The automatic UID creation by datasource implementation implies somes changes :
The UniqID datahandler has to call the datasource
LeObject has to be able to determine wich parent class define its UID datahandler
[NOT IMPLEMENTED] the datasource should be able to select with an abstract LeObject as target ( see #92 )
Test editorial model updated to use two different datasources
- defining a new datasource named dummy2 in both tests conf and install/conf.d
- adding two class using the new datasource in
- index : abtract class representing indexes (two fields, name & content)
- indextheme : thematic index, inheriting from index but with one more field "theme"
Refactoring of datahandlers to simplify from_name() method
Warning, this commit is in a broken state. The doesn't works yet
because it uses old relation handler (that doesn't exists anymore). The pickle file in
example is broken too