queries = array( 'list_tables'=>'SELECT "TABLE_NAME","TABLE_COMMENT" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES" WHERE "TABLE_SCHEMA" = ?', 'reflect_table'=>'SELECT "TABLE_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES" WHERE "TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' = ? AND "TABLE_SCHEMA" = ?', 'reflect_pk'=>'SELECT "COLUMN_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."COLUMNS" WHERE "COLUMN_KEY" = \'PRI\' AND "TABLE_NAME" = ? AND "TABLE_SCHEMA" = ?', 'reflect_belongs_to'=>'SELECT "TABLE_NAME","COLUMN_NAME", "REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME","REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."KEY_COLUMN_USAGE" WHERE "TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' = ? AND "REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' IN ? AND "TABLE_SCHEMA" = ? AND "REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA" = ?', 'reflect_has_many'=>'SELECT "TABLE_NAME","COLUMN_NAME", "REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME","REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."KEY_COLUMN_USAGE" WHERE "TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' IN ? AND "REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' = ? AND "TABLE_SCHEMA" = ? AND "REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA" = ?', 'reflect_habtm'=>'SELECT k1."TABLE_NAME", k1."COLUMN_NAME", k1."REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME", k1."REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME", k2."TABLE_NAME", k2."COLUMN_NAME", k2."REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME", k2."REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."KEY_COLUMN_USAGE" k1, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."KEY_COLUMN_USAGE" k2 WHERE k1."TABLE_SCHEMA" = ? AND k2."TABLE_SCHEMA" = ? AND k1."REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA" = ? AND k2."REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA" = ? AND k1."TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' = k2."TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' AND k1."REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' = ? AND k2."REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME" COLLATE \'utf8_bin\' IN ?' ); } public function getSql($name) { return isset($this->queries[$name])?$this->queries[$name]:false; } public function connect($hostname,$username,$password,$database,$port,$socket,$charset) { $db = mysqli_connect($hostname,$username,$password,$database,$port,$socket); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { throw new \Exception('Connect failed. '.mysqli_connect_error()); } if (!mysqli_set_charset($db,$charset)) { throw new \Exception('Error setting charset. '.mysqli_error($db)); } if (!mysqli_query($db,'SET SESSION sql_mode = \'ANSI_QUOTES\';')) { throw new \Exception('Error setting ANSI quotes. '.mysqli_error($db)); } $this->db = $db; } public function query($sql,$params) { $db = $this->db; $sql = preg_replace_callback('/\!|\?/', function ($matches) use (&$db,&$params) { $param = array_shift($params); if ($matches[0]=='!') return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_=<> ]/','',$param); if (is_array($param)) return '('.implode(',',array_map(function($v) use (&$db) { return "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$v)."'"; },$param)).')'; if (is_object($param) && $param->type=='base64') { return "x'".bin2hex(base64_decode($param->data))."'"; } if ($param===null) return 'NULL'; return "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$param)."'"; }, $sql); //if (!strpos($sql,'INFORMATION_SCHEMA')) echo "\n$sql\n"; return mysqli_query($db,$sql); } public function fetchAssoc($result) { return mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } public function fetchRow($result) { return mysqli_fetch_row($result); } public function insertId($result) { return mysqli_insert_id($this->db); } public function affectedRows($result) { return mysqli_affected_rows($this->db); } public function close($result) { return mysqli_free_result($result); } public function fetchFields($table) { $result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM "!" WHERE 1=2;',array($table)); return mysqli_fetch_fields($result); } public function addLimitToSql($sql,$limit,$offset) { return "$sql LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"; } public function likeEscape($string) { return addcslashes($string,'%_'); } public function isBinaryType($field) { //echo "$field->name: $field->type ($field->flags)\n"; return (($field->flags & 128) && ($field->type>=249) && ($field->type<=252)); } public function base64Encode($string) { return base64_encode($string); } public function getDefaultCharset() { return 'utf8'; } } class PostgreSQL implements DatabaseInterface { protected $db; protected $queries; public function __construct() { $this->queries = array( 'list_tables'=>'select "table_name","table_comment" from "information_schema"."tables" where "table_catalog" = ?', 'reflect_table'=>'select "table_name" from "information_schema"."tables" where "table_name" like ? and "table_catalog" = ?', 'reflect_pk'=>'select "column_name" from "information_schema"."table_constraints" tc, "information_schema"."key_column_usage" ku where tc."constraint_type" = \'PRIMARY KEY\' and tc."constraint_name" = ku."constraint_name" and ku."table_name" = ? and ku."table_catalog" = ?', 'reflect_belongs_to'=>'select cu1."table_name",cu1."column_name", cu2."table_name",cu2."column_name" from "information_schema".referential_constraints rc, "information_schema".key_column_usage cu1, "information_schema".key_column_usage cu2 where cu1."constraint_name" = rc."constraint_name" and cu2."constraint_name" = rc."unique_constraint_name" and cu1."table_name" = ? and cu2."table_name" in ? and cu1."table_catalog" = ? and cu2."table_catalog" = ?', 'reflect_has_many'=>'select cu1."table_name",cu1."column_name", cu2."table_name",cu2."column_name" from "information_schema".referential_constraints rc, "information_schema".key_column_usage cu1, "information_schema".key_column_usage cu2 where cu1."constraint_name" = rc."constraint_name" and cu2."constraint_name" = rc."unique_constraint_name" and cu1."table_name" in ? and cu2."table_name" = ? and cu1."table_catalog" = ? and cu2."table_catalog" = ?', 'reflect_habtm'=>'select cua1."table_name",cua1."column_name", cua2."table_name",cua2."column_name", cub1."table_name",cub1."column_name", cub2."table_name",cub2."column_name" from "information_schema".referential_constraints rca, "information_schema".referential_constraints rcb, "information_schema".key_column_usage cua1, "information_schema".key_column_usage cua2, "information_schema".key_column_usage cub1, "information_schema".key_column_usage cub2 where cua1."constraint_name" = rca."constraint_name" and cua2."constraint_name" = rca."unique_constraint_name" and cub1."constraint_name" = rcb."constraint_name" and cub2."constraint_name" = rcb."unique_constraint_name" and cua1."table_catalog" = ? and cub1."table_catalog" = ? and cua2."table_catalog" = ? and cub2."table_catalog" = ? and cua1."table_name" = cub1."table_name" and cua2."table_name" = ? and cub2."table_name" in ?' ); } public function getSql($name) { return isset($this->queries[$name])?