if( typeof characters === "undefined" ) var characters = new Characters(); /*characters.createSamourai( "bushi", "f", "", "sons of the mountain tribe", "mirumoto bushi", 0, 0, { "knives" : 2 }) ; characters.createSamourai( "bushi", "f", "", "sons of the mountain tribe", "mirumoto bushi", 0, 0, { "swordwanship" : 2 }) ; characters.createSamourai( "bushi", "f", "", "sons of the mountain tribe", "mirumoto bushi", 0, 0, { "crossbow" : 2 }) ; characters.createSamourai( "bushi", "f", "", "daughters of the flame", "mirumoto bushi", 0, 0, { "crossbow" : 2 }) ; */ /*characters.createPeople( "f", "smith staff", "shokunin", "craftman", { "staves" : 2 }); characters.createPeople( "f", "smith knives", "shokunin", "craftman", { "knives" : 2 }); characters.createPeople( "f", "smith browler", "shokunin", "craftman", { "jiujtsu" : 2 }); characters.createPeople( "f", "smith spear", "shokunin", "craftman", { "spear" : 2 }); */ /* Topaze */ characters.createPeople( "f", "z", "shokunin", "craftman", { "z_fist" : 2 });