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- #!/bin/bash
- # initialize cookie store
- cp /dev/null cookies.txt
- # login and store cookies in 'cookies.txt' AND retrieve the value of the XSRF token
- TOKEN=`curl 'http://localhost/api.php/' --data "username=admin&password=admin" --cookie-jar cookies.txt --silent`
- # strip the double quotes from the variable (JSON decode)
- TOKEN=${TOKEN//\"/}
- # set the XSRF token as the 'X-XSRF-Token' header AND send the cookies to the server
- curl 'http://localhost/api.php/posts?include=categories,tags,comments&filter=id,eq,1' --header "X-XSRF-Token: $TOKEN" --cookie cookies.txt
- # clean up
- rm cookies.txt