$this->queries[$name]:false; } public function connect($hostname,$username,$password,$database,$port,$socket,$charset) { $e = function ($v) { return str_replace(array('\'','\\'),array('\\\'','\\\\'),$v); }; $conn_string = ''; if ($hostname || $socket) { if ($socket) $hostname = $e($socket); else $hostname = $e($hostname); $conn_string.= " host='$hostname'"; } if ($port) { $port = ($port+0); $conn_string.= " port='$port'"; } if ($database) { $database = $e($database); $conn_string.= " dbname='$database'"; } if ($username) { $username = $e($username); $conn_string.= " user='$username'"; } if ($password) { $password = $e($password); $conn_string.= " password='$password'"; } if ($charset) { $charset = $e($charset); $conn_string.= " options='--client_encoding=$charset'"; } $db = pg_connect($conn_string); $this->db = $db; } public function query($sql,$params) { $db = $this->db; $sql = preg_replace_callback('/\!|\?/', function ($matches) use (&$db,&$params) { $param = array_shift($params); if ($matches[0]=='!') return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_=<> ]/','',$param); if (is_array($param)) return '('.implode(',',array_map(function($v) use (&$db) { return "'".pg_escape_string($db,$v)."'"; },$param)).')'; if (is_object($param) && $param->type=='base64') { return "'\x".bin2hex(base64_decode($param->data))."'"; } if ($param===null) return 'NULL'; return "'".pg_escape_string($db,$param)."'"; }, $sql); if (strtoupper(substr($sql,0,6))=='INSERT') { $sql .= ' RETURNING id;'; } //echo "\n$sql\n"; return @pg_query($db,$sql); } public function fetchAssoc($result) { return pg_fetch_assoc($result); } public function fetchRow($result) { return pg_fetch_row($result); } public function insertId($result) { list($id) = pg_fetch_row($result); return (int)$id; } public function affectedRows($result) { return pg_affected_rows($result); } public function close($result) { return pg_free_result($result); } public function fetchFields($table) { $result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM "!" WHERE 1=2;',array($table)); $keys = array(); for($i=0;$itype == 'bytea'; } public function base64Encode($string) { return base64_encode(hex2bin(substr($string,2))); } public function getDefaultCharset() { return 'UTF8'; } } class SQLServer implements DatabaseInterface { protected $db; protected $queries; public function __construct() { $this->queries = array( 'list_tables'=>'SELECT "TABLE_NAME",\'\' as "TABLE_COMMENT" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES" WHERE "TABLE_CATALOG" = ?', 'reflect_table'=>'SELECT "TABLE_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES" WHERE "TABLE_NAME" LIKE ? AND "TABLE_CATALOG" = ?', 'reflect_pk'=>'SELECT "COLUMN_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLE_CONSTRAINTS" tc, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."KEY_COLUMN_USAGE" ku WHERE tc."CONSTRAINT_TYPE" = \'PRIMARY KEY\' AND tc."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = ku."CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND ku."TABLE_NAME" = ? AND ku."TABLE_CATALOG" = ?', 'reflect_belongs_to'=>'SELECT cu1."TABLE_NAME",cu1."COLUMN_NAME", cu2."TABLE_NAME",cu2."COLUMN_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS rc, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE cu1, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE cu2 WHERE cu1."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = rc."CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND cu2."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = rc."UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND cu1."TABLE_NAME" = ? AND cu2."TABLE_NAME" IN ? AND cu1."TABLE_CATALOG" = ? AND cu2."TABLE_CATALOG" = ?', 'reflect_has_many'=>'SELECT cu1."TABLE_NAME",cu1."COLUMN_NAME", cu2."TABLE_NAME",cu2."COLUMN_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS rc, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE cu1, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE cu2 WHERE cu1."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = rc."CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND cu2."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = rc."UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND cu1."TABLE_NAME" IN ? AND cu2."TABLE_NAME" = ? AND cu1."TABLE_CATALOG" = ? AND cu2."TABLE_CATALOG" = ?', 'reflect_habtm'=>'SELECT cua1."TABLE_NAME",cua1."COLUMN_NAME", cua2."TABLE_NAME",cua2."COLUMN_NAME", cub1."TABLE_NAME",cub1."COLUMN_NAME", cub2."TABLE_NAME",cub2."COLUMN_NAME" FROM "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS rca, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS rcb, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE cua1, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE cua2, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE cub1, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA".CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE cub2 WHERE cua1."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = rca."CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND cua2."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = rca."UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND cub1."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = rcb."CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND cub2."CONSTRAINT_NAME" = rcb."UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME" AND cua1."TABLE_CATALOG" = ? AND cub1."TABLE_CATALOG" = ? AND cua2."TABLE_CATALOG" = ? AND cub2."TABLE_CATALOG" = ? AND cua1."TABLE_NAME" = cub1."TABLE_NAME" AND cua2."TABLE_NAME" = ? AND cub2."TABLE_NAME" IN ?' ); } public function getSql($name) { return isset($this->queries[$name])?$this->queries[$name]:false; } public function connect($hostname,$username,$password,$database,$port,$socket,$charset) { $connectionInfo = array(); if ($port) $hostname.=','.$port; if ($username) $connectionInfo['UID']=$username; if ($password) $connectionInfo['PWD']=$password; if ($database) $connectionInfo['Database']=$database; if ($charset) $connectionInfo['CharacterSet']=$charset; $connectionInfo['QuotedId']=1; $connectionInfo['ReturnDatesAsStrings']=1; $db = sqlsrv_connect($hostname, $connectionInfo); if (!$db) { throw new \Exception('Connect failed. '.print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } if ($socket) { throw new \Exception('Socket connection is not supported.'); } $this->db = $db; } public function query($sql,$params) { $args = array(); $db = $this->db; $sql = preg_replace_callback('/\!