/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Weber Yann * * This file is part of PyFCGI. * * PyFCGI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * PyFCGI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with PyFCGI. If not, see . */ #include "responder.h" /**@brief Exit after closing all stuff like semaphores * @ingroup work_master_proc */ static void clean_exit(int status) { pyfcgi_IPC_close(IPC_WSTATE | IPC_WREQS | IPC_SEMST | IPC_SHMST); pyfcgi_IPC_destroy(IPC_WSTATE | IPC_WREQS | IPC_SEMST | IPC_SHMST); exit(status); } pid_t spawn_pool_handler() { pid_t res; struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = pyfcgi_sighandler_drop; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_restorer = NULL; res = fork(); if(res < 0) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_ALERT, "Failed to fork pool_handler : %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(!res) { if(sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL)) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to sigaction SIGINT handler : %s", strerror(errno)); } responder_loop(); exit((unsigned char)-1); } return res; } void init_context() { PyFCGI_conf.context.pid = getpid(); PyFCGI_conf.context.ppid = getppid(); if(pyfcgi_IPC_create(IPC_WSTATE | IPC_WREQS | IPC_SEMST) < 0) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_ALERT, "Pool handler process is unable to init IPC components"); sleep(1); clean_exit(PYFCGI_FATAL); } } int responder_loop() { unsigned int n_wrk, wanted_n, n; pid_t *wrk_pids; int err; int status; pid_t ret; /**@brief poll timeout */ struct timespec timeout; /**@brief watchdog timeout */ struct timespec pool_timeout; time_t idle_start, busy_start; short idle, busy; struct sigaction act; char *statusstr; act.sa_handler = pool_sighandler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); sigaddset(&act.sa_mask, SIGTERM); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_restorer = NULL; if(sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL)) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_ALERT, "Sigaction error for SIGTERM pool process : %s", strerror(errno)); exit(PYFCGI_FATAL); } timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_nsec = 100000000; idle = busy = 0; pyfcgi_logger_set_ident("Workpool"); if(PyFCGI_conf.pool_timeout) { pool_timeout.tv_nsec = 0; pool_timeout.tv_sec = PyFCGI_conf.pool_timeout; pyfcgi_wd_init(pool_wd_sighandler, &pool_timeout); } pyfcgi_log(LOG_INFO, "Preparing workers"); init_context(); pyfcgi_wd_arm(); PyFCGI_conf.context.wrk_pids = &wrk_pids; PyFCGI_conf.context.n_wrk = 0; wrk_pids = malloc(sizeof(int) * PyFCGI_conf.max_wrk); if(!wrk_pids) { err = errno; pyfcgi_log( LOG_ALERT, "Unable to allocate memory for childs PID : %s", strerror(err)); clean_exit(err); } bzero(wrk_pids, sizeof(int) * PyFCGI_conf.max_wrk); wanted_n = PyFCGI_conf.min_wrk; n_wrk = 0; // prespawning minimum worker count for(n_wrk=0; n_wrk < wanted_n; n_wrk++) { wrk_pids[n_wrk] = spawn(n_wrk); PyFCGI_conf.context.n_wrk = n_wrk; } //Wait at least for a process to be ready while(!pyfcgi_pool_idle(&timeout)); // main loop, taking care to restart terminated workers, // spawn new one if needed, etc. while(1) { pyfcgi_wd_arm(); PyFCGI_conf.context.n_wrk = n_wrk; if( (ret = waitpid(0, &status, WNOHANG)) ) { if(ret < 0) { //TODO : error } for(n=0; n PyFCGI_conf.worker_gc_timeout && wanted_n > PyFCGI_conf.min_wrk && n_wrk - wanted_n < 2) { wanted_n--; idle = 0; } } else { idle = 0; if(!busy) { busy = 1; busy_start = time(NULL); } else if(time(NULL) - busy_start > 0 && wanted_n < PyFCGI_conf.max_wrk) { pyfcgi_log( LOG_DEBUG, "All workers busy, spawning a new one"); n = n_wrk; n_wrk++; wanted_n = n_wrk; wrk_pids[n] = spawn(n); if(!PyFCGI_conf.worker_fast_spawn) { busy_start = time(NULL); } } } // Stopping & deleting useless childs if(wanted_n < n_wrk && idle) { // need to shift the list and dec n_wrk busy = 0; n_wrk--; kill(wrk_pids[n_wrk], SIGTERM); nanosleep(&timeout, NULL); if( (ret = waitpid(wrk_pids[n_wrk], &status, WNOHANG)) < 0 ) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_ERR, "Pool idle since %ds but unable to kill child %d (PID %d)", PyFCGI_conf.worker_gc_timeout, n_wrk, wrk_pids[n_wrk]); kill(wrk_pids[n_wrk], SIGKILL); } else { pyfcgi_log(LOG_INFO, "Pool idle since %ds : worker[%d](%d) killed", PyFCGI_conf.worker_gc_timeout, n_wrk, wrk_pids[n_wrk]); } idle = 0; continue; } nanosleep(&timeout, NULL); } pyfcgi_wd_arm(); //Debug wait & exit for(; n_wrk != 0; n_wrk--) { waitpid(wrk_pids[n_wrk], &status, 0); pyfcgi_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Child %d stopped with status %d", wrk_pids[n_wrk], status); PyFCGI_conf.context.n_wrk = n_wrk; } //printf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nHello world !\n"); pyfcgi_wd_stop(); pyfcgi_log(LOG_INFO,"Child workers stoped, stopping responder"); exit(0); } pid_t spawn(int wrk_id) { pid_t res; struct timespec wd_timeout; struct sigaction act; char ident[128]; act.sa_handler = worker_sighandler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_restorer = NULL; res = fork(); if(res == -1) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_ERR, "Fork fails for worker #%d : %s", wrk_id, strerror(errno)); return -1; } else if(!res) { // Child process PyFCGI_conf.context.ppid = PyFCGI_conf.context.pid; PyFCGI_conf.context.pid = getpid(); snprintf(ident, 128, "Worker%2d", wrk_id); pyfcgi_logger_set_ident(ident); // Init IPC components if(pyfcgi_IPC_init(IPC_WSTATE | IPC_WREQS) < 0) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_ALERT, "Unable to initialize semaphore when spawning process..."); exit(PYFCGI_FATAL); } // Set handler for SIGINT & SIGTERM /* if(sigaction(SIGINT, &(PyFCGI_conf.context.master_old_sigint), NULL)) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_ALERT, "Sigaction error for worker process when restoring SIGINT handler: %s", strerror(errno)); exit(PYFCGI_FATAL); } */ if(sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL)) { pyfcgi_log(LOG_ALERT, "Sigaction error for worker process : %s", strerror(errno)); exit(PYFCGI_FATAL); } // Set watchdog if(PyFCGI_conf.worker_timeout) { wd_timeout.tv_nsec = 0; wd_timeout.tv_sec = PyFCGI_conf.worker_timeout; pyfcgi_wd_init(worker_sigalrmhandler, &wd_timeout); } if(PyFCGI_conf.pep333) { exit(work333(wrk_id)); } else { exit(work(wrk_id)); } } pyfcgi_IPC_init(IPC_WSTATE | IPC_WREQS | IPC_SEMST); // Sleep to avoid spawning like hell thinking all workers are // busy. Let some time to this one to go up... // TODO: find a better way to avoid spawning to max_wrk //nanosleep(&timeout, NULL); pyfcgi_log( LOG_INFO, "Worker #%d spawned with PID %d", wrk_id, res); return res; } int pyfcgi_pool_state() { int err, res; if(sem_getvalue(PyFCGI_SEM(SEM_WSTATE).sem, &res) < 0) { err = errno; pyfcgi_log(LOG_ALERT, "Unable to read WSTATE semaphore value : %s", strerror(err)); clean_exit(PYFCGI_FATAL); } return res; } int pyfcgi_pool_idle(const struct timespec *timeout) { int err; struct timespec abs_timeout; if(clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE, &abs_timeout) < 0) { //clock error pyfcgi_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to fetch asbtime for WSTATE sem_timedwait : %s", strerror(errno)); } abs_timeout.tv_sec += timeout->tv_sec; if(abs_timeout.tv_nsec + timeout->tv_nsec > 999999999) { abs_timeout.tv_nsec = abs_timeout.tv_nsec + timeout->tv_nsec - 999999999; abs_timeout.tv_sec +=1; } else { abs_timeout.tv_nsec = timeout->tv_nsec; } if(sem_timedwait(PyFCGI_SEM(SEM_WSTATE).sem, &abs_timeout) < 0) { err = errno; switch(err) { case ETIMEDOUT: case EAGAIN: return 0; //busy case EINVAL: sleep(1); return 1; default: pyfcgi_log(LOG_ALERT, "Unable to wait WSTATE sem : %s", strerror(err)); clean_exit(PYFCGI_FATAL); } } sem_post(PyFCGI_SEM(SEM_WSTATE).sem); //Hope no worker fails to set busy... return 1; //idle } void pool_sighandler(int signum) { unsigned int i, retry; int status, ret; struct timespec req; pyfcgi_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Received signal %s, cleaning & exiting...", strsignal(signum)); if(PyFCGI_conf.context.n_wrk < 1) { clean_exit(0); } for(i=0; i