Adding default date for date_create and date_update columns
The dates are set in EmComponent::create() for date_create and in EmComponent::save() for date_update
The values are sets to datetime.datetime.utcnow() so we now that EVERY date in the db are in UTC, no matter django, database or even server configurations.
We will have to take care to convert dates from database to django timezone in dates fieldtypes.
Adding default date for date_create and date_update columns
The dates are set in EmComponent::create() for date_create and in EmComponent::save() for date_update
The values are sets to datetime.datetime.utcnow() so we now that EVERY date in the db are in UTC, no matter django, database or even server configurations.
We will have to take care to convert dates from database to django timezone in dates fieldtypes.
Adding a column is implemented for mysql, postgresql and sqlite.
Droping and altering a column is only implemented for mysql and postgresql for the moment.
Quick&dirty tests has been done for sqlite and mysql only.