|\?/', function ($matches) use (&$db,&$params,&$args) { static $i=-1; $i++; $param = $params[$i]; if ($matches[0]=='!') { return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_=<> ]/','',$param); } // This is workaround because SQLSRV cannot accept NULL in a param if ($matches[0]=='?' && is_null($param)) { return 'NULL'; } if (is_array($param)) { $args = array_merge($args,$param); return '('.implode(',',str_split(str_repeat('?',count($param)))).')'; } if (is_object($param)) { switch($param->type) { case 'base64': $args[] = bin2hex(base64_decode($param->data)); return 'CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX),?,2)'; } } $args[] = $param; return '?'; }, $sql); //var_dump($params); //echo "\n$sql\n"; //var_dump($args); //file_put_contents('sql.txt',"\n$sql\n".var_export($args,true)."\n",FILE_APPEND); if (strtoupper(substr($sql,0,6))=='INSERT') { $sql .= ';SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()'; } return sqlsrv_query($db,$sql,$args)?:null; } public function fetchAssoc($result) { $values = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC); if ($values) $values = array_map(function($v){ return is_null($v)?null:(string)$v; },$values); return $values; } public function fetchRow($result) { $values = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC); if ($values) $values = array_map(function($v){ return is_null($v)?null:(string)$v; },$values); return $values; } public function insertId($result) { sqlsrv_next_result($result); sqlsrv_fetch($result); return (int)sqlsrv_get_field($result, 0); } public function affectedRows($result) { return sqlsrv_rows_affected($result); } public function close($result) { return sqlsrv_free_stmt($result); } public function fetchFields($table) { $result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM "!" WHERE 1=2;',array($table)); //var_dump(sqlsrv_field_metadata($result)); return array_map(function($a){ $p = array(); foreach ($a as $k=>$v) { $p[strtolower($k)] = $v; } return (object)$p; },sqlsrv_field_metadata($result)); } public function addLimitToSql($sql,$limit,$offset) { return "$sql OFFSET $offset ROWS FETCH NEXT $limit ROWS ONLY"; } public function likeEscape($string) { return str_replace(array('%','_'),array('[%]','[_]'),$string); } public function isBinaryType($field) { return ($field->type>=-4 && $field->type<=-2); } public function base64Encode($string) { return base64_encode($string); } public function getDefaultCharset() { return 'UTF-8'; } } class SQLite implements DatabaseInterface { protected $db; protected $queries; public function __construct() { $this->queries = array( 'list_tables'=>'SELECT "name", "" FROM "sys/tables"', 'reflect_table'=>'SELECT "name" FROM "sys/tables" WHERE "name"=?', 'reflect_pk'=>'SELECT "name" FROM "sys/columns" WHERE "pk"=1 AND "self"=?', 'reflect_belongs_to'=>'SELECT "self", "from", "table", "to" FROM "sys/foreign_keys" WHERE "self" = ? AND "table" IN ? AND ? like "%" AND ? like "%"', 'reflect_has_many'=>'SELECT "self", "from", "table", "to" FROM "sys/foreign_keys" WHERE "self" IN ? AND "table" = ? AND ? like "%" AND ? like "%"', 'reflect_habtm'=>'SELECT k1."self", k1."from", k1."table", k1."to", k2."self", k2."from", k2."table", k2."to" FROM "sys/foreign_keys" k1, "sys/foreign_keys" k2 WHERE ? like "%" AND ? like "%" AND ? like "%" AND ? like "%" AND k1."self" = k2."self" AND k1."table" = ? AND k2."table" IN ?' ); } public function getSql($name) { return isset($this->queries[$name])?$this->queries[$name]:false; } public function connect($hostname,$username,$password,$database,$port,$socket,$charset) { $this->db = new SQLite3($database); // optimizations $this->db->querySingle('PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL'); $this->db->querySingle('PRAGMA foreign_keys = on'); $reflection = $this->db->querySingle('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table" and name like "sys/%"'); if (!$reflection) { //create reflection tables $this->query('CREATE table "sys/version" ("version" integer)'); $this->query('CREATE table "sys/tables" ("name" text)'); $this->query('CREATE table "sys/columns" ("self" text,"cid" integer,"name" text,"type" integer,"notnull" integer,"dflt_value" integer,"pk" integer)'); $this->query('CREATE table "sys/foreign_keys" ("self" text,"id" integer,"seq" integer,"table" text,"from" text,"to" text,"on_update" text,"on_delete" text,"match" text)'); } $version = $this->db->querySingle('pragma schema_version'); if ($version != $this->db->querySingle('SELECT "version" from "sys/version"')) { // update version data $this->query('DELETE FROM "sys/version"'); $this->query('INSERT into "sys/version" ("version") VALUES (?)',array($version)); // update tables data $this->query('DELETE FROM "sys/tables"'); $result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table" and name not like "sys/%" and name<>"sqlite_sequence"'); $tables = array(); while ($row = $this->fetchAssoc($result)) { $tables[] = $row['name']; $this->query('INSERT into "sys/tables" ("name") VALUES (?)',array($row['name'])); } // update columns and foreign_keys data $this->query('DELETE FROM "sys/columns"'); $this->query('DELETE FROM "sys/foreign_keys"'); foreach ($tables as $table) { $result = $this->query('pragma table_info(!)',array($table)); while ($row = $this->fetchRow($result)) { array_unshift($row, $table); $this->query('INSERT into "sys/columns" ("self","cid","name","type","notnull","dflt_value","pk") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',$row); } $result = $this->query('pragma foreign_key_list(!)',array($table)); while ($row = $this->fetchRow($result)) { array_unshift($row, $table); $this->query('INSERT into "sys/foreign_keys" ("self","id","seq","table","from","to","on_update","on_delete","match") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',$row); } } } } public function query($sql,$params=array()) { $db = $this->db; $sql = preg_replace_callback('/\!|\?/', function ($matches) use (&$db,&$params) { $param = array_shift($params); if ($matches[0]=='!') return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_=<> ]/','',$param); if (is_array($param)) return '('.implode(',',array_map(function($v) use (&$db) { return "'".$db->escapeString($v)."'"; },$param)).')'; if (is_object($param) && $param->type=='base64') { return "x'".bin2hex(base64_decode($param->data))."'"; } if ($param===null) return 'NULL'; return "'".