#!/bin/bash # # This file is part of Lodel 2 (https://github.com/OpenEdition) # # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Cléo UMS-3287 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # usage() { echo -e "Usage : $0 host_of_server instance_name host_of_db number_of_iterations >&2" echo -e "Example : create_datas locahost instance_00001 localhost:28015 1000" echo -e "Example : create_datas locahost instance_00001 localhost 1000" exit 1 } if [ $# -lt 3 ] then echo "Not enough arguments" >&2 usage fi host=$1 instance=$2 N=$4 HOSTDB=$3 M=$(expr $N / 10) for i in `eval echo {1..$M}`; do COLPUBLI="" COLT=$(lenmax=100;wcount=5; rlenmax=$(expr $lenmax - 1); echo $(shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -n $wcount | tr -s "\n" " ") | sed -E "s/^(.{$rlenmax}).*$/\1/") curl -A "Mozilla/5.0" -L -s -d "field_input_title=$COLT&field_input_publications=$COLPUBLI&classname=Collection" http://$host/$instance/admin/create?classname=Collection LN=$(lenmax=20;wcount=1; rlenmax=$(expr $lenmax - 1); echo $(shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -n $wcount | tr -s "\n" " ") | sed -E "s/^(.{$rlenmax}).*$/\1/") FN=$(lenmax=20;wcount=1; rlenmax=$(expr $lenmax - 1); echo $(shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -n $wcount | tr -s "\n" " ") | sed -E "s/^(.{$rlenmax}).*$/\1/") curl -A "Mozilla/5.0" -L -s -d "field_input_lastname=$LN&field_input_firstname=$FN&classname=Person" http://$host/$instance/admin/create?classname=Person PWD='pwgen 10' LOGIN="${FN,,}$(printf "%d" $RANDOM)" curl -A "Mozilla/5.0" -L -s -d "field_input_lastname=$LN&field_input_firstname=$FN&field_input_password=$PWD&field_input_login=$LOGIN&classname=User" http://$host/$instance/admin/create?classname=User done M=$(expr $N / 4) for i in `eval echo {1..$M}`; do persons=$(printf "use lodel2_$instance\n db.Person.find({}, {lodel_id:1, _id:0}).limit(3)" | mongo $HOSTDB/admin -u admin -p pwd | sed "1,3d" | sed -e "s/{ \"lodel_id\" : //g" | sed -e "s/ }//g" | sed "\$d") tmp="" for i in $persons do if [[ ! -z $tmp ]] then tmp=$(printf "$tmp, $i") else tmp=$i fi done SECLP=$tmp SECST=$(lenmax=60;wcount=10; rlenmax=$(expr $lenmax - 1); echo $(shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -n $wcount | tr -s "\n" " ") | sed -E "s/^(.{$rlenmax}).*$/\1/") SECTTL=$(lenmax=60;wcount=5; rlenmax=$(expr $lenmax - 1); echo $(shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -n $wcount | tr -s "\n" " ") | sed -E "s/^(.{$rlenmax}).*$/\1/") curl -A "Mozilla/5.0" -L -s -d "field_input_linked_persons=$SECLP&field_input_subtitle=$SECSTD&field_input_title=$SECTTL&classname=Section" http://$host/$instance/admin/create?classname=Section done for i in `eval echo {1..$N}`; do persons=$(printf "use lodel2_$instance\n db.Person.find({}, {lodel_id:1, _id:0}).limit(3)" | mongo $HOSTDB/admin -u lodel2_admin -p lapwd | sed "1,3d" | sed -e "s/{ \"lodel_id\" : //g" | sed -e "s/ }//g" | sed "\$d") tmp="" for i in $persons do if [[ ! -z $tmp ]] then tmp=$(printf "$tmp, $i") else tmp=$i fi done SSSECLP=$tmp SSSECST=$(lenmax=60;wcount=10; rlenmax=$(expr $lenmax - 1); echo $(shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -n $wcount | tr -s "\n" " ") | sed -E "s/^(.{$rlenmax}).*$/\1/") res=$(printf "use lodel2_$instance\n db.Section.find({}, {lodel_id:1, _id:0}).limit(1)" | mongo $HOSTDB/admin -u lodel2_admin -p lapwd | sed "1,3d" | sed -e "s/{ \"lodel_id\" : //g" | sed -e "s/ }//g" | sed "\$d") SSSECPAR=$res SSSECTTL=$(lenmax=60;wcount=5; rlenmax=$(expr $lenmax - 1); echo $(shuf /usr/share/dict/words | head -n $wcount | tr -s "\n" " ") | sed -E "s/^(.{$rlenmax}).*$/\1/") res=$(printf "use lodel2_$instance\n db.Collection.find({}, {lodel_id:1, _id:0}).limit(1)" | mongo $HOSTDB/admin -u lodel2_admin -p lapwd | sed "1,3d" | sed -e "s/{ \"lodel_id\" : //g" | sed -e "s/ }//g" | sed "\$d") PUBCOLLS=$res curl -A "Mozilla/5.0" -L -s -d "field_input_linked_persons=$SSSECLP&field_input_subtitle=$SSSECST&field_input_parent=$SSSECPAR&field_input_title=$SSSECTTL&classname=Subsection" http://$host/$instance/admin/create?classname=Subsection curl -A "Mozilla/5.0" -L -s -d "field_input_collection=$PUBCOLLS&classname=Publication" http://$host/$instance/admin/create?classname=Publication done