#39 Suffix fields are at wrong position in loglines

créé il y a 4 ans par yannweb · 0 commentaires
yannweb a commenté il y a 4 ans

Format ’/tmp/foo.log;0xff;{datetime} {level}({ident}): {msg} FOO{level}BAR’ produce lines like : 2019 Info14:01:53+0200 Info(MainProc): Master process exiting. FOO BAR

The last level field is in prefix instead of being in the suffix (where the placeholder is empty… between FOO and BAR)

Format <code>'/tmp/foo.log;0xff;{datetime} {level}({ident}): {msg} FOO{level}BAR'</code> produce lines like : <code>2019 Info14:01:53+0200 Info(MainProc): Master process exiting. FOO BAR</code> The last level field is in prefix instead of being in the suffix (where the placeholder is empty... between FOO and BAR)
yannweb a ajouté cela au jalon BETA version il y a 4 ans
yannweb a ajouté l'étiquette
il y a 4 ans
yannweb a ajouté l'étiquette
il y a 4 ans
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