$db->escapeString($param)."'"; }, $sql); //echo "\n$sql\n"; try { $result=$db->query($sql); } catch(\Exception $e) { $result=null; } return $result; } public function fetchAssoc($result) { $values = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); if ($values) $values = array_map(function($v){ return is_null($v)?null:(string)$v; },$values); return $values; } public function fetchRow($result) { $values = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM); if ($values) $values = array_map(function($v){ return is_null($v)?null:(string)$v; },$values); return $values; } public function insertId($result) { return $this->db->lastInsertRowID(); } public function affectedRows($result) { return $this->db->changes(); } public function close($result) { return $result->finalize(); } public function fetchFields($table) { $result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM "sys/columns" WHERE "self"=?;',array($table)); $fields = array(); while ($row = $this->fetchAssoc($result)){ $fields[strtolower($row['name'])] = (object)$row; } return $fields; } public function addLimitToSql($sql,$limit,$offset) { return "$sql LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"; } public function likeEscape($string) { return addcslashes($string,'%_'); } public function isBinaryType($field) { return (substr($field->type,0,4)=='blob'); } public function base64Encode($string) { return base64_encode($string); } public function getDefaultCharset() { return 'utf8'; } } class PHP_CRUD_API { protected $db; protected $settings; protected function mapMethodToAction($method,$key) { switch ($method) { case 'OPTIONS': return 'headers'; case 'GET': return $key?'read':'list'; case 'PUT': return 'update'; case 'POST': return 'create'; case 'DELETE': return 'delete'; default: $this->exitWith404('method'); } return false; } protected function parseRequestParameter(&$request,$characters) { if (!$request) return false; $pos = strpos($request,'/'); $value = $pos?substr($request,0,$pos):$request; $request = $pos?substr($request,$pos+1):''; if (!$characters) return $value; return preg_replace("/[^$characters]/",'',$value); } protected function parseGetParameter($get,$name,$characters) { $value = isset($get[$name])?$get[$name]:false; return $characters?preg_replace("/[^$characters]/",'',$value):$value; } protected function parseGetParameterArray($get,$name,$characters) { $values = isset($get[$name])?$get[$name]:false; if (!is_array($values)) $values = array($values); if ($characters) { foreach ($values as &$value) { $value = preg_replace("/[^$characters]/",'',$value); } } return $values; } protected function applyTableAuthorizer($callback,$action,$database,&$tables) { if (is_callable($callback,true)) foreach ($tables as $i=>$table) { if (!$callback($action,$database,$table)) { unset($tables[$i]); } } } protected function applyRecordFilter($callback,$action,$database,$tables,&$filters) { if (is_callable($callback,true)) foreach ($tables as $i=>$table) { $f = $this->convertFilters($callback($action,$database,$table)); if ($f) { if (!isset($filters[$table])) $filters[$table] = array(); if (!isset($filters[$table]['and'])) $filters[$table]['and'] = array(); $filters[$table]['and'] = array_merge($filters[$table]['and'],$f); } } } protected function applyTenancyFunction($callback,$action,$database,$fields,&$filters) { if (is_callable($callback,true)) foreach ($fields as $table=>$keys) { foreach ($keys as $field) { $v = $callback($action,$database,$table,$field->name); if ($v!==null) { if (!isset($filters[$table])) $filters[$table] = array(); if (!isset($filters[$table]['and'])) $filters[$table]['and'] = array(); $filters[$table]['and'][] = array($field->name,is_array($v)?'IN':'=',$v); } } } } protected function applyColumnAuthorizer($callback,$action,$database,&$fields) { if (is_callable($callback,true)) foreach ($fields as $table=>$keys) { foreach ($keys as $field) { if (!$callback($action,$database,$table,$field->name)) { unset($fields[$table][$field->name]); } } } } protected function applyInputTenancy($callback,$action,$database,$table,&$input,$keys) { if (is_callable($callback,true)) foreach ($keys as $key=>$field) { $v = $callback($action,$database,$table,$key); if ($v!==null) { if (is_array($v)) { if (!count($v)) { $input->$key = null; } elseif (!isset($input->$key)) { $input->$key = $v[0]; } elseif (!in_array($input->$key,$v)) { $input->$key = null; } } else { $input->$key = $v; } } } } protected function applyInputSanitizer($callback,$action,$database,$table,&$input,$keys) { if (is_callable($callback,true)) foreach ((array)$input as $key=>$value) { if (isset($keys[$key])) { $input->$key = $callback($action,$database,$table,$key,$keys[$key]->type,$value); } } } protected function applyInputValidator($callback,$action,$database,$table,$input,$keys,$context) { $errors = array(); if (is_callable($callback,true)) foreach ((array)$input as $key=>$value) { if (isset($keys[$key])) { $error = $callback($action,$database,$table,$key,$keys[$key]->type,$value,$context); if ($error!==true && $error!==null) $errors[$key] = $error; } } if (!empty($errors)) $this->exitWith422($errors); } protected function processTableAndIncludeParameters($database,$table,$include,$action) { $blacklist = array('information_schema','mysql','sys','pg_catalog'); if (in_array(strtolower($database), $blacklist)) return array(); $table_list = array(); if ($result = $this->db->query($this->db->getSql('reflect_table'),array($table,$database))) { while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) $table_list[] = $row[0]; $this->db->close($result); } if (empty($table_list)) $this->exitWith404('entity'); if ($action=='list') { foreach (explode(',',$include) as $table) { if ($result = $this->db->query($this->db->getSql('reflect_table'),array($table,$database))) { while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) $table_list[] = $row[0]; $this->db->close($result); } } } return $table_list; } protected function exitWith404($type) { if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { header('Content-Type:',true,404); die("Not found ($type)"); } else { throw new \Exception("Not found ($type)"); } } protected function exitWith422($object) { if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { header('Content-Type:',true,422); die(json_encode($object)); } else { throw new \Exception(json_encode($object)); } } protected function headersCommand($parameters) { $headers = array(); $headers[]='Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type'; $headers[]='Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET, PUT, POST, DELETE'; $headers[]='Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true'; $headers[]='Access-Control-Max-Age: 1728000'; if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { foreach ($headers as $header) header($header); } else { echo json_encode($headers); } } protected function startOutput($callback) { if ($callback) { if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { header('Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8'); } echo $callback.'('; } else { if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); } } } protected function endOutput($callback) { if ($callback) { echo ');'; } } protected function processKeyParameter($key,$tables,$database) { if (!