api de gestion de ticket, basé sur php-crud-api. Le but est de décorrélé les outils de gestion des données, afin
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

run.sh 465B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. FILES=*
  3. i=0
  4. options=()
  5. for f in $FILES; do
  6. if [[ -d "$f" ]]; then
  7. ((i++))
  8. options[$i]=$f
  9. fi
  10. done
  11. PS3="> "
  12. select f in "${options[@]}"; do
  13. if (( REPLY > 0 && REPLY <= ${#options[@]} )) ; then
  14. break
  15. else
  16. exit
  17. fi
  18. done
  19. dir=$(pwd)/..
  20. docker rm "php-crud-api_$f" > /dev/null 2>&1
  21. docker run -ti -v $dir:/php-crud-api --name "php-crud-api_$f" "php-crud-api:$f" /bin/bash -c '/usr/sbin/docker-run && cd php-crud-api && /bin/bash'