triggers given a table_name and its columns fieldtypes # @param table_name str : Table name # @param cols_ftype dict : with col name as key and column fieldtype as value # @return None def _generate_triggers(self, table_name, cols_ftype): colval_l_upd = dict() #param for update trigger colval_l_ins = dict() #param for insert trigger for cname, cftype in cols_ftype.items(): if cftype.ftype == 'datetime': if cftype.now_on_update: colval_l_upd[cname] = 'NOW()' if cftype.now_on_create: colval_l_ins[cname] = 'NOW()' self._table_trigger(table_name, 'UPDATE', colval_l_upd) self._table_trigger(table_name, 'INSERT', colval_l_ins) ## @brief Create trigger for a table # # Primarly designed to create trigger for DATETIME types # The method generates triggers of the form # # CREATE TRIGGER BEFORE ON # FOR EACH ROW SET # NEW. = , # ; # @param table_name str : The table name # @param moment str : can be 'update' or 'insert' # @param cols_val dict : Dict with column name as key and column value as value # @return None def _table_trigger(self, table_name, moment, cols_val): trigger_name = self._idname_escape("%s_%s_trig"%(table_name, moment)) #Try to delete the trigger drop_trig = """DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS {trigger_name};""".format(trigger_name = trigger_name) self._query(drop_trig) col_val_l = ', '.join([ "NEW.%s = %s"%(self._idname_escape(cname), cval)for cname, cval in cols_val.items() ]) #Create a trigger if needed if len(col_val_l) > 0: trig_q = """CREATE TRIGGER {trigger_name} BEFORE {moment} ON {table_name} FOR EACH ROW SET {col_val_list};""".format( trigger_name = trigger_name, table_name = self._idname_escape(table_name), moment = moment, col_val_list = col_val_l ) self._query(trig_q) ## @brief Identifier escaping # @param idname str : An SQL identifier def _idname_escape(self, idname): if '`' in idname: raise ValueError("Invalid name : '%s'"%idname) return '`%s`'%idname ## @brief Returns column specs from fieldtype # @param emfieldtype EmFieldType : An EmFieldType insance # @todo escape default value def _field_to_specs(self, emfieldtype): colspec = '' if not emfieldtype.nullable: colspec = 'NOT NULL' if hasattr(emfieldtype, 'default'): colspec += ' DEFAULT ' if emfieldtype.default is None: colspec += 'NULL ' else: colspec += emfieldtype.default #ESCAPE VALUE HERE !!!! if emfieldtype.name == 'pk': colspec += ' AUTO_INCREMENT' return colspec ## @brief Given a fieldtype return a MySQL type specifier # @param emfieldtype EmFieldType : A fieldtype # @return the corresponding MySQL type def _field_to_type(self, emfieldtype): ftype = emfieldtype.ftype if ftype == 'char' or ftype == 'str': res = "VARCHAR(%d)"%emfieldtype.max_length elif ftype == 'text': res = "TEXT" elif ftype == 'datetime': res = "DATETIME" # client side workaround for only one column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP : giving NULL to timestamp that don't allows NULL # cf. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/timestamp-initialization.html#idm139961275230400 # The solution for the migration handler is to create triggers : # CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name BEFORE INSERT ON `my_super_table` # FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.my_date_column = NOW(); # and # CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name BEFORE UPDATE ON elif ftype == 'bool': res = "BOOL" elif ftype == 'int': res = "INT" elif ftype == 'rel2type': res = "INT" else: raise ValueError("Unsuported fieldtype ftype : %s"%ftype) return res ## @brief Returns a tuple (pkname, pk_ftype) @property def _common_field_pk(self): for fname, fta in EditorialModel.classtypes.common_fields.items(): if fta['fieldtype'] == 'pk': return (fname, self._common_field_to_ftype(fname)) return (None, None) ## @brief Returns a tuple (rel_pkname, rel_ftype) # @todo do it @property def _relation_pk(self): return ('id_relation', EditorialModel.fieldtypes.pk.EmFieldType()) ## @brief Returns a dict { colname:fieldtype } of relation table columns @property def _relation_cols(self): from_name = EditorialModel.fieldtypes.generic.GenericFieldType.from_name return { 'id_sup': from_name('integer')(), 'id_sub': from_name('integer')(), 'rank': from_name('integer')(), 'depth': from_name('integer')(), 'nature': from_name('char')(max_lenght=10), } ## @brief Given a common field name return an EmFieldType instance # @param cname str : Common field name # @return An EmFieldType instance def _common_field_to_ftype(self, cname): fta = copy.copy(EditorialModel.classtypes.common_fields[cname]) fto = EditorialModel.fieldtypes.generic.GenericFieldType.from_name(fta['fieldtype']) del(fta['fieldtype']) return fto(**fta)