$key) return false; $count = 0; $field = false; if ($result = $this->db->query($this->db->getSql('reflect_pk'),array($tables[0],$database))) { while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) { $count++; $field = $row[0]; } $this->db->close($result); } if ($count!=1 || $field==false) $this->exitWith404('1pk'); return array($key,$field); } protected function processOrderParameter($order) { if (!$order) return false; $order = explode(',',$order,2); if (count($order)<2) $order[1]='ASC'; if (!strlen($order[0])) return false; $order[1] = strtoupper($order[1])=='DESC'?'DESC':'ASC'; return $order; } protected function convertFilter($field, $comparator, $value) { switch (strtolower($comparator)) { case 'cs': $comparator = 'LIKE'; $value = '%'.$this->db->likeEscape($value).'%'; break; case 'sw': $comparator = 'LIKE'; $value = $this->db->likeEscape($value).'%'; break; case 'ew': $comparator = 'LIKE'; $value = '%'.$this->db->likeEscape($value); break; case 'eq': $comparator = '='; break; case 'ne': $comparator = '<>'; break; case 'lt': $comparator = '<'; break; case 'le': $comparator = '<='; break; case 'ge': $comparator = '>='; break; case 'gt': $comparator = '>'; break; case 'in': $comparator = 'IN'; $value = explode(',',$value); break; case 'ni': $comparator = 'NOT IN'; $value = explode(',',$value); break; case 'is': $comparator = 'IS'; $value = null; break; case 'no': $comparator = 'IS NOT'; $value = null; break; } return array($field, $comparator, $value); } protected function convertFilters($filters) { $result = array(); if ($filters) { for ($i=0;$iconvertFilter($filter[0],$filter[1],$filter[2]); } elseif (count($filter)==2) { $result[] = $this->convertFilter($filter[0],$filter[1],null); } } } return $result; } protected function processFiltersParameter($tables,$satisfy,$filters) { $result = $this->convertFilters($filters); if (!$result) return array(); $and = ($satisfy && strtolower($satisfy)=='any')?'or':'and'; return array($tables[0]=>array($and=>$result)); } protected function processPageParameter($page) { if (!$page) return false; $page = explode(',',$page,2); if (count($page)<2) $page[1]=20; $page[0] = ($page[0]-1)*$page[1]; return $page; } protected function retrieveObject($key,$fields,$filters,$tables) { if (!$key) return false; $table = $tables[0]; $sql = 'SELECT '; $sql .= '"'.implode('","',array_keys($fields[$table])).'"'; $sql .= ' FROM "!"'; $params = array($table); if (!isset($filters[$table])) $filters[$table] = array(); if (!isset($filters[$table]['or'])) $filters[$table]['or'] = array(); $filters[$table]['or'][] = array($key[1],'=',$key[0]); $this->addWhereFromFilters($filters[$table],$sql,$params); $object = null; if ($result = $this->db->query($sql,$params)) { $object = $this->db->fetchAssoc($result); foreach ($fields[$table] as $field) { if ($this->db->isBinaryType($field) && $object[$field->name]) { $object[$field->name] = $this->db->base64Encode($object[$field->name]); } } $this->db->close($result); } return $object; } protected function createObject($input,$tables) { if (!$input) return false; $input = (array)$input; $keys = implode('","',str_split(str_repeat('!', count($input)))); $values = implode(',',str_split(str_repeat('?', count($input)))); $params = array_merge(array_keys($input),array_values($input)); array_unshift($params, $tables[0]); $result = $this->db->query('INSERT INTO "!" ("'.$keys.'") VALUES ('.$values.')',$params); if (!$result) return null; return $this->db->insertId($result); } protected function updateObject($key,$input,$filters,$tables) { if (!$input) return false; $input = (array)$input; $table = $tables[0]; $sql = 'UPDATE "!" SET '; $params = array($table); foreach (array_keys($input) as $i=>$k) { if ($i) $sql .= ','; $v = $input[$k]; $sql .= '"!"=?'; $params[] = $k; $params[] = $v; } if (!isset($filters[$table])) $filters[$table] = array(); if (!isset($filters[$table]['or'])) $filters[$table]['or'] = array(); $filters[$table]['or'][] = array($key[1],'=',$key[0]); $this->addWhereFromFilters($filters[$table],$sql,$params); $result = $this->db->query($sql,$params); if (!$result) return null; return $this->db->affectedRows($result); } protected function deleteObject($key,$filters,$tables) { $table = $tables[0]; $sql = 'DELETE FROM "!"'; $params = array($table); if (!isset($filters[$table])) $filters[$table] = array(); if (!isset($filters[$table]['or'])) $filters[$table]['or'] = array(); $filters[$table]['or'][] = array($key[1],'=',$key[0]); $this->addWhereFromFilters($filters[$table],$sql,$params); $result = $this->db->query($sql,$params); if (!$result) return null; return $this->db->affectedRows($result); } protected function findRelations($tables,$database) { $tableset = array(); $collect = array(); $select = array(); while (count($tables)>1) { $table0 = array_shift($tables); $tableset[] = $table0; $result = $this->db->query($this->db->getSql('reflect_belongs_to'),array($table0,$tables,$database,$database)); while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) { $collect[$row[0]][$row[1]]=array(); $select[$row[2]][$row[3]]=array($row[0],$row[1]); if (!in_array($row[0],$tableset)) $tableset[] = $row[0]; } $result = $this->db->query($this->db->getSql('reflect_has_many'),array($tables,$table0,$database,$database)); while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) { $collect[$row[2]][$row[3]]=array(); $select[$row[0]][$row[1]]=array($row[2],$row[3]); if (!in_array($row[2],$tableset)) $tableset[] = $row[2]; } $result = $this->db->query($this->db->getSql('reflect_habtm'),array($database,$database,$database,$database,$table0,$tables)); while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) { $collect[$row[2]][$row[3]]=array(); $select[$row[0]][$row[1]]=array($row[2],$row[3]); $collect[$row[4]][$row[5]]=array(); $select[$row[6]][$row[7]]=array($row[4],$row[5]); if (!in_array($row[2],$tableset)) $tableset[] = $row[2]; if (!in_array($row[4],$tableset)) $tableset[] = $row[4]; } } $tableset[] = array_shift($tables); $tableset = array_unique($tableset); return array($tableset,$collect,$select); } protected function retrieveInput($post) { $input = (object)array(); $data = trim(file_get_contents($post)); if (strlen($data)>0) { if ($data[0]=='{') { $input = json_decode($data); } else { parse_str($data, $input); foreach ($input as $key => $value) { if (substr($key,-9)=='__is_null') { $input[substr($key,0,-9)] = null; unset($input[$key]); } } $input = (object)$input; } } return $input; } protected function addRelationColumns($columns,$select) { if ($columns) { foreach ($select as $table=>$keys) { foreach ($keys as $key=>$other) { $columns.=",$table.$key,".implode('.',$other); } } } return $columns; } protected function findFields($tables,$columns,$database) { $fields = array(); foreach ($tables as $i=>$table) { $fields[$table] = $this->findTableFields($table,$database); $fields[$table] = $this->filterFieldsByColumns($fields[$table],$columns,$i==0,$table); } return $fields; } protected function filterFieldsByColumns($fields,$columns,$first,$table) { if ($columns) { $columns = explode(',',$columns); foreach (array_keys($fields) as $key) { $delete = true; foreach ($columns as $column) { if (strpos($column,'.')) { if ($column=="$table.