Fork de wikipp, le moteur de wiki en c++, basé sur cppcms. Le fork ajoute la langue française
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

hist.tmpl 918B

  1. <% skin view %>
  2. <% view history uses content::history extends master %>
  3. <% template title() %><% gt "WikiPP :: History" %> :: <%= title %><% end %>
  4. <% template navigation() %>
  5. <a href="<%= page_link %>"><% gt "Back to page" %></a>
  6. &nbsp;/&nbsp;
  7. <% include master::navigation() %>
  8. <% end template %>
  9. <% template main() %>
  10. <% foreach row in hist %>
  11. <ul>
  12. <% item %>
  13. <li>
  14. <% gt "Version {1,num}, changed at {2,dt=s}, by {3}" using row.version, row.update, %>,
  15. <a href="<%= row.show_url %>"><% gt "Show" %></a>,
  16. <a href="<%= row.edit_url %>"><% gt "Edit (rollback)" %></a><% if not empty row.diff_url %>,
  17. <a href="<%= row.diff_url %>"><% gt "Diff to previous" %></a>
  18. <% end %>
  19. </li>
  20. <% end %>
  21. </ul>
  22. <% empty %>
  23. <h2><% gt "History is empty" %></h2>
  24. <% end %>
  25. <% if not empty page %><p><a href="<%= page %>"><% gt "Next page" %></a></p><% end %>
  26. <% end template %>
  27. <% end view %>
  28. <% end skin %>