Yann Weber
Changes & bugfix in lodel.plugin.plugins
There were manual import through importlib, we have to replace them with LodelContext calls.
Actually the plugins module is in a dirty state....
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
Quick & dirty interfacePlugin implementation + small import bugfixes
Import bugfixes in settings validator. Hooks must be imported in validatore definition to avoid circular import failure
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
Implements SessionHandlerPlugin ExtensionsPlugin + settings preload
Implements both Plugin child classes handling extensions and session handling.
Modified the settings plugin preload piece of code. It is now adapted to the new plugins organisation.
Each Plugin child classes provides a confspec indicating where the plugin list is stored in configuration.
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
New way to run test via loader & conf
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
Deleted datasources plugins and add a settings for datasources declaration
- now datasources are declared with two conf keys : read_only and identifier
- the old datasources plugin hook is now declared in lodel/plugin/core_hooks.py. This file is imported after lodel/plugin/hooks.py in the loader.py
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
More tests & debug on multi datasource queries + em_test update
- Added missing allowed_classes options to some references in em_test
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
First test on multi datasource queries + em_test update + query.py debug
- Modified again the em_test to fit with testing purpose
- First test on multi datasource query written
- debugging of query.py
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
Bugfix in xmfile translator tests (path problem)
Using the conf to load emtests.pickle
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
Fixing tests and skipping the Settings set test
- I do not understand wy the set test for Settings was OK before...
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
Introducing a datasource attribute by em_class
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
Progress in datasource as plugin implementation
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
Bugfix in utility script
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
New webui plugin + create_instance.sh update
- create_instance.sh create some symbolic links
- webui plugin that add webui configuration variable
vor 8 Jahren
Yann Weber
First version of lodel2 instance creation script
vor 9 Jahren