$key" || $column=="$table.*") { $delete = false; } } elseif ($first) { if ($column==$key || $column=="*") { $delete = false; } } } if ($delete) unset($fields[$key]); } } return $fields; } protected function findTableFields($table,$database) { $fields = array(); foreach ($this->db->fetchFields($table) as $field) { $fields[$field->name] = $field; } return $fields; } protected function filterInputByFields($input,$fields) { if ($fields) foreach (array_keys((array)$input) as $key) { if (!isset($fields[$key])) { unset($input->$key); } } return $input; } protected function convertBinary(&$input,$keys) { foreach ($keys as $key=>$field) { if (isset($input->$key) && $input->$key && $this->db->isBinaryType($field)) { $data = $input->$key; $data = str_pad(strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT); $input->$key = (object)array('type'=>'base64','data'=>$data); } } } protected function getParameters($settings) { extract($settings); $table = $this->parseRequestParameter($request, 'a-zA-Z0-9\-_'); $key = $this->parseRequestParameter($request, 'a-zA-Z0-9\-_'); // auto-increment or uuid $action = $this->mapMethodToAction($method,$key); $include = $this->parseGetParameter($get, 'include', 'a-zA-Z0-9\-_,'); $callback = $this->parseGetParameter($get, 'callback', 'a-zA-Z0-9\-_'); $page = $this->parseGetParameter($get, 'page', '0-9,'); $filters = $this->parseGetParameterArray($get, 'filter', false); $satisfy = $this->parseGetParameter($get, 'satisfy', 'a-zA-Z'); $columns = $this->parseGetParameter($get, 'columns', 'a-zA-Z0-9\-_,.*'); $order = $this->parseGetParameter($get, 'order', 'a-zA-Z0-9\-_,'); $transform = $this->parseGetParameter($get, 'transform', 't1'); $tables = $this->processTableAndIncludeParameters($database,$table,$include,$action); $key = $this->processKeyParameter($key,$tables,$database); $filters = $this->processFiltersParameter($tables,$satisfy,$filters); $page = $this->processPageParameter($page); $order = $this->processOrderParameter($order); // reflection list($tables,$collect,$select) = $this->findRelations($tables,$database); $columns = $this->addRelationColumns($columns,$select); $fields = $this->findFields($tables,$columns,$database); // permissions if ($table_authorizer) $this->applyTableAuthorizer($table_authorizer,$action,$database,$tables); if (!isset($tables[0])) $this->exitWith404('entity'); if ($record_filter) $this->applyRecordFilter($record_filter,$action,$database,$tables,$filters); if ($tenancy_function) $this->applyTenancyFunction($tenancy_function,$action,$database,$fields,$filters); if ($column_authorizer) $this->applyColumnAuthorizer($column_authorizer,$action,$database,$fields); if ($post) { // input $context = $this->retrieveInput($post); $input = $this->filterInputByFields($context,$fields[$tables[0]]); if ($tenancy_function) $this->applyInputTenancy($tenancy_function,$action,$database,$tables[0],$input,$fields[$tables[0]]); if ($input_sanitizer) $this->applyInputSanitizer($input_sanitizer,$action,$database,$tables[0],$input,$fields[$tables[0]]); if ($input_validator) $this->applyInputValidator($input_validator,$action,$database,$tables[0],$input,$fields[$tables[0]],$context); $this->convertBinary($input,$fields[$tables[0]]); } return compact('action','database','tables','key','callback','page','filters','fields','order','transform','input','collect','select'); } protected function addWhereFromFilters($filters,&$sql,&$params) { $first = true; if (isset($filters['or'])) { $first = false; $sql .= ' WHERE ('; foreach ($filters['or'] as $i=>$filter) { $sql .= $i==0?'':' OR '; $sql .= '"!" ! ?'; $params[] = $filter[0]; $params[] = $filter[1]; $params[] = $filter[2]; } $sql .= ')'; } if (isset($filters['and'])) { foreach ($filters['and'] as $i=>$filter) { $sql .= $first?' WHERE ':' AND '; $sql .= '"!" ! ?'; $params[] = $filter[0]; $params[] = $filter[1]; $params[] = $filter[2]; $first = false; } } } protected function listCommandInternal($parameters) { extract($parameters); echo '{'; $table = array_shift($tables); // first table $count = false; echo '"'.$table.'":{'; if (is_array($order) && is_array($page)) { $params = array(); $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "!"'; $params[] = $table; if (isset($filters[$table])) { $this->addWhereFromFilters($filters[$table],$sql,$params); } if ($result = $this->db->query($sql,$params)) { while ($pages = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) { $count = $pages[0]; } } } $params = array(); $sql = 'SELECT '; $sql .= '"'.implode('","',array_keys($fields[$table])).'"'; $sql .= ' FROM "!"'; $params[] = $table; if (isset($filters[$table])) { $this->addWhereFromFilters($filters[$table],$sql,$params); } if (is_array($order)) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY "!" !'; $params[] = $order[0]; $params[] = $order[1]; } if (is_array($order) && is_array($page)) { $sql = $this->db->addLimitToSql($sql,$page[1],$page[0]); } if ($result = $this->db->query($sql,$params)) { echo '"columns":'; $keys = array(); $base64 = array(); foreach ($fields[$table] as $field) { $base64[] = $this->db->isBinaryType($field); $keys[] = $field->name; } echo json_encode($keys); $keys = array_flip($keys); echo ',"records":['; $first_row = true; while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) { if ($first_row) $first_row = false; else echo ','; if (isset($collect[$table])) { foreach (array_keys($collect[$table]) as $field) { $collect[$table][$field][] = $row[$keys[$field]]; } } foreach ($base64 as $k=>$v) { if ($v && $row[$k]) { $row[$k] = $this->db->base64Encode($row[$k]); } } echo json_encode($row); } $this->db->close($result); echo ']'; if ($count) echo ','; } if ($count) echo '"results":'.$count; echo '}'; // other tables foreach ($tables as $t=>$table) { echo ','; echo '"'.$table.'":{'; $params = array(); $sql = 'SELECT '; $sql .= '"'.implode('","',array_keys($fields[$table])).'"'; $sql .= ' FROM "!"'; $params[] = $table; if (isset($select[$table])) { echo '"relations":{'; $first_row = true; foreach ($select[$table] as $field => $path) { $values = $collect[$path[0]][$path[1]]; if (!isset($filters[$table])) $filters[$table] = array(); if (!isset($filters[$table]['or'])) $filters[$table]['or'] = array(); $filters[$table]['or'][] = array($field,'IN',$values); if ($first_row) $first_row = false; else echo ','; echo '"'.$field.'":"'.implode('.',$path).'"'; } echo '}'; $this->addWhereFromFilters($filters[$table],$sql,$params); } if ($result = $this->db->query($sql,$params)) { if (isset($select[$table])) echo ','; echo '"columns":'; $keys = array(); $base64 = array(); foreach ($fields[$table] as $field) { $base64[] = $this->db->isBinaryType($field); $keys[] = $field->name; } echo json_encode($keys); $keys = array_flip($keys); echo ',"records":['; $first_row = true; while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) { if ($first_row) $first_row = false; else echo ','; if (isset($collect[$table])) { foreach (array_keys($collect[$table]) as $field) { $collect[$table][$field][]=$row[$keys[$field]]; } } foreach ($base64 as $k=>$v) { if ($v && $row[$k]) { $row[$k] = $this->db->base64Encode($row[$k]); } } echo json_encode($row); } $this->db->close($result); echo ']'; } echo '}'; } echo '}'; } protected function readCommand($parameters) { extract($parameters); $object = $this->retrieveObject($key,$fields,$filters,$tables); if (!$object) $this->exitWith404('object'); $this->startOutput($callback); echo json_encode($object); $this->endOutput($callback); } protected function createCommand($parameters) { extract($parameters); if (!$input) $this->exitWith404('input'); $this->startOutput($callback); echo json_encode($this->createObject($input,$tables)); $this->endOutput($callback); } protected function updateCommand($parameters) { extract($parameters); if (!$input) $this->exitWith404('subject'); $this->startOutput($callback); echo json_encode($this->updateObject($key,$input,$filters,$tables)); $this->endOutput($callback); } protected function deleteCommand($parameters) { extract($parameters); $this->startOutput($callback); echo json_encode($this->deleteObject($key,$filters,$tables)); $this->endOutput($callback); } protected function listCommand($parameters) { extract($parameters); $this->startOutput($callback); if ($transform) { ob_start(); } $this->listCommandInternal($parameters); if ($transform) { $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $data = json_decode($content,true); echo json_encode(self::php_crud_api_transform($data)); } $this->endOutput($callback); } public function __construct($config) { extract($config); // initialize $dbengine = isset($dbengine)?$dbengine:null; $hostname = isset($hostname)?$hostname:null; $username = isset($username)?$username:null; $password = isset($password)?$password:null; $database = isset($database)?$database:null; $port = isset($port)?$port:null; $socket = isset($socket)?$socket:null; $charset = isset($charset)?$charset:null; $table_authorizer = isset($table_authorizer)?$table_authorizer:null; $record_filter = isset($record_filter)?$record_filter:null; $column_authorizer = isset($column_authorizer)?$column_authorizer:null; $tenancy_function = isset($tenancy_function)?$tenancy_function:null; $input_sanitizer = isset($input_sanitizer)?$input_sanitizer:null; $input_validator = isset($input_validator)?$input_validator:null; $db = isset($db)?$db:null; $method = isset($method)?$method:null; $request = isset($request)?$request:null; $get = isset($get)?$get:null; $post = isset($post)?$post:null; // defaults if (!$dbengine) { $dbengine = 'MySQL'; } if (!$method) { $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; } if (!$request) { $request = isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])?$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']:''; if (!$request) { $request = isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'])?$_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']:''; } } if (!$get) { $get = $_GET; } if (!$post) { $post = 'php://input'; } // connect $request = trim($request,'/'); if (!$database) { $database = $this->parseRequestParameter($request, 'a-zA-Z0-9\-_'); } if (!$db) { $db = new $dbengine(); if (!$charset) { $charset = $db->getDefaultCharset(); } $db->connect($hostname,$username,$password,$database,$port,$socket,$charset); } $this->db = $db; $this->settings = compact('method', 'request', 'get', 'post', 'database', 'table_authorizer', 'record_filter', 'column_authorizer', 'tenancy_function', 'input_sanitizer', 'input_validator'); } public static function php_crud_api_transform(&$tables) { $get_objects = function (&$tables,$table_name,$where_index=false,$match_value=false) use (&$get_objects) { $objects = array(); if (isset($tables[$table_name]['records'])) { foreach ($tables[$table_name]['records'] as $record) { if ($where_index===false || $record[$where_index]==$match_value) { $object = array(); foreach ($tables[$table_name]['columns'] as $index=>$column) { $object[$column] = $record[$index]; foreach ($tables as $relation=>$reltable) { if (isset($reltable['relations'])) { foreach ($reltable['relations'] as $key=>$target) { if ($target == "$table_name.$column") { $column_indices = array_flip($reltable['columns']); $object[$relation] = $get_objects($tables,$relation,$column_indices[$key],$record[$index]); } } } } } $objects[] = $object; } } } return $objects; }; $tree = array(); foreach ($tables as $name=>$table) { if (!isset($table['relations'])) { $tree[$name] = $get_objects($tables,$name); if (isset($table['results'])) { $tree['_results'] = $table['results']; } } } return $tree; } protected function swagger($settings) { extract($settings); $tables = array(); if ($result = $this->db->query($this->db->getSql('list_tables'),array($database))) { while ($row = $this->db->fetchRow($result)) { $table = array( 'name'=>$row[0], 'comments'=>$row[1], 'root_actions'=>array( array('name'=>'list','method'=>'get'), array('name'=>'create','method'=>'post'), ), 'id_actions'=>array( array('name'=>'read','method'=>'get'), array('name'=>'update','method'=>'put'), array('name'=>'delete','method'=>'delete'), ), ); $tables[] = $table; } $this->db->close($result); } foreach ($tables as $t=>$table) { foreach (array('root_actions','id_actions') as $path) { foreach ($table[$path] as $i=>$action) { $table_list = array($table['name']); $fields = $this->findFields($table_list,false,$database); if ($table_authorizer) $this->applyTableAuthorizer($table_authorizer,$action['name'],$database,$table_list); if ($column_authorizer) $this->applyColumnAuthorizer($column_authorizer,$action['name'],$database,$fields); if (!$table_list || !$fields[$table['name']]) $tables[$t][$path][$i] = false; else $tables[$t][$path][$i]['fields'] = $fields[$table['name']]; } // remove unauthorized tables and tables without fields $tables[$t][$path] = array_values(array_filter($tables[$t][$path])); } if (!$tables[$t]['root_actions']&&!$tables[$t]['id_actions']) $tables[$t] = false; } $tables = array_merge(array_filter($tables)); //var_dump($tables);die(); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo '{"swagger":"2.0",'; echo '"info":{'; echo '"title":"'.$database.'",'; echo '"description":"API generated with [PHP_CRUD_API](https://github.com/mevdschee/php-crud-api)",'; echo '"version":"1.0.0"'; echo '},'; echo '"host":"'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'",'; echo '"basePath":"'.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'",'; echo '"schemes":["http'.((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])&&$_SERVER['HTTPS']!=='off')?'s':'').'"],'; echo '"consumes":["application/json"],'; echo '"produces":["application/json"],'; echo '"tags":['; foreach ($tables as $i=>$table) { if ($i>0) echo ','; echo '{'; echo '"name":"'.$table['name'].'",'; echo '"description":"'.$table['comments'].'"'; echo '}'; } echo '],'; echo '"paths":{'; foreach ($tables as $i=>$table) { if ($table['root_actions']) { if ($i>0) echo ','; echo '"/'.$table['name'].'":{'; foreach ($table['root_actions'] as $j=>$action) { if ($j>0) echo ','; echo '"'.$action['method'].'":{'; echo '"tags":["'.$table['name'].'"],'; echo '"summary":"'.ucfirst($action['name']).'",'; if ($action['name']=='list') { echo '"parameters":['; echo '{'; echo '"name":"include",'; echo '"in":"query",'; echo '"description":"One or more related entities (comma separated).",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"type":"string"'; echo '},'; echo '{'; echo '"name":"order",'; echo '"in":"query",'; echo '"description":"Column you want to sort on and the sort direction (comma separated). Example: id,desc",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"type":"string"'; echo '},'; echo '{'; echo '"name":"page",'; echo '"in":"query",'; echo '"description":"Page number and page size (comma separated). NB: You cannot use \"page\" without \"order\"! Example: 1,10",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"type":"string"'; echo '},'; echo '{'; echo '"name":"transform",'; echo '"in":"query",'; echo '"description":"Transform the records to object format. NB: This can also be done client-side in JavaScript!",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"type":"boolean"'; echo '},'; echo '{'; echo '"name":"columns",'; echo '"in":"query",'; echo '"description":"The table columns you want to retrieve (comma separated). Example: posts.*,categories.name",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"type":"string"'; echo '},'; echo '{'; echo '"name":"filter[]",'; echo '"in":"query",'; echo '"description":"Filters to be applied. Each filter consists of a column, an operator and a value (comma separated). Example: id,eq,1",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"type":"array",'; echo '"collectionFormat":"multi",'; echo '"items":{"type":"string"}'; echo '},'; echo '{'; echo '"name":"satisfy",'; echo '"in":"query",'; echo '"description":"Should all filters match (default)? Or any?",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"type":"string",'; echo '"enum":["any"]'; echo '},'; echo '{'; echo '"name":"callback",'; echo '"in":"query",'; echo '"description":"JSONP callback function name",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"type":"string"'; echo '}'; echo '],'; echo '"responses":{'; echo '"200":{'; echo '"description":"An array of '.$table['name'].'",'; echo '"schema":{'; echo '"type":"array",'; echo '"items":{'; echo '"type": "object",'; echo '"properties": {'; foreach (array_keys($action['fields']) as $k=>$field) { if ($k>0) echo ','; echo '"'.$field.'": {'; echo '"type": "string"'; echo '}'; } echo '}'; //properties echo '}'; //items echo '}'; //schema echo '}'; //200 echo '}'; //responses } if ($action['name']=='create') { echo '"parameters":[{'; echo '"name":"item",'; echo '"in":"body",'; echo '"description":"Item to create.",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"schema":{'; echo '"type": "object",'; echo '"properties": {'; foreach (array_keys($action['fields']) as $k=>$field) { if ($k>0) echo ','; echo '"'.$field.'": {'; echo '"type": "string"'; echo '}'; } echo '}'; //properties echo '}'; //schema echo '}],'; echo '"responses":{'; echo '"200":{'; echo '"description":"Identifier of created item.",'; echo '"schema":{'; echo '"type":"integer"'; echo '}';//schema echo '}';//200 echo '}';//responses } echo '}';//method } echo '}'; } if ($table['id_actions']) { if ($i>0 || $table['root_actions']) echo ','; echo '"/'.$table['name'].'/{id}":{'; foreach ($table['id_actions'] as $j=>$action) { if ($j>0) echo ','; echo '"'.$action['method'].'":{'; echo '"tags":["'.$table['name'].'"],'; echo '"summary":"'.ucfirst($action['name']).'",'; echo '"parameters":['; echo '{'; echo '"name":"id",'; echo '"in":"path",'; echo '"description":"Identifier for item.",'; echo '"required":true,'; echo '"type":"string"'; echo '}'; if ($action['name']=='update') { echo ',{'; echo '"name":"item",'; echo '"in":"body",'; echo '"description":"Properties of item to update.",'; echo '"required":false,'; echo '"schema":{'; echo '"type": "object",'; echo '"properties": {'; foreach (array_keys($action['fields']) as $k=>$field) { if ($k>0) echo ','; echo '"'.$field.'": {'; echo '"type": "string"'; echo '}'; } echo '}'; //properties echo '}'; //schema echo '}'; } echo '],'; if ($action['name']=='read') { echo '"responses":{'; echo '"200":{'; echo '"description":"The requested item.",'; echo '"schema":{'; echo '"type": "object",'; echo '"properties": {'; foreach (array_keys($action['fields']) as $k=>$field) { if ($k>0) echo ','; echo '"'.$field.'": {'; echo '"type": "string"'; echo '}'; } echo '}'; //properties echo '}'; //schema echo '}'; echo '}'; } else { echo '"responses":{'; echo '"200":{'; echo '"description":"Number of affected rows.",'; echo '"schema":{'; echo '"type":"integer"'; echo '}'; echo '}'; echo '}'; } echo '}'; } echo '}'; } } echo '}'; echo '}'; } public function executeCommand() { if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); } if (!$this->settings['request']) { $this->swagger($this->settings); } else { $parameters = $this->getParameters($this->settings); switch($parameters['action']){ case 'list': $this->listCommand($parameters); break; case 'read': $this->readCommand($parameters); break; case 'create': $this->createCommand($parameters); break; case 'update': $this->updateCommand($parameters); break; case 'delete': $this->deleteCommand($parameters); break; case 'headers': $this->headersCommand($parameters); break; } } } } // uncomment the lines below when running in stand-alone mode: // $api = new PHP_CRUD_API(array( // 'dbengine'=>'MySQL', // 'hostname'=>'localhost', // 'username'=>'xxx', // 'password'=>'xxx', // 'database'=>'xxx', // 'charset'=>'utf8' // )); // $api->executeCommand(); // For Microsoft SQL Server 2012 use: // $api = new PHP_CRUD_API(array( // 'dbengine'=>'SQLServer', // 'hostname'=>'(local)', // 'username'=>'', // 'password'=>'', // 'database'=>'xxx', // 'charset'=>'UTF-8' // )); // $api->executeCommand(); // For PostgreSQL 9 use: // $api = new PHP_CRUD_API(array( // 'dbengine'=>'PostgreSQL', // 'hostname'=>'localhost', // 'username'=>'xxx', // 'password'=>'xxx', // 'database'=>'xxx', // 'charset'=>'UTF8' // )); // $api->executeCommand(); // For SQLite 3 use: // $api = new PHP_CRUD_API(array( // 'dbengine'=>'SQLite', // 'database'=>'data/blog.db', // )); // $api->executeCommand();